Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Photo essay on the Haight Ashbury experience in the 60’s & 70’s

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A long, long time ago… you Mother would know…

Photos VIA Google images

The joke now is on the critics of the president’s foreign policy


In one gloriously mistimed editorial, written just ahead and in ignorance of the raid on Abbottabad, Bill Kristol, editor of the conservative Weekly Standard, mocked Mr Obama for “leading from behind”. All the Republicans had to do, argued Mr Kristol, was to nominate “a real leader: a workhorse not a show horse; a steady hand not a flip-flopper; a profile in courage not in cleverness; a competent man or woman with strength and confidence in defense of liberty at home and abroad.”

A wise man once said, “He who laughs last…laughs last!”

Grow your very own Sangre de Grado - Dragon’s Blood Tree

Now wouldn’t this be a handy addition to your back yard? I don’t know how big they get, but they sure have a lot of healing properties. If you’d like to know more about the Dragon’s Blood Tree click on link below:

Main Preparation Method: undiluted resin is taken internally (in small amount of juice/water) or applied topically.
Main Actions (in order):
wound healer, antifungal, antiseptic, antiviral, antihemorrhagic (reduces bleeding)

Main Uses:

To stop bleeding and to seal, and heal wounds, burns, cuts, tooth extractions.
For herpes virus ulcers (taken internally and applied topically).
For skin fungi, rashes, and dermatitis.
For insect bites, poison ivy and other itchy or allergic skin reactions.
For stomach ulcers, ulcerative colitis, dysentery and diarrhea.
Properties/Actions Documented by Research:
Anesthetic, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antidysenteric, antifungal, antihemorrhagic (reduces bleeding), antileukemic, antioxidant, antiseptic, antitumorous, antiviral, neurasthenic (reduces nerve pain), wound healer.
Other Properties/Actions Documented by Traditional Use:
Analgesic (pain-reliever), anticancerous, anti-itch, antiulcerous, astringent, and a blood cleanser.

Saturday morning musings…pass the sugar please

It’s Saturday and a busy day lies ahead for me. Here’s some of the news items that caught my eye while slurping my coffee and getting my caffeine fix this morning:
Achoo! Allergies to keep getting worse  the 2011 spring allergy season is shaping up to be a miserable one, with pollen levels reaching record highs, thanks to heavy winter snows, early spring rains, and an early spring warm-up. photo source


Man trains for marathon eating nothing but McDonald's 

Remember the guy who trained for a marathon in Los Angeles this past March by eating nothing by McDonald’s food for 30 days straight? Joe D’Amico (left) of Palatine, Ill., explains what the hell he was thinking in an interview with WSCR radio in Chicago on Wednesday.





South Korea's "kiss apple" for better breath, dating pleasure

In South Korea, home of kimchi and other pungent, garlicky food, having fresh breath for life's big moments -- such as a kiss -- is a major concern.

Speaking of apples, I’m going to grab one and head on down the road…

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Lakers lose key Game #3 against the Mavs tonight…ouch!


I’m trying to come up with inspirational quotes for my Lakers (as a fan for over 44 years I feel a certain ownership), but it’ll take a lot more than talk to save this best of seven series.

One more loss to the Mavs…and it’s time to go home. Time to ride off into the sunset with no three-peat. No storybook ending for Phil Jackson in his last year as a coach. The game was close up till the end, until the Mavs did the clutch thing. Peja producing 11 4th quarter points proved to be too much.

Dallas stands on the threshold of moving on to the Western Conference Finals. Pau Gasol just couldn’t rise for the big event. The story (according to the Orange County Register) is his girlfriend broke up with him two weeks ago and he’s been mooning ever since. To add some real drama to it, the story says Kobe’s wife instigated the breakup and Pau and Kobe had words. Since they they reportedly haven’t talked. It shows.Two strangers passing in the night instead of two basketball pros passing the ball to each other.

I can’t help bemoaning the irony of the timing of these events. Why now? It completely destroyed the chemistry of the team. It especially dismantled the successful pick-and-roll that Kobe and Pau had going prior to all of this madness. Without that chemistry, the Lakers have turned into mere mortals. A team that was on the brink of history – another three-peat – fell short for many reasons. This little squabble is certainly one of them.

Would it have helped if Ron Artest wouldn’t have been suspended for this game? I doubt it. The basketball world is shifting. New powers are rising from the West. New young guns have arrived in town and are looking for their place in history. Dallas, Oklahoma, and Memphis. All bit players for decades on now on center stage. Once only punching bags for the powerhouses like the Lakers, the Houston Rockets, and the Spurs, their time has come.

I remain a loyal Laker fan and will continue to hope they win at least one game in this series. They have one more chance. If they win then they would have two more chances to win, and could make history as the first team ever to come from behind in a 3-0 to win a series. Imagine that? I sure like to. Go Lakers!

Good Luck Paul! Beatles legend ready for 3rd try at matrimony

Beatles legend Paul McCartney and his girlfriend of four years, Nancy Shevell, are engaged to be married.

McCartney's previous marriage to Heather Mills ended in divorce after 4 years and resulted in a reported $48 million settlement. His first wife, Linda, died of cancer in 1998 after 29 years of marriage.

Hopefully the third time around will work out for Paul and he’ll spend the rest of his life in wedded bliss. Like so many others, I admire the Beatles as a group, but Paul has always been one of the most talented in my humble opinion. Cheerio!

It’s hard to believe it’s been 41 years since this photo was taken…

bucket loader 001I was a combat engineer in Vietnam in 1970. Most of the time I did mine sweeping, but there were times my license to drive bucket loaders and earthmovers came in handy when another unit needed a temporary fill-in.

It was a nice break – being able to operate a vehicle - from humping mine detectors for miles every day.

This was taken at Bien Hoa sometime between April and May. I was 19-years old and when I look at myself here it’s like looking at a stranger.

Those were strange days in a strange land that transformed us all to some degree. Some of us lost our humanity. Some of us never came home. Some of us still see ghosts at certain times of the year.If only I could convey my feelings like a grand master on the canvas of life, I would share the madness of war so future generations understood there are no winners…only survivors!

So what is the answer to all of these questions? Anybody?

Cartoon by John Sherffius -

VIA Association of American Editorial Cartoonists

The Music Scene: Stevie Nicks Releases Solo CD After 10 Years

All I can say is….enjoy!

Fleetwood Mac songstress Stevie Nicks talks about her new album "In Your Dreams," her first solo disc since 2001's "Trouble In Shangri-La."

Fleetwood Mac is one of my all-time favorite groups, and I’ve always enjoyed Stevie Nicks’ work.

Woman awakens from surgery speaking in foreign accent

Dentist working on patient

As medical oddities go, this incident stands out: A lifelong resident of Oregon went to the dentist for surgery and awakened from sedation speaking in a British, or somewhat-British, accent. 
The 56-year-old woman appeared Thursday on NBC’s "Today," answering questions in what this MSNBC story describes as “an odd mixture of Irish, Scottish and northern British, with perhaps a dash of Australian and South African for good measure.”

Story Here

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...