Friday, February 4, 2022

Clarence Thomas: Corrupt Justice Siding with DeSantis and GOP Radicals

    (Clarence Thomas and wife Ginni and Ron De Santis)

Supreme Court Clarence Thomas doesn't care about equal justice for all.
He's an extremist who sides with conservative conspiracy-riddled radicals.

One of the many reasons we know this is his wife, Ginni, is a die-hard Trump fan who applauded the Jan. 6 rioters and encouraged them weeks before the insurrection attempt.

She runs her own consulting firm which has been working with Gov. DeSantis in helping him encourage groups, including Judicial Watch (an extremist group) that uses information requests and lawsuits to investigate liberal public officials.

As for Thomas, he's completely ignored the obvious conflict of interest his wife is causing, and actually encourages her right-wing activities.

How do we know that?

Because his wife admits Thomas has been in contact with DeSantis regularly. The fact that Thomas is supposed to be neutral doesn't even phase him. He made his decision a long time ago to be a political whore for the Republicans.

DeSantis knows how to stroke egos. He has had plenty of practice with Trump. It's evident in his public statements.

During a 2020 Federalist Society conference held in Disneyworld, DeSantis gushed over his Supreme Court connection stating, "Thomas is the greatest living justice."

To Supreme Court observers Thomas has always been the squeaky wheel who rolls with right-wing politicians and conspiracy loons. His track record of rulings clearly points that out.

It's plain to see that DeSantis is working with Thomas's wife, and him, to achieve his goal of running for president. He believes a direct connection to the Supreme Court will bolster his campaign.

He's probably right.

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