Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Do Americans Deserve Democracy?

Any democratic country that allows a person like Donald Trump to hold their nation hostage might not be deserving of the freedoms they currently enjoy.

Despite not actually being in government, Trump owns GOP members of Congress in the House and Senate. He pulls his lackey's strings to help his campaign for president.

How could we have let this orange clown's cult thrive when it's based on lies? The political chaos Trump has caused is almost impossible to quantify.

Look at the damage Trump has done to our political, electoral, and judicial systems. The negative effects will probably carry over to the next generation. The Constitution is under attack daily from MAGA lawyers carrying out their leader's wishes.

One man.

How did the once respected Republican party dissolve and turn into spinless cult members? How could that happen in the oldest democracy in the world?

It's our fault. 

Americans have taken their freedoms too lightly for far too long. We just expect the good guys will win and life will go merrily along. We may or may not vote.  Reality has a way of catching up however, if we don't pay attention.

Now we have someone like Trump who came and convinced millions of Americans that the idea of living in an authoritarian state with a dictator was more attractive than our 250-year democracy.

I know you have heard it already - that this is the year democracy may die at the ballot box - but I can't repeat it enough. We're going to need a voting record turnout among real patriots who want to preserve our republic. 

We need a resounding victory for our freedoms and for the rest of the world to see how we turned away Trump's efforts to dismantle our democracy.

It's still possible to redeem ourselves from past mistakes by standing up for the truth, and challenging the lies spread by the MAGA cult whenever or wherever their told.

We can't count on the courts stopping Trump despite the four criminal cases and 91 felony charges he faces this year. 

His judicial appointees are running interference for him hoping he'll get re-elected president and can pardon himself for the numerous crimes he's committed.

As it stands, we'll find out if we deserve a democracy in November. Vote Blue.

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Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

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