Monday, November 10, 2008

Circuit City Declares Bankruptcy: electronic retailer plans to restructure


In another sign

  of the times a big retail chain struggles to stay afloat. Wal-Mart and Best Buy have hurt Circuit City in the last couple of years. The electronic retail giant has lost $5 Billion in stock value.

 The stock market finished down again today, as Americans watch the list of economic causalities grow longer.

Lakers still undefeated as they hammer Houston Rockets by 29 points!

Kobe Bryant and Pau Gasol ripped through the Rockets defense on route to a rout. They started off 16 points down in the 1st quarter, but quickly turned things around and were leading by a basket at halftime. In the 4th quarter the Lakers took flight with 39 points!

Did I mention I've been a Laker fan since they moved to LA?

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Berserk Pumpkin Monster attacks and mutilates neighborhood gourds!

So you thought that the Pukin Pumkins were strange eh? This mad Pumpkin was last seen butchering helpless gourds that couldn't roll away fast enough!  

FDA ignores evidence of a threat to nations babies and young children

The FDA has been claiming BPA (a harmful chemical) is not dangerous. But facts have surfaced and the FDA is reluctantly admitting there's problems with the chemical, but they still refuse to ban it!

This is just another case of deceiving the public to keep making money, regardless of the effects! Canada banned it's usage this year. We should be doing the same. CLICK HERE to read AS IT STANDS Sunday column in the Times-Standard.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Have You Ever Wondered What Bears Do In The Woods?

This comes as no surprise to me as I've discovered many camouflaged privies while tromping through the north woods! 

Underwater Explorers Release Amazing Photo of the Titanic! Experts Stunned!

Man Plasters Stamps all over His Face and tries to Go Airmail to Italy.

Silas Screenlicker was caught by alert U.S. postal clerks trying to get himself mailed to a small town in Italy. "He wouldn't have been as noticeable if he had clothes on," one clerk told the arresting officers who escorted Mr. Screenlicker out of the post office lobby and to a nearby jail.  "It was all a terrible mistake!" Screenlicker screamed as he got in the police car. One of the arresting officers expressed surprise that the man was even able to find the post office, as his eyes were covered with stamps. A spectator swore that the stamps were valuable old British Stamps and that some of them looked to be priceless.

Demonstrators turn out to Protest Ban on Same-Sex Marriage

More than 2000 people turned out in Long Beach last night to show their displeasure at of the passing of Prop 8 - banning same-sex marriage in California. About 15 people were arrested during the march downtown. The march started at 7:30 p.m., and within an hour the protestors had taken over Broadway.

Chanting "We want equality" and holding signs that said, "Did we vote on your marriage?" the marchers ran into a group of Pro-Prop 8 people and the police had to form a barrier around them as things got bad. A police spokesman said that the Pro-Prop 8 group were so outnumbered that they feared for their safety. Groups have already filed lawsuits protesting the recent ruling. For more on this demonstration CLICK HERE and see what the LA Times has to say about it.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Thank God it's Friday: It's been a trying Week!

It's carved in stone: Neoconservativism is Dead!

 Last thoughts: what the Republicans have wrought is misery for the American Economy in the last eight years. Now we have to hope the wrongs can be undone, and that this country will have an energy efficient economy. The health care system needs to be re-tooled.

Jobs need to be created. We need to get out of Iraq as soon as possible, and to bring the war to Afghanistan to an end. Instead, we need to concentrate our military's efforts towards the war on terrorism by going to where terrorists hide!

We need to regain the rights that Bush stripped away from us in the name of national security. We need to go back to the Constitution's guarantees, that the Bush administration denied.

We need to know that our countries future doesn't have to be embroiled in wars across the globe. Imperialism needs to stop. We can only restore our stature with other nations by going back to what made us a great country in the first place. We respected freedom and only fought when it was threatened by enemies abroad.

We need to repair this country's highways and byways. We need to work on more public transportation. We need to have proper regulation over this country's financial system to avoid another so-called "Bail-out," which turned out to be a handout to CEO's getting bonuses and banks who still won't give out loans.

We need to show the world that Democracy really works through our actions domestically and abroad.

A Poem I wrote after the Presidential Election


Goodbye rude rhetoric and mudslinging,
your day has come and gone,
I can hear the bells ringing and people singing
about America’s new dawn!

No more Joe “the unlicensed” Plumber quotes,
trying to get our sympathy votes.

Substance has conquered lies and innuendos,
and all of the other sneaky political lows.

Reason has reared it’s head in 2008,
in an election that changed history and why this country is great.

Now we must come together and be united as a country
so the rest of the world can see a working democracy.

Dreams only come true when we are awake,
forging a future to have promise for our children’s sake.

This winter comes with the promise of a new day,
it’s icy clutches made bearable listening to what people say.

Hope is like a hound unleashed and untamed by reality,
it becomes what we chose to see.

Obama has proved the endearing American tale is true,
anyone can be the president - even you!


                                                                                     Dave Stancliff

                                             Today is my 58th Birthday. What a ride it's been thus far!


Whose Justice? The Interruption Changes from State to State

It just depends on what state you're in these days whether you have a chance of getting justice in the courts. If you are in Texas, it...