Tuesday, February 22, 2022

'What Me Worry?' It's a Mad, Mad, Mad World

Everyone is pissed off.

It seems like everyone is mad at someone, or something. 

The streets are packed with people with chips on their shoulders.

There's no getting around it. We live in a Mad, Mad, Mad world.

So, what can you do about it?

You could embrace Mad Magazine's Alfred E. Newman's philosophy, "What Me Worry?" and find humor in the worst of situations. Parody and satire are a good way to turn your frowns into smiles.

Your social media should give way to satirical media that leaves you laughing so hard you don't notice rising gas prices and the increasing inflation in the country.

No subject was taboo for Mad Magazine

All aspects of life and popular culture, politics, entertainment, and shaming public figures, was on the magazine's menu.

When you take the "What Me Worry" attitude it's an immense relief. 

You know you can't single-handedly change the course of the pandemic or heal the divide between political parties. So why worry about them?

It may be a cavalier way to dealing with the world's challenges and pissed off people, but so what? Have you got a better idea?

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