Thursday, May 18, 2023

Chimpanzee Study Reveals Why Republicans Speak in a Different Language Than Most Americans

A fascinating study published by the journal Nature Communications has opened the door to understanding why Republicans speak a different language than the rest of Americans.

They apparently have something in common with chimps. Researchers report that the chimps can communicate using specific nouns or verbs to refer to present dangers.

This breakthrough research led to diagnosing Republican's motivated by fear using key words (usually out of context) like woke.

The scientists in the study pranked some wild chimps by throwing fake snakes into the middle of their territory. Then they recorded the sounds the monkeys made and concluded they were using a crude form of communication.

In the same way social scientists in America have discovered that Republican rants have key words that only means something to them.

Another key finding is that the chimps responded to a specific combination of calls that motivated them. Likewise, Republicans are motivated by a specific word salad that keeps them in a constant state of fear and anger.

As it stands, I encourage studies that help me understand the threat within: Republicans.

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