Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Baby Trump Wannabee Cawthorn Threatens Americans With 'Bloodshed' Remarks

The fight to see who can go the lowest among far right-wing politicians has reached new levels of insanity lately.

The youngest person in Congress, Madison Cawthorn, wants to be just like his idol Trump and is going to great lengths to prove it.

He continues to preach the Big Lie and is threatening Americans who don't agree Trump is still the president.

Despite the fact that the federal intelligence warnings have been coming out warning against rhetoric that could spark another riot, "Baby Trump wannabee" is throwing fuel on the fire.

"Anybody who tells you that Joe Biden was dutifully elected is lying to you," Cawthorn said in a video the party posted on its Facebook page before deleting it yesterday following blowback.

Meanwhile Cawthorn is bragging that he would be willing to take up arms against the government to defend "election security.

This open admission of treason has become fashionable among the far-right set who are willing to destroy democracy to stay in power.

Cawthorn's little speech came after a joint intelligence assessment that warned "narratives of fraud in the recent general election" and "the emboldening impact of the violent breach of the US Capitol" would "almost certainly" spark domestic terror attacks."

After his spiel an audience member asked Cawthorn "When are you going to call us to Washington again?"

His reply, "We are actively working on that one. We have a few plans in motion I can't make public right now."

As proof of what a hypocrite and liar he is,  look no farther than when he admitted the election was not fraudulent, and that Joseph R. Biden was our president in January.

When Cawthorn warned that there could be bloodshed in future elections, he was setting the stage for that to happen.

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Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...