Thursday, September 2, 2021

Personal Freedoms Are Being Used As A Cudgel Against Science

The Republican party's current war about personal freedoms being challenged is the descendent of the 20th century Moral Majority who were always whining about perceived threats to their freedoms.

Writer B.J. Rudell, whose article on The Hill today discusses how "Freedom is good policy and good politics," details how the GOP is luring sane people into it's folds.  

The article, Republicans Cornering the Market on Freedom and Oppression addresses how selling the public on a policy - right or wrong - is key for a corrupt political party's chances of successful indoctrinating voters.

Rudell points out;

"Today's "personal freedom" movement is code for 'Make America Great Again.' Advocates seek to restore America's revolutionary spirit. If you oppose freedom, you support tyranny. There is no wiggle room for nuance or differing opinions. American and God-given rights are intertwined and inalienable."

The Republican party has hardened in it's views of what personal freedoms mean. Rudell explains:

"Personal freedom fighters in the COVID era believe individual opinions - regardless of their truth - matter more than those of experts, of politicians, or of the dying lying in hospital beds. 

All levels of government constitute "the swamp." "Don't tread on me" has devolved into "No more rules." It is the antithesis of the state control sought by family values. It is instead a battle against society - against the essential frameworks on which civilizations are built.

 This is a point of anarchical pride for the personal freedom brigade, because it doesn't matter who gets hurt, as long as it's not them."

Rudell's summary conclusion:

The GOP has decided it's better to be on the wrong side with millions who adore you, than to be on the right side with millions who don't."

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Blog Beak Until Presidential Election is Over

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