Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Shame on Us! Americans are Letting One Man Destroy Democracy

Shame on Us!

Millions of Americans have joined a cult where one man wants to rule like an emperor. There's no excuse for what's happening other than populist mind control.

Donald Trump represents all that is wrong in politics today. His control of Republican lawmakers makes him a shadow Speaker of the House which makes it easier to subvert Congressional rules and norms.  

I keep hearing that no one is above the law, but Trump keeps proving that's not true. He gets the kid glove treatment in courts where judges are afraid to put him in jail for violating gag orders. Despite 91 felony charges in four jurisdictions political pundits still don't think he'll do jail time.

Trump literally gets away with lying every day as he seeks to rewrite the reality around him and his supporters. 

I've never seen one man with so much power able to create chaos and polarize an entire nation. As an avid fiction reader and writer, I wouldn't have attempted a plot this crazy because readers wouldn't have bought into it.

Unfortunately, it's all too real. America is struggling to shed the biggest threat to democracy since the Civil War.

There's not a news organization or social media platform that doesn't bring up Trump's name daily. His every lying angry rant gets picked up and recirculated regularly.

The rest of the world is baffled about how America - the greatest modern democracy - has embraced a psychopathic malicious narcissist with the mental IQ of a fourth grader.

The Trump plague has spread like the black plague in medieval times affecting other countries with fascist-minded individuals attacking other democracies.

To be clear, Americans really blew it when they allowed Trump to enter their lives and threaten their freedoms. Now we're paying the price.

But getting justice is harder these days with lots of Trump-appointed judges willing to protect him at all costs. That includes the Supreme Court justices he appointed while in office.

Some credit is due because he is currently being tried for his criminal activities in multiple courts. Sadly, many Americans don't believe he'll ever be held accountable for trying to overthrow an election and stealing top secret documents.

The fact that criminally indicted Trump is running to be re-elected president is something straight out of The Twilight Zone. If jailed for violating gag orders he still plans on running his campaign from behind bars.

As it stands, I hope Americans finally realize how important their vote is and how it'll affect their own future. Freedom depends upon it. 

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