Tuesday, October 10, 2023

What's Plan B? What are GOP House Members Going to Do if Jordan and Scalise Aren't Elected?

When you look at the two GOP members running for Speaker of the House it's apparent there's going to be two problems.

One - Both are unelectable. There's just no way the so-called moderate Republicans are going to boost extremists like Gym Jordan and Steve Scalise.

Two - There's no Plan B. No name has surfaced as a possible alternative to Trump's two henchmen.

Last night, the chaotic remnants of the Republican party were supposed to come up with a leader. Who really believed that was going to happen? It would have been a miracle if they did.

Instead, it's a fool's errand. Spokespersons for the GOP claimed they'd pick a leader behind closed doors and will come out and announce the person's name today for a House vote.

That didn't happen.

Realistically, the GOP needs to have to find someone that can govern in a crisis. Someone smart enough to realize they must compromise in order to get any legislation passed needs to emerge from the swampy morass.

A strange rumor is circulating in the halls of Congress that the party may ask Kevin McCarthy to come back. That's hard for me to believe.

One thing is evident, most members want to get rid of the rule where one member can take down the House Speaker. That's a sticking point. Right now, they're in neutral trying to figure out what to do. 

Meanwhile, America waits and watches wondering when the GOP majority is going to elect a new leader and allow the House to go back to doing its job.

As it stands, the Republicans temper tantrum couldn't have happened at a worse time as we face another shutdown and the need to immediately help our longtime ally, Israel.

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