Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Protecting A Legacy: Kennedy Family Backs Biden

Imagine for a moment that a member of your family, the real crazy one, suddenly appeared on the national scene spewing conspiracy theories and running for president.

That's what happened to the proud Kennedy clan when Robert F. Kennedy decided to run for president as a third-party candidate this year.

Having established his right-wing credentials by being a top vaccine denier, RFK Jr emerged from the swamp of conspiracy theorists and QAnon as a chief disseminator of misinformation about the deadly COVID virus.

Kennedy Family Fights Back

Photo: President Biden greets Kennedy clan on St. Patrick's Day at the White House. Kerry Kennedy, the seventh of Robert and Ethal Kennedy's eleven children and president of the family foundation, played a lead role in organizing the family photo to support President Biden.

Kerry Kennedy has also taken the lead on helping President Biden's candidacy by organizing family member's political work.

Stephan Kennedy Smith posted the Rose Garden photo afterwards, warning that his cousin could hand the election to Trump and "put our democratic process at risk."

The Democratic National Committee announced this week that Mary Beth Cahill, a former chief of staff to Sen. Ted Kennedy will serve as senior advisor in the party's efforts to counter third party candidates.

The Kennedy family is doing everything they can to preserve their legacy, even going after one of their own in favor of democracy.

As a kid I idolized John F. Kennedy. He was a military hero and president of the United States. When he was assassinated, I was crushed.

To think a member of his own family is now threatening to help a wannabee dictator by being a political spoiler, is beyond the pale.

As it Stands, Biden is going to need all the help he can to stay in the White House. Hopefully the Kennedy clan's efforts will make a positive difference.

Monday, March 18, 2024

It's Time to Pay Up Donnie!

It's looks like there will be some prime real estate going on the market soon in New York City.

Convicted rapist and former president Trump is unable to post the bond to satisfy the $464 million civil fraud judgement against him.

Now it's time to pay up. Time to grab Donnie by the wallet and watch him whine. 

His lawyers, in another last moment appellate court filing pleaded with the judge to secure the bond in a lesser amount. 

Alina Habba and Clifford Robert - Trump's lawyers - proposed a far lesser amount to a skeptical Judge Arthur Engoron.

Habba and Robert claimed, "Obtaining such cash through a 'fire sale' of real estate holdings would inevitably result in massive, irrecoverable losses - textbook irreparable injury."

The judge said no. The full amount must be posted in order to file the appeal. Period. End of the story.

No one should be surprised that Don the Con is having such a tough time securing bond.

The surety companies have not allowed the Trump Organization to use its properties as collateral, leaving the company with the only option of posting 120% of the bond in the form of cash and cash equivalents, totaling $557, 491,716.

Trump's attorneys, while claiming the company is in a strong liquidity position, admit Trump does not have that much in cash or equivalents. Isn't that too bad?

No amount of whining and wailing will change Trump's situation. For the second time (the E.J. Carroll case cost him 91 million) in his life Trump is the one paying the piper for his corruption.

As it Stands, I will be watching with pleasure when the state puts up Trump Tower (and his other properties) for sale. It'll be the fire sale of the century.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Stay Away from My Decaf Coffee!

Quick backstory.

My name is Dave, and I was once a caffein addict. 

I drank it morning noon and night. If I could have, I would have had a permanent caffein drip inserted into my arm.

I started drinking coffee around 1966 when I discovered it as a sophomore in high school. Since then, I developed into an addict that was very grumpy when I didn't have my caffein fix the moment I opened my eyes.

Then I had an epiphany - along with my wife - last year and cut the caffein and replaced it with decaf coffee. That artificial buzz was taking a toll on both of us, especially my wife who has heart issues.

It wasn't exactly like quitting cold turkey because decafe still tastes good. You still feel like it's the real deal, but without the ill effects of consuming too much caffein.  

On Decaf Coffee

Now that I've found a good substitute I've discovered there's a significant coffee controversary brewing between two activist groups and a California lawmaker who have petitioned to ban European Method decaf - the most common form of decaffeinated coffee in the country.

The controversy centers on decaf because its produced using chemical solvents, including methylene chloride, which bind to the caffeine and extracts it from the beans.

In January California Assemblymember Eloise Reyes proposed new legislation that would expressly prohibit a "person or entity from using methylene chloride in the process of decaffeinating coffee" starting in 2027.

The bill was introduced in Feb and has yet to be heard in counsel.

Here's What I Learned

The European Method decafe is authorized as safe by the rigorous standards of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the European Food Safety Authority, Food Standards Australia New Zealand, and other food authorities around the world.

According to the National Coffee Association, 26 million Americans drink decaffeinated coffee every day and the majority of it was made using the European method for more than 50 years.

As it Stands, decaf coffee is the best of two worlds. I don't want to see some clowns change that. Just stay away from my damn decaf!

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Mainstream Media is Doing a Disservice to American Viewers

I can't trust the so-called mainstream media these days because it's looking more like the lamestream media when it comes to coverage on Trump's bid to overturn our Constitutional Democracy and become America's first dictator.

It seems the news organizations didn't learn their mistake the first time when Trump ran for the presidency, and they gave him carte blanche coverage - lies and all. That's where the problem began when it came to factual and credible reporting about Trump.

This massive mistake by editors has taken its toll on journalism in America, muddying up the truth to the point no one knows what to believe. By giving a malicious sociopath so much coverage - without constantly fact-checking him - news organizations are doing a disservice to their viewers and readers.

Here's the most recent example...

CNBC made a curious decision to WELCOME Donald Trump onto its airwaves for an extended live telephone chat Monday.

Squake Box news line, hosted by Joe Kernen, allowed itself to be taken over by the twice-impeached, four-time indicted, insurrection-inciting former president who immediately launched his trademark "fact free" rants.

Kernen didn't even make the slightest attempt to correct the lies Trump was spewing to thousands of listeners. Listening to the CNBC host brushing aside the insidious comments and outright lies told me that this wasn't a serious interview.

There was one or two feeble attempts to ask him a question, but they were turned aside as Trump dominated the broadcast with his rambling and laundry list of lies.

The whole thing was a disgrace. Not one attempt to live fact-check the biggest liar on the planet. The station running their Mea culpa acknowledgement stating the facts about Trump's claims AFTER THE FACT was a useless attempt to cover up the damage inflicted.

How many people won't see or hear this admission they let loose lips Trump tell lies live on the air? It's a typical Trumpian tactic that only works if a network is complicit - like CNBC was this time.

Why is this happening?

I think it's obvious. Trump is a money-maker who every time he gets a platform his cult tunes in like the loyal minions they are. These once-respectable news outlets have made a decision - milk Trump mania if it continues to bring in readers or viewers - and damn doing the right thing.

What happened at CNBC was the host surrendered the channel's air to Trump, allowing the convicted rapist to abuse the platform and mislead its audience of influential viewers - by phone.

It wasn't a "perfect phone call."

As a former newspaper publisher and editor, I'm aghast at what's happening to journalism in this country today.

I remember when publications and social platforms couldn't get away with blatantly lying because their viewers and readers would call them out. 

Some listeners may call out CNBC for letting Trump spread propaganda, but their concerns will go unanswered because the channel waited until AFTER the damage was done to correct Trump.

And that seems to be the new terrible norm in journalism today.

As it Stands, if this trend continues Trump could very well win and then credible journalism in this country will be totally crushed by that orange ape.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Trump Now Owns the Republican National Committee and is Rebranding It

It's official.

Like termites, Trump's handpicked team of loyalists have taken over the Republican National Committee and fired most of the staff in order to completely re-brand the party.

The RNC has chosen a new leadership team, chair Michael Whatley, and co-chair Lara Trump to carry out Donald Trump's every wish.

I'm waiting for Trump to officially rename/rebrand it the Party of Trump. It's inevitable. The man's ego is bigger than a blimp filled with toxic flatulence.

I can imagine the MAGA morons swarming into offices where the last of the conservative Republicans had Ronald Reagan's photo on the walls being quickly replaced with a 24-hour TV monitor hawking Trump merchandise to the faithful.

The elephant symbol for the party will be replaced with golden painted statutes of Trump in assorted ridiculous poses.

The one thing the new Party of Trump doesn't have a lot of is money. According to a January campaign finance filing the GOP had an historically low $8.7 million cash on hand while the Democrats had $24 million.

Then there's that little matter of coming up with millions of dollars to pay Trump's legal fees which will be foremost on the new party's agenda. 

The legal fees in his criminal cases are literally increasing every day, and the coffers can't cover that big a cash drain for long.

Like everything Trump gets his tiny hands on he's blown up the once proud Republican party whose last real conservative members are leaving Congress in droves.

I almost feel sorry for the ousted Republicans, but then I consider they probably voted for the orange ape and are getting their just reward.

Trump is a loser. He has solidified a following of losers who live in an alternate world and are untouched by reality and facts. This dangerous segment of zombies in our society are directly challenging yours, and mine, freedoms. 

As it Stands, the question this November is do we want a Constitutional Democracy? Or do we want an autocracy? We'll find out at the polls.

Monday, March 11, 2024

Remember When?

Do you remember when presidential candidates weren't convicted rapists?

I do.

Let's take a stroll down memory lane in America before chaos set in and a cult that worships dictators that overthrew the Republican party took hold like a cancer in our society.

Remember when there were consequences for trying to overthrow an election? 

Today we have a candidate who not only attempted a coup but who also promises he'll tear up the Constitution if he gets into the Oval Office again.

Remember when it was safe to go to the grocery store or movie theatre? 

Mass shootings have become common in every public space possible - including schools.

Remember when politicians that had extramarital affairs couldn't get elected for president? Think Gary Hart.

Today we have a man convicted of rape, fraud, and charged with 91 felony counts in four jurisdictions, who is the party nominee for president.

Remember when Americans all watched the same news programs on three television stations? ABC, NBC, and CBS. We trusted newscasters like Walter Cronkite and Edward R. Murrow in those days.

Today there are so many news sources with misinformation that people no longer trust what they hear, unless it's a platform featuring things they want to hear. Millions of Americans are living in news silos that gratifies their personal desires.

Remember when there was only one interpretation for the word patriot?

Now the word has been demeaned by the far right and is used to portray followers of the Trump cult. 

Remember when Republicans believed in our Constitutional Democracy?

Now they believe in an autocratic state ran by one man with no limit to his powers.

Remember when it was shameful if you were caught lying in public?

Now it's a badge of honor for Trump's minions who have learned how to double down on lies.

As it Stands, I'm deeply disappointed with the current state of affairs in our not so United States of America. Despite that, I still believe there's enough good people in this country to reverse the negative trends we face today.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Why is there so Much Hostility Against Churches?

A new report has found that there is a growing "hostility and distain" for Christians in America.

Note that the report, coming from the conservative Family Research Council, is only about Christian churches and does not address the violence against Jewish Temples and other minority religions.

According to Rev. Franklin Graham, CEO of the Billy Grham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan's Purse. the report showed how far-left ideologies have infiltrated the culture and increased "distain" for Christians.

On Christian Churches in America 

When you talk about Christian churches in America they are really divided in their interpretations of God's laws and Jesus's mission among the people.

The majority (42%) of Christian Americans are Protestant, though there are significant numbers of American Roman Catholics and other Christian denominations such as Latter-Day Saints, Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox Christians and Jehovah's Witnesses.

Off shoots to the church like Baptists and Evangelicals are becoming dominate among the religions groups and are more likely to get involved in politics. Nationalist Christians are on the rise.

Which brings us to the question of why there's so much hostility against churches?

With the emergence of the Trump cult congregations, we're seeing a war against other religions and secular citizens across the nation.

Evangelical pastors are worshiping Lord Trump and preach hatred against anyone who defies the wannabe dictator.

How Trump managed to pollute and indoctrinate so many pastors is a mystery to me. The result has been a rise in antisemitism and anti-government propaganda spread by gullible parishioners who think taking a stand for Trump is what God wants.

The narrative these fake pastors pass on is that socialism is taking over the country and they fear "true Christians" will be locked up and prosecuted by the liberals. That doomsday scenario appeals to these false representatives of God who spread lies instead of the gospel.

In the Bible there's a passage warning about "false prophets." They are here now spreading the seeds of hate.

Today's false prophets are pushing for anarchy instead of talking about love and forgiveness. 

MAGA pastors complain they are experiencing a "white collar persecution," such as threats, government harassment, and efforts by politicians or activist groups to silence the church.

What's happening is there's resistance to these prophets and their deplorable followers who would like to run the government and install their Lord Trump as a lifetime dictator. Most Americans aren't happy with the chaos these false prophets have brought to our society.

As it Stands, there's other reasons why church attendance is down in America and why violence against all denominations is at an all-time high.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Trump Entertains Autocrat Who Hates Democracy

Since Trump moved into Mar-a-Lago it's been a hot spot for autocrats, racists, Nazis, crooked politicians from every level of government, and people who hate minorities and people of color.

In other words, a MAGA paradise where bad actors gather from around the world to plot against our Constitutional Democracy.

The latest scumbag to visit Mar-a-Lago was the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban who hates democracy and loves Trump. And why not? Trump loves dictators and strongmen who have complete control of people's lives.

It marked an extraordinary move: a foreign leader paying a visit to the United States, including making a stop in the nation's capital (the same day of the State of the Union Address), without meeting with the sitting president and instead meeting with his political rival.

What are Orban's credentials? He's known for championing what he terms "illiberal democracy" complete with limits on LGBTQ+ rights and immigration.

Orban posted videos of the events where Trump could be heard praising the Hungarian leader as the "boss" and also a "great" and "fantastic leader of Europe."

Orban joins Trump's list of heroes which include, Kim Jong Un of North Korea, Chinese President Xi Jinping, and Russian President Vladimir Putin. This rogue's gallery has given Trump inspiration to be America's first dictator.

Dinner at Donnie's is every dictator's dream.

What surprises me is these vomit-worthy visits to Mar-a-Lago largely go unreported. I guess the press is just numb after eight years of Trump disrupting the country.

No other president in American history so openly admired anarchy than Trump. He's gotten more extreme every year and his cognitive abilities are rapidly turning to mush.

Yet here he is. Running for president. Blatantly telling us what he's going to do if he gets re-elected. From shredding the Constitution to a revenge tour throughout the land against his perceived enemies, Trump's agenda spells carnage for America.

It's been reported that Trump has a book of Hitler quotes in the drawer of the stand next to his bed. The only reason I doubt it - unless it's a book of illustrations - is that Trump can't read. When he was president, he proved that in briefing sessions.

In another time a presidential candidate that openly supports destroying our government would have been laughed off as a lunatic with no chance of winning an election.

That was then. This is now. Our freedoms are at stake. The American dream can't be allowed to disappear because of one malicious sociopath.

As it stands, President Biden is fact-checking Trump relentlessly in this campaign for America's soul. There is hope. Vote Blue.

Friday, March 8, 2024

Republican Profiles in Stupidity

I'm going to take you down a path littered with Republican profiles of stupidity to share with your friends and family.

Inquiring minds must know what challenges lie ahead of us.   

Foremost among the MAGA lunatics in Congress is Marjorie Taylor Greene. She will do anything to get attention and really has no interest in actually serving her constituents.

She proves how stupid she is every time she opens her big mouth and starts talking about Jewish Space Lasers.

Her antics during two State of the Union Addresses have solidified MTG's place as a needy idiot lusting for the cameras gaze.

Her goal in life is to be Trump's foot stool.

Then we have little MAGA Mike Johnson who rolled his beady eyes throughout the State of the Union Address like a broken puppet in protest.

He couldn't afford to clap regardless of what President Biden was saying because his master Trump was watching his every move. I did see one aerial shot that briefly showed him clapping under the dais before the camera moved away.

The we have Alabama Sen. Katie Britt who gave the MAGA response to President Biden's speech. She proved two things: one, she's stupid to think people will fall for her bad acting job, and two she's a hypocrite and liar.

Britt was one of the senators who worked on the bipartisan border deal and voted for it, but her tune changed after President Biden's fiery speech when she claimed Biden's border policies were "senseless" and a "disgrace" during her staged kitchen delivery to Trump's base.

What changed? Trump didn't want a bipartisan border bill passed because he wanted to use the border as a campaign issue. So, Britt stepped away from doing the right thing for Americans and kowtowed to a convicted rapist who tried to steal the 2020 election.

Perhaps one of the most amusing profiles of Republican stupidity is George Santos, the disgraced GOP House member who was expelled from the House by his peers. He is also facing a criminal trial with numerous charges later this month.

Guess what? Santos is back in the spotlight as of yesterday when he announced he was going to run for Congress again. Now that is stupid.

Then there's MAGA Mama Kari Lake who has perfected how to lose in court cases after losing her election bid a couple of years ago. She has a perfect record with the Arizona courts... she's lost every case she filed, and her lawyers were even fined for filing frivolous lawsuits.

To prove how stupid she is she's running for the Senate this year despite her unpopularity in the red state... and reputation with the courts. If she somehow does get elected the voters were stupid for thinking she'd serve them instead of her own agenda.

As it Stands, stupidity is an acquired trait that takes very little effort if you ignore truth and reality.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

America? Or Amerika? You Decide

      The gauntlet has been thrown down.

The challenge issued.

Americans are going to have to decide what form of government they're going to have after the November election.

A Constitutional Democracy? An Authoritarian State? A Dictatorship? A Banana Republic? 

Americans face a stark choice this fall between President Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Both have low ratings in the polls because of the polarized politics dividing our country.

Americans don't know who to believe anymore. Once trusted institutions like our judicial system (in particular the Supreme Court) and Congress have the lowest approval ratings in the history of the republic.

As a Vietnam veteran I have seen this country torn apart over the undeclared war in Southeast Asia. I, and my returning comrades, faced a wave of hatred among young politically active students. 

As bad as that was, I was never worried that our republic would ever face a nationwide referendum on our Constitutional Democracy. That America would teeter on becoming an authoritarian state. 

But here we are.

It seems unreal that one party's candidate for president is a convicted rapist, was twice impeached as a former president, and is facing four criminal trials - with 91 felony indictments - for trying to overthrow the election he lost in 2020 and stealing secret government documents.

What kind of candidate is that? Trump is the complete opposite of law and order and he's a worshipper of dictators and strongmen around the world.

In what kind of world could this happen? 

In our world. Like it or not we're going to have to fight to preserve our democratic way of life by calling out MAGA lies and using truth and facts as weapons. 

There won't be any beach landings on other countries shores for this war to preserve our American way against Trump and his cult supporters. The battles will be fought in the voting booths of every state. 

The front lines are the mainstream media versus right-wing disinformation stations like Fox News and Newsmax. For every daily salvo of lies there needs to be the return fire of truth backed by facts.

We can't count on the courts holding Trump accountable for his crimes. His influence with the Supreme Court puppets he appointed along with a legion of MAGA judges in the federal and state courts, has been an effective counterattack against justice being served.

We have to fight for freedom at the ballot box like never before. Our votes are the ammunition against tyranny. What shall it be? America... or Amerika? You decide.

As it stands, it's not hyperbole saying this election will decide the fate of freedom in the United States of America.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Just What Americans Didn't Want - President Biden Versus Trump

After Super Tuesday's results it's official, Biden and Trump will be facing off for the presidency in November. 

Just what the majority of Americans didn't want to see.

Were there ever two opposing candidates more unpopular than President Biden and Trump? I don't think so. Voters will be holding their noses when they cast their ballot for America's next Commander-In-Chief this election.

Age plays a big factor in both men's profiles, but it goes much deeper than that. Biden doesn't need to take cognitive tests like Trump who apparently gets them quite often. 

Fun fact, doctors don't give cognitive tests to people that still have their marbles. On top of that he acts like his "passing score" means he's a stable genius.

Here's what we do know. Trump is a malicious sociopath who wants to be the country's first dictator. President Biden has a proven track record of improving the economy and fighting dictators around the world.

These facts should convince any sane person that Trump is a threat to our Constitutional Democracy. The key word is sane.

While President Biden is backed by the Democratic party, Trump is backed by a cult that was once the Republican party.

You can already see how awkward this contest is going to get when there's alternate realities vying for votes. Throw in the fact that Trump is facing four trials with 91 felony counts charged against him and it gets even crazier.

How is this going to work? The short answer is no one knows.

Trump's game plan is to delay his trials until after the election, which he's counting on winning and being able to shut down the criminal cases, and to pardon himself if he is convicted by any of the courts.

Special Counsel Jack Smith has had his hands tied behind his back when it comes to some judges like Aileen Cannon in the stolen documents case. Cannon has gone out of her way to accommodate the Trump team and has been admonished by the 11th District Court for violating rules twice.

Then there's the Supreme Court's "Trump Justices" obstructing state laws to keep him on their ballots. Legal experts are anxiously awaiting the Supreme Court's oral hearings on presidential immunity.

If that supposedly august body decides it's okay for a president to order Seal Team 6 to kill his political opponents, the results would be catastrophic for the republic. 

It would effectively shatter the Constitution and open the door for a fascist state under a twice-impeached former president and convicted rapist.

The Democrats need a resounding victory in November. I'm convinced there are more sane Americans than crazy cultists.

As it Stands, Democrats and Independant's are going to have to swallow their distaste over President Biden's age in order to preserve our freedoms and democracy.

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...