Thursday, June 10, 2021

Trump's Assault Against Media Organizations Was Worse Than You Thought

Trump's four-year run assaulting media organizations that didn't deify him was more insidious than most Americans realized.

Beyond Trump's well-known battles with the press before becoming president, his disastrous reign brought the power of the presidency against mainstream media organizations and journalists in general.

Recent reports have exposed just how far Trump abused the office to go after his so-called enemy... the fake press. 

That meant years of meritless lawsuits and investigating individual journalists he wanted to get dirt on the sly.

The Justice Department recently notified reporters at CNN, The Washington Post and The New York Times that personal records had been seized by Trump's DOJ under Bill Barr.

This public confirmation of Trump's corruption adds to the enormity of the damage he did to our democracy. Trying to steal an election on his way out was his swan song.

Leaders of CNN, The New York Times and The Washington Post are scheduled to meet on Monday with AG Merrick Garland to clear the air.

Garland already announced he WOULD NOT demand journalist's records in leak investigations. 

That'll in itself will be a first for a DOJ that has historically had a bad habit of letting presidents get away with nearly everything.

It's one small step for democracy and for the freedom of the press. At least it's a start.

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Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

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