Tuesday, August 31, 2021

One War Too Late: Jane "Red" Fonda Joins Campaign To Deny Taliban Recognition


Before you go any further you should know that I'm a Vietnam veteran who hasn't forgiven Jane "Red" Fonda for her support of the North Vietnamese.

In July of 1972, Fonda earned the enmity of untold thousands of Vietnam veterans and their families (as well as service members for generations to come) when she arrived in Hanoi, North Vietnam and began a two-week propaganda tour there.

It's ironic that the last time the U.S. had to cut and run from a war, Jane Fonda was all over our enemies, but this time she's suddenly not in love with them.

Fonda was given the well-earned moniker of "Hanoi Jane," at the time.

The kicker - for me - was hearing about her latest campaign to deny the Taliban recognition. Why couldn't she have done that with our mortal enemies, the NVA and the VC?

There's a whole new generation who are unaware of her traitorous past. They have been watching her on cable sitcoms for years and think she's a moral person who would never turn on her country for nothing more than the publicity.

They may re-think that opinion if they Google her name and expose her dark past. Some crimes can never be forgotten.

Memories: My Wife and I Have Been Married 47-years Today


           Dave and Shirley Stancliff - Married on Aug. 31st, 1974

Despite the chaos we all live in, there's still golden moments in our lives that are worth celebrating.

A wedding anniversary is one of those moments.

Family and friends often ask us how we managed to stay together for so long. In many ways we're polar opposites.

The answer is relatively simple; we respect one another's views, and we both love to joke around. Our sense of humor has gotten us through many iffy situations in life.

We continue to bond regardless of the outside pressures in the world. We both believe in living for the moment and that every day is a precious gift.

Our past is an album of victories and defeats. Challenges met, and accepted. Aware that there are no re-runs in this life, we try to stay true to our values every day.

The fact is we love each other every moment, whether apart or together. 

We're thankful for our three sons, five grandchildren, and the rest of our families and friends.

Enough said.

Monday, August 30, 2021

School Boards Have Become Fertile Ground For Conspiracy Loons and Corrupt Politicians

In the ongoing American tragedy of the dumbing down of students (education has been a low priority for decades) politicians, parents and school boards are fighting over science and safety at schools.

Nothing has been more contentious than taking precautions against the surging COVID-19 virus in school districts.

Governors are threatening school superintendents, and teachers, if they enforce mask mandates to protect students who are too young for the vaccine.

Republican politicians running for office are burnishing their crazy creds on resisting masking in the schools. 

One GOP loon - Steve Lynch (some irony in the last name here) is running for a public office in Pennsylvania, and is threatening to use physical force against school officials upholding the CDC guidelines.

Parents who don't believe in science, vaccines, and the CDC, are showing up - and disrupting - school board meetings all over the country.

School board members lives are being threatened by these crazy conspiracy-driven parents that show up in meetings turning them into chaos. 

School board meetings have always had controversies. That's nothing new. But now the meeting places have turned into battlegrounds of science versus fiction.

After surviving four years of the Trump administration's encouragement to conspiracy nuts, they're now as prolific as weeds in the garden of democracy.

The bottom line is students have become political footballs in the fight against the surging Delta variant. 

American politicians have treated education like a poor relative for far too long. School agendas have been watered down. There's less emphasis on a well-rounded education. And teachers are poorly paid.

It looks like this vicious fighting between politicians, school board members, and parents is going to be around for a long time.

It's just not fair for the next generation to have to deal with a lasting legacy of conspiracy theorists and corrupt politicians.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Right-Wing Armchair Quarterbacks Waste Our Time With Ill-informed Opinions

I'm tired of hearing about right-wing TV hosts, podcasters, and assorted minions of Trump opinionate on subjects they know nothing about.

When Fox news host Sean Hannity opinionates about our military actions it's important to understand he has no military background (rumors are he was kicked out of the boy scouts for lying) or even an average understanding of Afghanistan's war-torn history.

The only experience Hannity has is in riling people up with conspiracies and blatant lies about what liberals are doing.

The fact is there's a lot of Americans who follow armchair quarterbacks like they're experts on the subject they're bloviating on in a given day.

Instead of backing Biden's administrations efforts to battle the Delta variant and keep people safe for the common cause, there are people who actively resist the science and become armchair doctors prescribing bleach and animal de-wormer medicine as an alternative cure.

Too many Americans listen to media types who claim to know everything. Just look around at the Bill O'Reilly's, and Tucker Carlson's. They're airheads who know how to get your blood boiling by picking at your fears.

Sadly, talk show hosts have replaced real journalists in millions of households. They tell people what to think. How to react. Where to cause trouble. Who to attack. Not to believe their ears, or eyes.

I like to keep in mind the old adage, "Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one."

All too often opinions get taken for facts. Like author Harlan Ellison once said, "You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant."

Saturday, August 28, 2021

The Taliban Have a Major Problem: They're in a Hot Sticky Mess

The Taliban's seizure of Afghanistan reminds me of a fable from the tales of Uncle Remus, where Brer Rabbit always outfoxed Brer Fox in The Man's Garden.

My favorite tale, Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby, echoes the current situation that the Taliban are in. They're stuck with the fact that there's no money in the country they just conquered.

Like Brer Rabbit found when he slugged and kicked the tar baby, it made matters worse. The more he kicked and hit the tar baby the more stuck he became.

The Taliban have more to worry about than just having no money (the USA and the rest of the world froze their assets); they have to deal with enemies embedded in the war-torn country.

The northern provinces have seen a gathering of armed Afghans who are intent in overthrowing the Taliban. 

Add having enemies like ISIS-K popping up at the worst times, a massive homeless population (the biggest in the world), dwindling food supplies and cash on hand, and it's a sticky situation...at best.

Unlike Brer Rabbit who got stuck in the tar baby but eventually escaped, it's unlikely the Taliban will be as lucky as the country collapses around the "victors."

Friday, August 27, 2021

Should We Sympathize With Unvaccinated People Who Are Putting Others At Risk?

I've always been of the school that we all make our own beds in life, and have to live (or die) with the results.

If this sounds like a lack of empathy, it's not. It's just a practical reality. A lot of people don't believe in science and would rather take a medicine for animals (cows, horses, etc.) than something approved for humans.

I'm trying to refrain from calling these people who think bleach, or put light up their body cavities, as a way to fight the new deadly Delta variant of the killer virus plaguing our country, stupid... but it's not easy.

Everyday, I read and see examples of the unvaccinated dying in record numbers in states (particularly the ones with Republican governors). It's discouraging.

Here's four current stories about the unvaccinated that are admittedly sad, but that illustrate my point.

-- Caleb Wallace, who helped organize the "Freedom Rally" on July 4, 2020 for those "sick of the government being in control of our lives," is now on a ventilator after becoming infected with the virus, according to his pregnant wife who consented to a "do not resuscitate order."

-- Phil Valentine a conservative talk radio host from Tennessee who had been a vaccine skeptic died in a hospital gasping for air.

Ironically, after testing positive for the virus he told his listeners he didn't get vaccinated because he thought he'd die.

But after moving into the critical care unit his brother Mark said he regretted he wasn't a more vocal advocate of the vaccination. It was too late by then.

-- Dick Farrel, a former Florida conservative talk show host died from COVID-19, once called Dr. Anthony Fauci a "power-tripping freak" and urged people not to get vaccinated.

The radio station he worked for called him a pioneer "shock talk host" who pulled no punches. 

-- In a heartbreaking story a middle-aged couple who waited to get vaccinated until they thought it was safe, both became infected from the virus.

Lisa Steadman had spent more than a week in a central Florida hospital recovering from a serious case of COVID-19, while Ronald Steadman, who had also contracted the coronavirus, battled a milder case from home.

Lisa kept in contact with check-in phone calls. Before she checked of the hospital the last thing he said was that "he was improving."

When she came home it was like a scene from a horror movie; she found Ron unresponsive on his side of the bed. Their three barking dogs led her to him. He was dead.

She explained to reporters that it wasn't like they were against a vaccine. They just thought it was developed too rapidly.

It would be easy to go on. Even easier to judge each of these unnecessary deaths. Every victim chose not to be vaccinated, either because of their radical ideology or they just didn't trust getting the shot because of all the disinformation circulating online.

I would be remiss if I didn't admit that it pisses me off that people go unvaccinated during a pandemic. They're killing other people, regardless of their reasoning.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Democracy in Peril: Minority Party's Assault On America

(Photo of Republican California recall candidate, John Cox, with his bear talking to a crowd of about 12 people. Just think, he could be California's next governor!)

Amazing as it may seem, a minority party is do a pretty good job at trying to seize power in the United States of America.

GOP members of Congress are stopping any legislation that doesn't meet their approval using the filibuster. Despite being the minority in both the House and the Senate, Republicans have been the one's calling the shots.

It doesn't stop there. One of the tactics the self-proclaimed Party of Trump uses is to take control (from governor to city dog-catcher) of every state by whatever means possible.

Using an arcane law to game the system, California Republicans have gathered enough signatures to file for a recall election, which is just around the corner.

Thank The Terminator, aka Arnold Schwarzenegger, for paving the way to a successful recall (for the first time in the state's history) in 2003.

It was the first time anyone managed to get the required signatures of 12-percent of the turnout in the previous election.

This time - with the help of a three-month extension granted by a judge - the organizers were able to deliver; forcing a recall election.

If the current governor, Gavin Newsom, fails to get 51 percent of the vote he WILL BE DEFEATED while whichever of the 46 clowns on the ballot gets the most votes becomes the new governor.

To break that down further - someone could become governor of the biggest state in the USA with only 10 percent of the vote!

The system is insane, and needs to be tossed in the garbage.

People have been talking about off-year elections like this where voter turnout is normally low unless one party is seriously motivated to vote.

Such as the Republican minority in California that may be on the brink of taking over the Democratic majority, and putting a right-wing troll in the governor's mansion. 

It could happen. If Newsom is defeated it'll be an anti-democratic, legal coup in the most liberal state in the nation.

Democratic voters are going to have to turn out in record numbers in every state. Otherwise the majority of people in America are going to be controlled by a minority of radical racists' and white supremacists. 

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Two Notorious Right-Wing Operatives Face $5.1 Million Fine

When it comes to political scumbags, Jacob Wohl (right) and Jack Burkman (left) are poster boys for the radical right.

Both have a long history of fraudulent activities that would make any wacko drool. When it comes to conspiracy theories they're the canaries in the asylum.

I'm pleased to report that the Federal Communications Commission has proposed a $5.1 million fine against the duo for improperly making robocalls to cellphones without getting people's consent.

There's still a hoop or two for the FEC to jump through, but the chances of getting the largest proposed fine the FEC has ever asked for in this specific violation appear to be good.

This same conservative pair of swamp creatures were charged with four felonies in Michigan last year for allegedly intimidating voters with robocalls that spread inaccurate messages about voting by mail.

As soon as I get a date when the Michigan felony trial will be held, I'll share it.

Robocalls were one of the sources of disinformation leading up to the 2020 election, with characters like Jacob and Jack in the forefront.

Of the two creeps, Jacob has the most crazy creds as an American far-right conspiracy theorist, fraudster, internet troll, and conservative lobbyist.

Jack's crazy creds are there, he's also a conspiracy nut, and a conservative lobbyist, that's teamed up with Jacob in multiple scams.

Here's hoping the Beavis and Butthead of the right-wing operative community spend many years behind bars - along with getting slapped with that fat $5.1 million fine the FEC proposed.  

Monday, August 23, 2021

Proof of 2020 Voter Fraud in Florida: GOP Vote-Siphoning Scheme Exposed

                             How about that?

The only verifiable voter fraud in the 2020 election was committed by Republicans. 

Today we're going to hear about a no-party candidate who ran a successful ghost campaign in a South Florida state senate election.

Alexis Rodriguez is expected to enter a guilty plea before a Miami-Dade Circuit Judge and admit that he accepted $45,000 from former GOP state Sen. Frank Artiles to run for office.

Rodriguez ran as an non-party affiliated (NPA) candidate in November's Senate District 37.

The Democrat running in the district had the same surname as Alexis Rodriquez; Sen. Jose Javier Rodriguez.

The name on the ballot was "Alex Rodriquez," the same as that of the baseball Hall-of-Famer and Miami celebrity. 

The result?

Alex Rodriguez received 6,300 out of 215,000 ballots cast in the SD 37 runoff which was won by just 32 votes by Republican Sen. Ileana Garcia, who unseated the incumbent Sen. Jose Javier Rodriguez.

Yesterday the judge granted Artiles' attorney's request for more time to interview witnesses and review evidence, granting a 60-day continuance and setting a check-in hearing for Oct. 19.

Republican campaign organizers are nervously watching the case that has launched a broadening voter corruption probe into two other Florida counties; SD 39 and SD 9.

The bottom line is there was voter fraud in 2020, and it was committed by Republicans. I hope that settles the controversy about which party was cheating.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Oregon School Superintendent Instructs Students Parents To Lie

As an Oregonian watching the state struggle with a COVID surge worse than last year, I'm disgusted and disappointed at what I'm seeing.

I live in Medford, currently the worse county in the state for COVID infections.  Watching the numbers of victims rise daily is the sad reality here.

Why is Oregon doing so bad with this latest surge?

Last year at this time we had the numbers of infections under control, and ranked among the top states with the least amount of outbreaks.

One of the reasons is burn-out. People are tired of complying with the new masking rules and just want to return to "normal."

Unfortunately that's not possible. And to make matters worse Oregonians are ignoring the science and fighting face masks in schools and other public places.

For example, the superintendent of the rural Alsea School District told parents they can sidestep the governor's mask requirement by applying for an accommodation for their children under federal disabilities law.

According to superintendent Marc Thielman, "The majority of my parents are skeptical and no longer believing what they're told," as if that was a legitimate excuse.

School starts tomorrow.

Governor Kate Brown was shocked that Thielman was undermining her policies {the science} by "Instructing students to lie about having a disability."

For the record, Thielman is planning to run for governor next year. It appears he's building up his crazy creds to attract right-wing voters.

Not everyone has decided to board the "mask skeptic train," however. 

Oregon resident Jenny Jonak, who has an 11-year-old daughter with autism and health problems that make her more susceptible to the current Delta variant, said wearing masks is a "very small inconvenience" to protect vulnerable."

The key to reversing this surge is vaccination and taking proper safety precautions. 

Having students lie about face masks is not the solution. It's the problem. As long as skeptical school officials and lawmakers push back against the science, the pandemic will never end in Oregon.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Trump's The Main Feature: A Super Spreader Rally Set During a A COVID State of Emergency

It's Deja vu time.

Are you nostalgic for those 2020 super spreader Trump rallies?

Do you miss being shoulder-to-shoulder with anti-vaxxers and QAnon followers?

Do you want to hear how the 2020 election was stolen and how Trump is still president?

Well, it's your lucky day my friend.

Trump is attending an Alabama GOP rally today as the state struggles with a new surge of COVID infections.

The timing couldn't be worse.

Cullman, the city where the rally is, has declared a COVID-19 related state of emergency.

The chief operating officer of Cullman Regional Medical Center, requested additional resources because of the rally. This while the center is overcrowded amid a spike in coronavirus-related hospitalizations.

Alabama saw 3,890 new cases on Wednesday and is averaging 3,000 infections daily since then.

Even worse, The Alabama Hospital Association also reported that the state has run out of intensive care unit beds, citing a 29-bed deficit.

It's in this backdrop that an estimated 20,000 people are going to gather to listen to Trump's alternate version of the universe, where he still continues to be The Chosen One among hard right-wing wackaloons.

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...