Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Year In Review Cancelled: No One Wants To Remember 2020

Usually at this time of year I run a Year in Review post. 

Due to what a hellish year it's been I'm cancelling that tradition which dates back to 2008.

If you want to see a re-cap of this miserable year turn on your TV or roam social media platforms. They're packed with events we'd rather not remember.

This year will only be remembered favorably by the wealthy and the Wall Street elite. They all made a killing (financially) while the rest of the country suffered through a pandemic (over 330,000 deaths and counting), food shortages, and economic blows (like losing jobs).

It's hard trying to put a happy face on 2020. Reality has been too harsh. Who wants to remember our sociopath/narcissist president trying to steal the presidential election?

Yes, there's lessons to be learned next year, but showing a montage of the carnage for entertainment doesn't interest me.

Experts in all fields, under the new Biden administration, will have their hands full correcting the mistakes and blatant damage Trump has wrought upon our nation.

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