Tuesday, October 7, 2008

More Endangered Animals Make List

Scientist have determined that about one-quarter

of the world's  5,487 species of mammals are

threatened with extinction. About one-third

of marine mammals face a serious threat of being

wiped out, according to an international survey.

Monday, October 6, 2008

One of my favorite emails today...

Dave – thank you for the informative article on Army domestic operations.  Each day, the state Speaker of the Assembly sends out the top dozen or so news stories of the day from throughout the state to every Assembly employee.  This was one those dozen today – and rightfully so.  Thank you for keeping us all informed…as frightening as it may be.

Nancy Starck, Field Representative

Office of Assemblywoman Patty Berg

235 4th Street, Suite C

Eureka, CA 95501

phone: (707) 445-7014

fax: (707) 445-6607

U.S. stocks sink as financial fear goes global!


American stocks are plummeting as investors look at European recession. Click here to read the details.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

International Hits from around the World Recently & other Ruminations

In the last week this blog has had hits from the following countries:

Mississauga,Ontario,Canada; WaterLoo,Ontario,Canada; Frankfort,Germany; Szeged,Hungry; Singapore,Singapore; Idrija,Bohinj,Slovenia; and Coro,Falcon,Venezuela.

Map image

Sometimes I'm amused at the statistics my little Stat Counter comes up with and sometimes I get paranoid. Just who are these people from points beyond America?

Perhaps their "mistaken hits" and when the person realizes this is just some dumb old local northern Californian blog they flee...never to return again.

Most of the people who read this blog are from points all over California. There's some input from other states, but the majority of my visitors are Californians.

I really enjoy playing around with this blog and find it's a good way to stir what little gray matter I have left!

I've thought about doing one of those Polling Things and to see what reader's thought about this blog. Then I realized, I don't care!

It appears that I do have a tiny core group of 10 that come back every day-whether to get sick or to be amused I'm not sure. Just an observation. Anything you see here has some symbolic, silly, or serious, reason to be posted.

Today's column in the T-S has garnered enough interest to be #1 in the Most Viewed and Most Emailed counter on their online front page.

My column on the 10th Amendment three weeks ago stayed on this Most Viewed top spot for 11 straight days. I'm still waiting for the editor's confirmation that this was a T-S online record for viewership. I suspect it was. I also suspect this Sunday's column will be well-read too.

I'll tell you a secret; it's fun to state your opinion about something and to stir the pot while you do it. I'm a research freak too. It gives me a reason to surf for knowledge. A habit I hope I never lose. I've always thirsted for knowledge and now the Internet gives me access to things that use to take a long time to document.

Hello World...I'm watching you too!

DODGERS sweep CUBS and advance for 1st time since 1988


Saturday, October 4, 2008


Be sure to read AS IT STANDS

in the TIMES-STANDARD today.

Click here but fair warning,

this column may chill

your blood when you

find out about our

Active Armed Forces new

mission : DOMESTIC DUTY!

The BAILOUT has passed but what comes next is not clear


Click here to read this LA Times article about what to look for in the future. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson hasn't bothered to share how he plans to administer his new found power. He's been given the green light to pump tax payer's cash into his old stomping grounds, Wall Street. Who can forget Paulson was once the Chairman of Goldman Sachs Group Inc.?

He's going to have the power to play up to his cronies and some firms are going to get more money than others. My bet is they're firms favorable to Wall Street's new savior Paulson. Some lawmakers managed to tack on some pork projects (how about $1 million for wooden arrows!) which will also require more tax payer cash. Why do I feel like the only thing that happened was that the little man/average American got screwed again?

O.J. SIMPSON CONVICTED: Justice finally catches up with him!

It turns out that lawyers can't save O.J. this time. Click here to

read about the details. Simpson will be sentenced on Dec.5th

On today's date (Oct.4) in 1995, O.J. celebrated his acquittal in the

murder of his ex-wife Nicole Brown, and Ron Goldman.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Puking Pumpkins!



Investors buoyed by Wachovia Deal

Despite a report showing 159,000 jobs were lost in September (the biggest drop in 5 years) investors seem positive today because Wachovia was bought by Wells Fargo. This $15 million dollar deal was accomplished without assistance from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.


Job listings at the employment training

facility, Job Train, in Menlo Park,CA.


Is this deal proof that we don't need to bail out Wall Street? Could it be the market will adjust itself without the proposed $700 million dollar handout?

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Watch this "extremely funny" video and have a few good belly-laughs! We all need a break from this serious world once in a while. Have a smile!

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...