Tuesday, May 18, 2021

The Biggest Threat To America Today

Russia is not the biggest threat America faces.

China is not the biggest threat to America.

Nor is North Korea.

Or Iran.

Or any other hostile nation.

The biggest threat to our very way of life, our democracy, is coming from one man...


He's holding the Republican Party in thrall. So much so that eighty-percent believe in his Big Lie, and that Biden is not the current president.

It's a matter of reality, ideology, and an alternate universe clashing in the headlines every day.

No president has ever threatened our electoral system like Trump has, and is doing right now months after losing the 2020 election.

Rational Republicans are being canceled by radical Republicans who think Trump is some kind of god and deserves unswerving loyalty regardless of how much it hurts this country.

Far from accepting his loss, Trump continues to play his favorite hits: "They stole the election. Biden is not president, I am. Only I can save this country from becoming a communist nation. Blah, blah, blah."

Like a badger emerging from it's den, Trump is increasingly becoming more visible news wise.

His appearances thus far have been limited to interrupting his guests weddings at Mar-a-Lago and delivering an impromptu Stop the Steal rant.

That's going to change next month. Trump minions are hinting his highness will re-start his infamous rallies in mid to late June.


Trump's efforts to attack our democracy are ramping up as his minions seek to suppress voters in the upcoming 2022 mid terms. 

Like termites they're eating away at the very foundations of our republic. Republican governors are signing voter suppression laws to ensure that the mid terms will be a lot harder to vote for democratic voters and independents.

In Trump's own words, "They're rigging the election."

A free and open election is the bedrock of our Constitution. We must always speak truth to the lies Trump tells. Democracy depends upon us all.

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