Friday, December 18, 2009

House passes Bay Area lawmaker's bill to turn down volume of noisy TV ads

Wow! So it is possible to get a bipartisan vote these days. Look at the subject though: irritating loud commercials. How can anyone vote to keep them?

The English banned loud commercials last year.

I’m not letting this moment excite me too much as this was hardly reflective of what our legislators do when it comes to an important issues.

Excerpt from Dec. 15th Contra Costa Times:

Showing bipartisan opposition to blaring TV commercials, the House on Tuesday decisively approved legislation to turn down the volume.

The measure, sponsored by Rep. Anna Eshoo, D-Palo Alto, and approved by a voice vote, directs the Federal Communications Commission to enforce a set of technical standards — recently approved by a body representing the broadcasting industry — to essentially ensure that TV ads are not noticeably louder than the programming they follow.

Jarringly loud commercials have been among the top complaints to the FCC for decades.” Read the rest of the story here.

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