Wednesday, January 15, 2020

WH Source Says Trump Secretly Working on His Resume

Good Day World!

Breaking News! 

An anonymous White House source emailed me the following information about Trump this morning;

"I talked Trump into doing a resume. Here's the results."



MAr-a_LAgo, FLourda

tO WhoeVeR iss REaDinG tHis,

SKillS -

I'm qUaliFied tO dO anything bEcaUse i'm tHe CHoSeN oNe

EXpeRiEnCe -

** I waS ThE BEsT pResIdeNt AMeRiCa eVeR HAd!

** i LoST a BiLLiOn dOLlars iN oNE DecaDe AnD StIll gOT EllectEd president oF UsA

** I hAd a sytring of falinG cassionos ThAT wE're GoOd tAX wRIteOffS

** ImPEachED four dOing a gOOd joB

** I HAve tHe BEst wOrds

** i stARTed mY oWN uNIveRSity

** I STartED a Yuge Charity fOUNdaTIon

** I Was nAmed WhiTe gUY Of tHE yEAr By NAtiOn EUroPa

Business and Personal References

TruMPLican PARTy

AppRENTice FAns

tROlls FOr TRuMp

RedNEckS wiTHOut REstraiNT

nATionAL cHApTer KKk


ruDY GuiLLiANi

After deciphering Trump's childish attempt, it occurred to me to ask my source why would Trump even need a resume?

There was a pause, then I received this:

"Trying to keep him occupied with something other than starting wars, attacking the media, and the upcoming Senate Trial. 

"Because a resume is all about him, Trump thinks it's like writing his biography!"
(Signed) MT

Time for me to walk on down the road...

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