Friday, September 21, 2012

Drill, Baby, Drill Regardless of the Consequences - Fueling the Addiction

A cartoon image

             Good Day Humboldt County!

Thirty national parks face the prospect of future oil and gas drilling within their borders.

The BNP Petroleum Corporation's gas rig (shown below) on Padre Island National Seashore, Texas. Oil and gas drilling in national parks has the potential to be devastating to natural wildlife and poses risks to environmental safety and public health.

A natural gas rig on a national seashore in Texas

See more: Drilling Could Threaten Our National Parks by Jessica Goad

Cartoon By Ann Telnaes, the Cartoonist Group

Time for me to walk on down the road…

Trump's VP Choice: The Clown Parade Begins This Weekend

There's a major fundraiser at Mar-a-Lago this weekend touting Trump's possible vice-presidential picks. This donor retreat will fea...