Thursday, March 31, 2022

Democrats Have to Improve Messaging Before the Midterms

The gates of hell opened in 2016 when the biggest grifter in American history was elected president.

Crazies didn't have a national voice prior to the election. When Don the Con took over the country that changed.

With midterms coming up those crazies are motivated by the thought their going to get back in power. The House and the Senate is in jeopardy for several reasons.

One, the odds of Democrats holding both the House and the Senate are historically thin. Midterm elections for an incumbent president whose party controls both houses almost always ends badly with big gains for the other party.

Two, Democratic voters aren't as enthusiastic about voting in November as the Republicans are. Biden wasn't able to please the progressive part of the party with bills they favored and now they feel like he let them down.

Three, the simplest explanation is voters look at who's in charge and if there's problems with the economy (regardless of the reason) they vote for change.

The stars seem to be aligned for the party of Trump. The omens are ominous for Democrats. In a recent NBC poll, more than seven in 10 Americans say things generally in the nation are on the wrong track.

Concerns about inflation, concerns about the economy generally and concerns about what's going on in foreign affairs right now, are all barriers that have to somehow be overcome.

So, what can be done in the next seven months to reenergize Democratic voters?

That's something the Democratic party has to figure out in the months ahead. Unless the economy shows sizeable improvement, the challenge is an uphill climb.

Will it take a miracle(s) to change the dynamics of the election? 

The answer lies within reach, however. It's messaging.

Democrats need to promote the successes they've had, from passing the largest infrastructure bill in history, to appointing a new Supreme Court justice.

Thus far they've done a crappy job at getting the good word out to the general public. That has to quickly change.

There are still unknown factors that could change a lot of people's minds about the Party of Trump candidates.

Millions of Americans will be watching the proceedings of the Jan. 6 Committee this summer. There's a good chance the committee will recommend criminal charges against Trump and his chief cronies.

I don't expect AG Merrick Garland will move swiftly to prosecute, but the indictments will come in time.

The damning reality of a coup attempt will motivate millions of Americans viewers to vote against Trump-backed candidates.

It'll also motivate Trumpies, but they're already motivated. It may cause some to foam at the mouth but won't change their numbers.

There's always a chance the economy will improve, and Biden's numbers will get better.

All that aside, if the Democrats continue to fail at communicating their accomplishments, they won't stand a chance.

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