Friday, September 3, 2021

COVID-19 Madness: Our Prolonged Pandemic is Poisoning People's Minds

After two years of an invisible killer stalking the nation, the terrible mental toll has taken its effect on millions of people.

If there's one thing ALL Americans have in common right now it's experiencing the effects of a fourth virus surge.

Instead of embracing the knowledge our scientists have gained to fight the virus (by developing a vaccine in record time), millions of Americans have turned on science... and sane solutions to staying safe.

Polarized by politics, and massive disinformation campaigns in all medias, there doesn't seem to be an antidote for this crisis.

Initially, people listened to advise and hunkered down everywhere in an attempt to stop the spread of the most deadly virus to hit the country in over 100-years. 

That patience is disappearing.

What little unity to fight the virus has slowly evaporated as the months passed and turned into a year... and beyond. Now, two years later most people's patience has disappeared.

We've gone from fear to anger

Overworked doctor's and healthcare officials are angry and exhausted with the unvaccinated who are filling the hospitals to capacity. That's because they know it doesn't have to be this way.

We have the vaccines to save people. But you can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved.

Angry parents in school board meetings over masking are physically assaulting board members, doctors, and other parents. 

Weaponized words are turning into violent actions as anti-vaxxers and right-wing pundits claim the virus is a hoax, and face masks are a violation of their kid's rights.

The only answer to defeating COVID-19's latest mutation the Delta variant, is through universal vaccinations and safety measures like using face masks inside schools and other public places.

The longer it takes to get this pandemic under control so we can return to our {normal} lives, the more the poison will spread.

Ironically, truth deniers and science advocates have a common goal...both sides want the dying to stop.

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