Sunday, March 24, 2024

Be Careful Who You Let Come to Your House

"The better to see with, my child."

"Grandmother dear, what big teeth you have!"

"The better to eat you with!"

- Little Red Riding Hood

I was slack jawed when I found out that former Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel was hired by NBC as a political analyst after Trump ran her out of the party.

Why in the world would NBC do that?

Don't they realize they've introduced an election denier termite into their house that's going to eat away at their credibility?

Think about McDaniel's long history of assailing the news media as "fake" and her promotion of false claims about the 2020 election. 

She was even in on a call involving pressure on Michigan county officials not to certify the vote in the Detroit area, where Joe Biden had a commanding lead in 2020.

Apparently, McDaniel's experienced a Road to Damascus moment (or a brain fart) and suddenly acknowledged Joe Biden won "fair and square" on Meet the Press Sunday.

The interview came before NBC invited her to babble about politics. Supposedly. 

It isn't just NBC who's invited MAGA termites to spew their drivel to their audience. CBS and ABC are also guilty of taking the locks of their doors and allowing MAGA morons to slobber conspiracies to the world at large instead of just inside their own propaganda silos. 

Astute readers of this blog remember that I've written on this subject before. Just recently as a matter of fact.

As a journalist I have trouble keeping my thoughts to myself especially when I see the profession I love get dragged through the fever swamps of MAGA termites infesting what was once called the mainstream news.

What disgusts me is the thinly veiled excuses these networks give when they trot out another lunatic to "show what the other side thinks" when it's really just about the almighty dollar. Getting more viewers makes board members happy. Regardless of what kind of clown show is produced.

As it Stands, my warning to you dear reader is to watch who you let into your house... there's wolves on TV in disguise.

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Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

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