Monday, December 26, 2016

Presidential Inaugeration Was A 'Yuge' Celebration, Says Trump Follower

Good Day World!

The following are notes from a Donald Trump supporter who attended numerous events associated with the Presidential Inauguration, 2017.

Thursday, January 19th, 2017

"It was cold this morning with a brisk wind from the north as the crowd gathered to watch President Trump lay a wreath at the Confederate Memorial, Arlington National Cemetery, in Arlington, Virginia.

Strains of "Dixie" filled the fog that surrounded the solemn event. Tiny Confederate flags dotted the nearby graves like flowers.

I still can't believe I was one of the lucky people who got to attend that night's "Make America White Again! Welcome Celebration at the Liberty County Courthouse (a Confederate memorial) in Hinesville, Georgia.

The ladies were dressed in flowing dresses reminiscent of the old South. When President Trump made his grand entrance dressed as Robert E. Lee, I thought I'd died and gone back to 1865.

Friday, January 20th, 2017

Watching Donald Trump being sworn in as our 45th president, was Yuge! I felt like I was in a dream, as a sharp wind whipped President Trumps golden hair into a halo.

The only bad thing was the sound of thousands of angry voices chanting "Not my president!" that carried from several blocks away from the event.

The noise was soon drowned-out by the inaugural parade. What a sight! I never saw so many all white marching bands in one parade.

The Billionaires float, affectionately known as President Trump's cabinet, featured golden railings wrapped around ornate silver posts. 

You should have seen the crowd cheer when they started throwing out gold coins along Pennsylvania Avenue! 

I regret to say, I couldn't afford to go to either inaugural ball that night, but I heard they were both really great! Ted Nugent played his guitar (the one shaped like an M-16) and Kid Rock white-boy rapped to every one's delight.

All-in-all, it was a Yuge success. Looking forward to the next four years."

Time for me to walk on down the road...

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