Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Is it Time to Ban Viagra?

The rightwing conservatives war on women has gone into overdrive since the Supreme Court took away women's right to their own bodies.

The latest attack has been against using the abortion pill Mifepristone. After 20 years of safe use MAGA nuts are suddenly claiming it's not safe and should be taken off the market.


If these extremists want to take a women's right's away, then it's only fair that men should be denied the right to a pill that gives them a hard-on and can also kill them.

Taking Viagra has serious side effects including:

* Cardiovascular events such as: chest pain (angina), heart attacks, and irregular heartbeats (Arrhythmias).

* Severe bleeding (hemorrhage) in the brain, lungs, or eye

* Vision loss

* Hearing loss

* Painful or prolonged erections

* Seizures

*Low blood pressure

* Low blood counts

* Severe allergic reactions

* Sudden death.

When you compare the two pills it's obvious which is the most dangerous pill to the user. Viagra. Despite these facts right-wingers are ignoring the health threats of Viagra and trying to demonize Mifepristone for political reasons.

Notably old white men lawmakers think Viagra is the best thing since sliced bread. Why would they do anything about it?

As it stands, it's time to ban this deadly drug designed to give men woodies because it's dangerous, unlike Mifepristone.

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