Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Trump House: The Desecration of the White House

Pandemic Diary
Day 176

Dear Diary,

The Trump regime has dismantled nearly every tradition associated with the White House. Not to mention every ethics violation in relation to the People's House.

It became The House of Trump in 2017. The former fading reality star turned the storied building into a stage for promoting racist propaganda and his own personal agenda which has nothing to do with the people.

Nothing was left unmolested as Trump put his stamp on the interior, and Melania went outside to destroy The Kennedy Rose Garden; the scene of many historic events, in a pathetic attempt to leave her mark. Or, smear. 

The South Lawn has been transformed into a rally site for his re-election numerous times in so-called "press briefings" that were nothing more that airing of his grievances. 

A large portion of Trump's documented 20,000 lies have been spewed from the North Portico while serving up his best Mussolini impressions during state events.

Melania's touch has extended to the interior of the White House as evidenced one Christmas when she put up a Blood Red forest in a hallway and called it festive. 

Her spokesperson confirmed the fashion statement was early Lucifer.

Trump has huddled in the Oval Office with Russian officials, mocking his own intelligence community, and colluding with their master Putin. Their jocularity at the firing of FBI chief James Comey rocked the American intelligence community.

In a cowardly display he had to hide in the White House bunker, while thousands of Americans protested his regime outside. He's welcomed more dictators than democratic leaders to the White House.

When Trump and his minions are evicted from the People's House it's going to need fumigated, sterilized, and exorcised.

Wiping out the shameful memories will be harder, but in time they'll pass into the oblivion of history. Buried in their own shame.

Quote for the Day: "It is incumbent upon us to understand our greatness and believe in it so that we do not cheapen and profane ourselves." -Meir Kahane

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