Tuesday, November 1, 2022

The Day a Truth Bomb Exploded Across the Nation

No one saw it coming.

One moment America was engulfed in lies... and the next a truth bomb was dropped, transforming the country forever.

Historians carefully documented what happened in the course of the three fateful days that restored the United States of America.

Day One

The most obvious effect was on Trump and his cult followers. They could be seen gagging in the corridors of Congress and hurling on the streets. Millions of right-wing politicians and activists across the country found themselves at loss for words and weak from serial vomiting.

Historians observed that right-wingers were easy to spot with their bulging eyes and the projectile vomiting every time they tried to lie. Many were found lying on the ground, exhausted but unrepentant. From the first day it was the Tower of Babble amongst conservative crazies who were unable to speak because of their lying lips.

Day Two

Big changes. Because the right-wing tainted Supreme Court justices were liars and unable to speak, they had to step down and allow new justices who believed in the Constitution and women's rights to replace them.

The federal courts, state courts, and county courts experienced a purge of liars leading to judges that believed in the oaths they took. Justice was restored to the land.

From the White House to every government administration the effects of the truth bomb were evident as thousands of new job openings were created.

Day Three

The great political purge. No one knows for sure how many Republican politicians were struck speechless because they couldn't utter one sentence without lying. Historians estimate three-fourths of the Republican party found themselves without a job.

There were Democrats too who lost their voices because they were blatant liars. And Independents. The purge's effect was to not only restore sanity to our politics, but it also paved the way for the Golden Age in America that we are experiencing now in 2024.

As it stands, it turns out that historians were not sure who dropped the bomb? But they really didn't care.

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