Sunday, December 20, 2009

Pass me the positive news stories, please

By Dave Stancliff

 For The Times-Standard

Posted: 12/20/2009 01:27:22 AM PST

 Good things happen in the world every day, but they are seldom reported in the major media news outlets. Not even for the holidays.

 Bad news dominates what we hear and read at every turn. Just look at the headlines on any given day; “Tiger Woods cheats on his wife -- repeatedly” or “Five car bombs in Bagdad kill hundreds.”

Really terrible news produces documentaries or is made into Hollywood movies to satisfy public bloodlust and morbid curiosity. Do you know why violence and bad news are so pervasive today?

The answer? We feed the frenzy. The media, the entertainment world, sports scandals and the seamy world of politicians are all daily items that bring us down, but we choose to follow them. Not all of us, of course, but the masses, like ravaging hyenas, call for the gloom and doom that sells books and movies like 2012, a “thriller” depicting the entire earth under siege from elements gone berserk!

Go here to read the rest.

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