Friday, December 27, 2019

Two Americas, Two Economies: Which Do You Live In?

                                         Good Day World!

Whenever I hear about stock market records being broke it doesn't excite me, because like most Americans I have nothing to do with Wall Street.

More than half of Americans have no connection to the stock market (that includes 401ks, IRAs and mutual funds), according to the Federal Reserve and numerous survey groups.

What about the other half? 

In a Chicago Tribune business article, Steven Rosenthal, a senior fellow at the Tax Policy Center said, "Stock ownership is heavily tilted towards rich guys, doctors, lawyers, and accountants."

Rosenthal made it clear that the stock market is not for our shrinking middle class. In essence, it's a stark economic divide between the haves and have nots.

This division of wealth determines which America you live in. The gap is increasing since Trump slithered into office, and provided the corporations and the wealthy with massive tax breaks.

Almost 80 percent of Americans live from paycheck-to-paycheck, and in the fear of getting hit with medical bills they can't afford. The homeless population throughout America is increasing at alarming rates.

These dual economic realities are encouraging voters to prioritize the economy in the 2020 election. Thirty-percent say the economy is the most important issue in determining who they'll vote for president in November.

Trump only has one positive thing going for him in the upcoming election, the economy. It's healthy, and that generally means an incumbent president gets re-elected.

But these are not normal times. We're in uncharted waters with the most corrupt president the country has ever seen.

Despite a loyal base of Trump followers, the majority of Americans disapprove of everything he does from his pathetic lack of foreign policies, to his abuse of power.

Related: In Trump Country, A Season of Need on Family Farms 

Being only the third American president to be impeached is not something any candidate would want on their resume.

In the end, a lot depends on what part of America you live in on how you'll vote. Either you're part of that minority getting richer under Trump, or you're in the majority suffering under his regime.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

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