Monday, September 25, 2023

It's Time 'Dark Brandon' Steps Up and Takes Trump Head On!

In the age of memes President Joe Biden's nickname "Dark Brandon" is the best.

Like the meek and mild Clark Kent who fronts for Superman, Biden can transform into a political superhero whenever the country calls on him in a crisis.

His track record as a productive president proves his enemies underestimate his abilities when they mock him with memes like "Let's Go Brandon" a code phrase meaning "F**K Biden." Frankly, that's all his enemies can do. Spread lies and try to be cute about it.

The time's come for Dark Brandon to make daily appearances to turn back the assaults Trump and his lawmaker minions are waging against him and our democracy.

Thus far Biden the nice guy has stayed away from criticizing Trump very much because of the felony trials he's facing and wanting to appear neutral during the avalanche of 91 criminal charges in four jurisdictions.

Think about that for a moment. MAGA morons are already saying it's part of Biden's presidential campaign and he's weaponizing government.

Set that aside for a moment. What good is it doing being so cautious when Biden's enemies are controlling the public narrative right now? There's no need to wait until next year to fight back. It might be too late by then.

Dark Brandon needs to take on the MAGA narrative of gross misinformation and lies every day from now until next November.

Americans deserve the truth about what Trump's efforts are doing to the rule of law and be reminded of the crimes and corruption he's already committed and his ongoing crimes against the judiciary system.

Trump committed media outlets are turning out lies on a daily basis and need to be countered with facts and the truth daily by Democrats.

The best man to do that is Dark Brandon who does have, after all, the presidential bully pulpit to expose the lies made by Trump and his law firm in Congress.

These are strange days we live in. We have nothing to compare them too in the past. What once worked is no longer working in our government that's been reduced to two warring tribes unwilling to come together and compromise.

As it stands, that's why we need Dark Brandon to step up and fight fire-with-fire and stop bringing a knife to the gunfight.

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