Saturday, September 30, 2023

House Passes CR: The Senate has Hours Left to Close the Deal

The Titanic didn't sink.

A runaway high-speed train didn't go off the tracks in the House today and a last-minute bill to keep the US funded was passed. It's a 45-day stopgap funding measure. 

Isn't that great?

All eyes are on the Senate now to avoid a catastrophic government shutdown by taking the bill to the finish line - President Joe Biden's desk. 

The good news is Republican senators are signaling that they think they can keep the government open. Even dour Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell assured reporters after the House vote, "There is a growing hope we may actually avoid a shutdown."

That's encouraging. But the clock is ticking towards midnight and any disruption in the Senate could turn the bill into a pumpkin.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is in an awkward position. If he doesn't bring the House bill up the whole narrative changes and it becomes Schumer's shutdown instead of McCarthy's shutdown.

One possible hurdle for a quick consideration is GOP Sen. Rand Paul who vowed to slow down any bill with Ukraine funding has been solved. 

The House bill doesn't have Ukraine funding in it and Paul said he wouldn't object to a time agreement which means the Senate could beat the midnight deadline and keep America open for business.

As it stands, yesterday I said it would take a miracle to avoid a shutdown. However, if the Senate passes the goal line tonight, it'll be because the Democrats had the high ground all along.

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