Friday, September 4, 2009

Obama's back-to-school address touches off a new confrontation with conservatives

  If anyone wants proof that this country is in political gridlock, then this controversy about our president talking to school children about staying in school, should make the argument.

The Republicans have once again solidified their mission as the Obstructionist Party by trying to make hay over something past presidents have done without any problems from crazed conservatives.

Click here to read more about those conservative obstructionists at AlterNet.

After reading the above Link and the article below ask yourself, “Is our President trying to spread socialism?” Or, is this just another tempest in a teapot by conservatives? I’m interested in getting your comments on this issue.


When kids all across the country return to school Tuesday, some will see a welcoming message from President Barack Obama and some won't.

Obama's planned address to students has touched off yet another confrontation with Republican critics, who have battered the White House over health care and now accuse the president of foisting a political agenda on children.

The president will speak directly to students Tuesday about the need to work hard and stay in school. His address will be shown live on the White House Web site and on C-SPAN at noon EDT, a time when classrooms across the country will be able to tune in.
Schools don't have to show it. But districts across the country have been inundated with phone calls from parents and are struggling to address the controversy that broke out after Education Secretary Arne Duncan sent a letter to principals urging schools to tune in.
Districts in states including Texas, Illinois, Minnesota,Missouri, Virginia and Wisconsin have decided not to show the speech to students. Others are still thinking it over or are letting parents have their kids opt out.

Click here to read the rest at The Chicago Tribune.


Tom Holloway said...

I think this guy couldn't do a damn thing right in the eyes of some people. And its a shame.gruss

Tom Holloway said...

The word appearing at the end of my comment, "gruss", was actually the verification word I should have entered in the box to the right. Ooops!

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...