Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Pandemic Diary Day 121: The Biggest Threat to Public Schools: Betsy DeVos

Dear Diary,

Education Secretary and Trump puppet, Betsy DeVos, doesn't give a damn about children.

Or public schools.

She sees them as an income source for her depraved private for profit religious schools. If she gave a damn about children she wouldn't be pushing for a grand nationwide opening of schools in the height of this pandemic.

What we know about DeVos:
1) NPR reported that the DeVos Urban Leadership Initiative, formerly the Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation, has been a top contributor to the Federalist Society, prompting the nation's largest teacher's union to criticize her for spending time on political events rather than planning for a safe reopening of schools shuttered by the pandemic.

She's currently holding three virtual meetings a week with members of the Federalist Society.

2) Betsy and her family are major Trump donors, which got her the job - despite being unqualified - in the first place.

3) Her father-in-law is a co-founder of Amway (basically a pyramid scheme) and part of a small circle of conservative billionaires who have long funded the Republican Party.

4) She's a major financial backer of legal efforts to overturn campaign-spending limits.

5) She's done everything she can to limit funding for public schools, and to promote private religious schools for profit.

The woman is evil.

She's also the current biggest threat to America's public school system. 

                   On the Homefront - Medford, Oregon
Recent virus transmission models agree with earlier evaluation - we could see anywhere from 1,100 to 7,300 cases per day by the end of this month.

We hit a daily record high of new cases Saturday with 409 reported.

Thus far, the state has reported 12,800 total cases of confirmed coronavirus, and 234 deaths.

Quote for the Day; "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." -Edmund Burke

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