Wednesday, February 22, 2023

In the Ongoing War Against 'Woke' Fox is Attacking New Lego Characters

When Fox News can feed into cultural wars like a shark in a swarm of tuna, they don't hesitate.

After a year-long campaign attacking M&M spokescandies for being woke Fox News hosts have found something new to hate on lately. A child's toy.

Legos are bad now in Fox world. How could a children's toy with lineage dating back to 1915 in Denmark suddenly be so bad?

The answer lies with Fox News hosts with nothing better to do than hate on anything they deem liberal or as they say woke.

So, what's their problem with Legos?

The toy manufacturer is coming out with a new line of Legos to appeal to a wider variety of children. The diverse roster includes children with Downs Syndrome and missing limbs.

That set off bells ringing in the Fox News swamp and its hosts slithered out with a new line of propaganda appealing to the MAGA audience. 

Horrors! Diversity and inclusion meant woke in the crazy world of morons who gather in front of the conservative TV channel where truth goes to die, to be brainwashed.

These same snowflake hosts were soiling their diapers last month over Xbox being woke.

The problem? They claimed the gaming console was trying to recruit kids into climate politics by introducing ... don't laugh yet. Wait for it... a new power-saving feature!

As it stands, I have to admit those Fox News hosts continue to amaze me with their lunacy. Even more amazing (and scary) is they have a big audience. 

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