Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Republicans Pre-Emptive Strikes Against Laws Shows What Losers They Are

An increasing trend among GOP lawmakers is setting up their agendas with pre-emptive strikes.

Gov. Greg Abbott and Gov. Ron DeSantis are two blatant examples of what extremist Republicans can do with the help of MAGA legislators to enact their corrupt agendas.

The one big thing they have in common is they cover their asses with GOP legislatures that slowly eat away at people's rights. 

Take Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders latest example of how these MAGA minions protect themselves by withholding information from constituents.

She's colluding with her Republican cronies to create massive gaps in the Freedom of Information Act by trying to pass a bill that would shield her from public exposure on her actions.

The plan was to close off all access to her records, including any "reflecting communications" between the governor's office and her cabinet secretaries. 

It also would have created an attorney-client privilege exemption from the open-records law and change the standard for awarding attorney's fees in lawsuits over open records.

But Sander's first attempt to weaken government transparency was watered down when Arkansas lawmakers voted to NOT go lockstep on the scheme and ditched the more far-reaching proposals.

She is still getting her way to a lesser extent because legislators narrowed the bill down today to just shielding her travel and security records in a House vote. A final vote is set for Thursday. Local politicians say it's a done deal.

The issue isn't going to go away for long. The plot to hide all transparency of GOP lawmakers who dominate the state is now underway with the opening of this pre-emptive strike against Arkansas citizens freedoms.

Abbott and DeSantis have perfected the early strike scheme to a science. They're both turning their states into undemocratic banana republics.

Look no further for pre-emptive strikes than the crazy caucus in the House who are busy with fake investigations against President Joe Biden and his son Hunter.

They're throwing up flak for their leader the disgraced former president who is losing his battle with the courts which intend to hold him accountable for his coup attempt and stealing top secret documents (to name a couple of the 91 felony charges against him in four jurisdictions).

To be sure, Trump is a loser. He's proved that since losing the 2020 election by trying to destroy our republic, the constitution, and to form a fascist government with him as leader for life.

Trump's campaign of grievances and martyrdom is playing well with his base, but more importantly it's not stopping the courts from pursuing him with evidence regardless of his sob stories and lies.

As it stands, the Republican party is history and now conservatives/MAGA morons have chosen to cast their lot with a loser.

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