Monday, December 22, 2008

Political Christmas Song II: Letting Dubya and Cheney go

(To the tune of “Let it Snow”)

Oh!the economy has been really slow,
and doesn’t seem to have a place to go.

Why we don’t really know,
we just... Let Cheney go! Let him go! Let him go!

It doesn’t show signs of getter well
as any economist will tell
Why we don’t really know,
but we Let Dubya go! Let him go! Let him go!

When we finally get rid of Dubya and his regime where nothing was as it seemed,
Americans are all going to know,
the times is over for Letting them go! Letting them go! Letting them go!

Political Christmas Song:I saw Blago selling the senate seat


to the tune of “I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus”)

Oh! I saw Blago selling the senate seat last night,
he was calling out the price had to be right,
it sure was a yuletide season sight!

I saw him tickle little babies bums
while soliciting for amazing sums,
and tossing the taxpayers crusty crumbs.

Oh! I saw Blago selling the senate seat last night,
he was calling out the price had to be right,
it sure was a yuletide sight!

Oh! Blago, Oh Blago...
Just how far will you go?

 I saw Blago on the TV yesterday
he was doing everything he could to get away,
from what the FBI had to say.

Santa is going to need a snow plow in northeastern states

Winter has come, and with it, snow-covered roads are causing problems in places like Michigan and Chicago. Reports of 30 car, 20 car, and more, piles-ups are coming in hourly. All I can say is I'm glad that I live on the West Coast, near the ocean, where snow seldom seeks to go!

Guess who gets the meat between this eagle and fox?




Welcome to this blog's latest subscriber: RACHEL C. KELLY!

Rachel has two blogs of her own;


and "Reconciled Tree Pieces."

The other two subscribers to this blog are: TOM HOLLOWAY whose blog is called, "Tom Holloway's The Grand Life."

No pic available for Tom.

ANEMONE - whose real name I don't know - doesn't have a blog. No pic available here either.

THANKS TO ALL OF YOU for following my blog!

$350 Billion Later: Where did the bailout money go?

The nation's largest banks won't say how their spending the money they got from the government. The Associated Press contacted 21 banks that got at least $1 billion, and not one of them would give a straight answer! Some vaguely hinted that they lent some of the money, but no actual numbers. Some of the banks even said they simply don't know where the money went!

The banker's responses highlight the secrecy surrounding the "Troubled Asset Relief Program" which earmarked $700 billion - about the size of the Netherlands economy - to help the struggling institutions. So once again, the nation's bankers get to thumb their noses at the taxpayers and get away with it! When will we ever learn?




                                                      Artwork from "The Hooded Utilitarian (2007)"

Sunday, December 21, 2008

TODAY in AS IT STANDS Times-Standard edition/Christmas

Times are hard, but people will still enjoy this Christmas. Some old fashion values, like making gifts, are in this year.

I think people are looking back to celebrating Christmas in more traditional ways, partly due to the economy.

Sure, things are tough. But so are Americans. We've shown that in the past. Click here to read today's column; "Fewer gifts this season but Christmas will still be special."

COMING TUESDAY: the long version of "Christmas at NANA & PAPA's." (Note: I had a short blog on this post a week ago) It will be featured in "The McKinleyville Press on Tuesday," and I'm posting the entire column online that day for those of you who aren't able to pick up a copy.

I hope you enjoy both of these columns on Christmas as much as I did writing them. 


Schwarzenegger Goes Conan: slashes state workers pay and forces layoffs

Looks like the Govenator is playing the Grinch...

Los Angeles Times

By Patrick McGreevy and Jordan Rau
December 20, 2008

Reporting from Sacramento -- Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Friday ordered mass layoffs and unpaid furloughs for state workers starting in February to address California's growing fiscal crisis.
Under his executive order, 238,000 employees will be forced to take off two unpaid days per month through June 30, 2010. Managers will receive either the furlough or an equivalent salary reduction during the same period.

    H.D. Palmer, spokesman for Schwarzenegger's finance department, said the mandatory time off is the equivalent of about a 9% pay cut for affected workers. He said the furloughs would save the state more than $1.2 billion.
    It is unclear how many people will lose their jobs. Palmer said each department will have to cut its payroll by 10% and will make its own decisions on how many workers must go.

    See entire story by clicking here

    Photo source: Registered at

    Poinsettias are not toxic and the debunking of other myths

    Researchers debunk conventional wisdom about poinsettias, sugar and holiday suicides -- and note that Coca-Cola can only do so much.

    Contrary to popular belief, poinsettias are not toxic to people or animals, suicides do not increase over the Christmas holidays, and sugar does not make kids hyperactive.

    Also, Wales winning the rugby grand slam does not influence the death of popes, and douching with Coca-Cola is not an effective contraceptive method.

    The supposed toxicity of poinsettias has been a subject of warnings ever since the red and white flowers have been associated with the Christmas holiday, but numerous reports from poison control centers do not support the warnings, according to Drs. Rachel C. Vreeman and Aaron E. Carroll of the Indiana University School of Medicine.

    Los Angeles Times/Dec. 21                                                                                                   Gina Ferazzi/LA TIMES Photo

    Political Correctness leaves Santa Claus Polarized!

    Whose Justice? The Interruption Changes from State to State

    It just depends on what state you're in these days whether you have a chance of getting justice in the courts. If you are in Texas, it...