Saturday, October 25, 2008

Is Palin about ready to kiss off the McCain camp?

Is there internal rumblings within the Republican Party? Insiders say Palin wants to go her own way, and that she thinks the people assigned to promote her aren't doing a good job. Actually, she'd like to be a maverick and go on her full attack mode but her handlers are busy just trying to keep her from making anymore stupid statements. Now what is it that the Vice President does Sarah?

CLICK HERE for an in-depth look at the fractured Republican Party that is already making excuses for why the campaign is heading south.



I know these are hard times but that doesn't mean people have lost all of their sense too does it?


The REPUBLICAN Party Patch?

                                 OR THE DEMOCRATIC Party Patch?

It's your call blogger buddies and other visitors...

Crisis could trigger big public payments

Transit agencies around the country may have to come up with billions of dollars to repay investors as long-term financing deals disintegrate, a result of the global credit crisis that could eventually effect millions of commuters.

CLICK HERE for the whole story.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Stocks fall as fear of global recession looms

Major indexes fell as investors reacted to sharp sell-offs in overseas markets today. People think the world is sliding into a deep recession. CHICK HERE to read the whole story.

See-through sticky tape can make X-rays: No really!

Researchers say that if you peel the clear type of sticky tape off the roll fast enough it will take X-rays.

The phenomenon is called triboluminescence.  

CLICK HERE to get the whole story.

Cheney calls Palin to See if She Wants to go Hunting Sometime

Knowing how much Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin admires him, he invited her to go rabbit hunting with him some time.

She apparently agreed but insisted on bringing her automatic rifle and hunting for liberals instead of rabbits. Cheney

reportedly said, "Libwalls or wabbits's all the same to me!"

A Bad slip while hunting for boogers leaves man with one eye!

Seen recently at a hospital waiting room, Ubber Von Poke, 42 yrs-old, dug a bit too deep in search of a booger than was bugging him. When emergency surgery was finished, the doctors extracted the finger successfully and put a big marble (cats eye) in place of the punctured orb. His family is hoping he learned his lesson but are cautiously optimistic. Said Mom in a recent interview, "He's always been a curious boy!"


Scroll down a bit and take a look at someone who really needs help!

Ashley Todd just admitted this afternoon (after enjoying her 15 minutes of fame) that she lied about being attacked (I'm just shocked). McCain campaign members said they hope she gets help. It must have been hard for them as Joe The Plumber is losing his popularity and Todd could have been a last minute savior for the party!

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...