Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Processed meat tied to ovarian cancer risk

My next question is “Does that mean it’s okay for men to eat processed meat? Should there be a separate study now to see if men face a risk of cancer too?

I know that they were looking at Ovarian cancers in the study, but cancer is cancer isn’t it? In men it’s prostate cancer. Now I’m going to worry about why women are warned when men are left wondering!

Study: Those who ate at least 4 servings a week had 18 percent higher risk

Women who eat a lot of processed meats, such as salami and hot dogs, are at a higher risk of ovarian cancer, according to a new Australian study.

At the same time, those who eat a lot of fish have a lower risk of the deadly tumors, Dr. Penny M. Webb of Gynecological Cancers Group at Queensland Institute of Medical Research in Brisbane, Australia, and colleagues found.”

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