Saturday, July 3, 2010

What’s next ? Russian spy ring in jail, but no one knows what they were looking for

In an upcoming As It Stands column (July 11th) readers are asked to channel their inner Ian Flemings…

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Beware of ‘Qwerty Tummy’ - your keyboard can give you food poisoning

Keyboards can be up to five times dirtier than toilet seats, study found

As if there aren’t already enough ways to contact germs, I found another “hot zone” that could ruin your day.

Stomach sicknesses caught from computer equipment have been dubbed "qwerty tummy" after the "Q-W-E-R-T-Y" keys on a keyboard.

“The major culprits for this grodiness are people not washing their hands after using the restroom and eating food at their desks. In the latter case, sticky fingers transfer sauces and edible particles onto and between the keys.”

Great balls of fire! Grill injuries can ruin your cookout


18,000 people head to the ER each year with burns and blisters

As the Fourth of July holiday shifts barbecue season into high gear, doctors and fire officials warn that grilling accidents can have serious, even deadly, consequences.


Friday, July 2, 2010

GOP chair Steele makes stupid Afghan war remark, stirs firestorm

Image: Michael Steele

Steele called Afghanistan 'a war of Obama's choosing'

I can’t believe how stupid Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele is.

This guy is setting a standard for moronic remarks that eerily reminds me of George Bush. What world does he live in? Afghanistan is Bush and Cheney’s other war. Obama inherited the hot potato and is having problems dealing with it.

But to say this is “Obama’s war,” that’s just downright moronic. Just think, this clown is the head of the Republican Party. I don’t see the Republicans going anywhere in 2012 with such uninspired leadership. Maybe that’s a good thing when you look at some of the people the GOP are considering as presidential candidates. Mike Huckabee anyone?  

Believe it or Not: Ripley's reopens in S.F. with Mirror Maze

Image: Grace McDaniels figure

After $5 million renovation, Believe it or Not! Odditorium unveiled

A figure of Grace McDaniels, who once complained about a publicist calling her "the ugliest woman in the world," is shown on display at the Ripley's Believe It or Not! Odditorium in San Francisco.

Suryia the swimming ape shows off in pool

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Summer bummer: Ocean swimming can make you sick

You seldom see people swimming in the beach here in Humboldt County.

However, people do surf these coastal waters. Are the surfers at risk then?

A new study by Florida scientists trying to account for pollution suggests that staying out of the water might keep you healthier than going for a dip.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Last moment visions and common deathbed experiences

Photo: Shutterstock


A renowned expert – and former Elisabeth Kübler-Ross co-author – offers a new book on death and grief and shares visions reported by loved ones before their final breaths.


Feds raid Butte County medical marijuana dispensaries today


This report just in:

“Reportedly some 100 agents were dispatched to raid all of the medical marijuana dispensaries in Butte County today.

   Although labeled an "investigation," agents acted more like pirates, seizing medicine, cash and computers.

   The Butte Co Sheriff's Department and District Attorney owe an apology for their atrocious misuse of law enforcement resources.”

  - from Dale Gieringer, Cal NORML

Go here for the story by Channel 7 News.

He’s Back! Pee-wee Herman coming to big screen

Pee-wee Herman

Judd Apatow set to produce new movie about Paul Reubens’ character

The new Pee-wee picture will reportedly take him on the road in "a gigantic adventure."

If you ever saw his first movie, “Pee-wee’s Big Adventure”then you know this guy is a crack-up.

Weird? Yes. Bizarre? Yes. Funny? Yes. Stay tuned for the latest antics of Pee-wee Herman.

Free conflict management workshop offered

Mediation in Progress

Humboldt Mediation Services Presents Conflict Management Training One Day Workshop To Be Offered July 17 June 29, 2010, Eureka, CA - Humboldt Mediation Services, a local non-profit known for resolving community disputes since 1983, will once again be offering their popular conflict management workshop from 8:30am to 4pm on July 17.

(PHOTO: Three trained volunteers (facing camera) mediate a dispute between two individuals.

"Anyone can benefit from this class," said HMS Case Manager Jessica Adkisson.  "You will learn proven techniques for good communication, effective listening skills and practice collaborative strategies for creating workable solutions to all kinds of problems.”

The training will be held in Eureka, and requires advance registration. Discounts are available for people signing up in pairs, but space is limited. To reserve your spot, call (707) 445-2505 or visit

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...