Friday, April 21, 2023

Elon Musk Knows All About 'Space Stuff'

Once upon a time there was a wacky billionaire who claimed to know "Space Stuff" despite the fact that he never had any schooling on the subject.

Elon Musk (SpaceX founder) who apparently considers himself an expert on space stuff launched a giant rocket yesterday and it blew up after three minutes in the stratosphere. 

The now defunct rocket set Musk back three billion dollars, but he still claimed it was a success and that he knew it would blow up. That can of logic epitomizes the craziest billionaire in the world.

Musk has been busy causing chaos on the internet after he purchased Twitter. It's become a landing place for extremists again. 

But I digress.

Back to space stuff. Musk has been bragging that he would be the first to learn about Aliens lately. An odd thing to do after your spaceship turned into celestial junk and you're trying to make a point about how savvy you are about all things in space.

The crazy claim was made on Tucker Carlson's show where crazy knows where to go. Musk bragged that if there were Aliens, he would've tweeted it. Thus, there can be no aliens because... well because Musk said so.

I wonder how NASA feels about that since they've been working with Musk's SpaceX company. A NASA spokesman did say while there's been no Alien sightings confirmed there's been a lot of unexplained flying objects spotted recently.

Well, be at ease knowing that if there's ever a confirmed contact with an extraterrestrial alien Musk will tell us all about it in a quasi-documentary praising his skills at space stuff. Personally, I'd be hesitant to believe the lunatic without confirmed evidence.

As it stands, Musk is making the personal appearance tour on right-wing platforms talking about space while his platform -Twitter - is a breeding ground for domestic terrorists.

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