Thursday, January 29, 2009

Rush Limbaugh: the New Conservative Icon or Next Republican Leader?

Right-wing Radio nut, Rush Limbaugh, and his slavering devotees think they have died and gone to heaven because President Obama mentioned his name the other day!

Republicans are wetting themselves while waiting in line to pay "El Rusho" homage. This poster-boy for OxyContin signed a contact extension last year for $400 million to keep rabble-rousing conservatives until 2016.

That's a scary thought. Even scarier, he claims to have 13 million listeners every week, based upon a combination of Arbitron ratings and it's own metrics.

To think that many people tune in to listen to this drug addict rant about every move President Obama makes, is enough to make a sane person hurl! Demigods like "Limp Ba" rise in times of recession/depression when people are desperate and willing to believe any propaganda that they think will improve their lives.

Sad, but true. Obama should have never mentioned his name. It was like giving him validation. It was a mistake.

 The rolly-polly King of Lies has landed on that little mention of his name, and is now proclaiming himself king of the conservatives by way of this acknowledgment.

 Pathetic, but probably effective in rallying his core cronies. What a world. People are losing their jobs right and left and clowns like "El Rusho" are making millions spewing hatred and lies.

As It Stands, the Republican party might as well elect Rush to head them up if he can bring 13 million voters with him!

image via

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Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

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