Thursday, September 13, 2012

Health News: Here’s some Handy Tips to Combat the Carriers of West Nile Virus – Mosquitos

                     Good Day Humboldt County!

I’ve seen some mosquitos lately and naturally my mind shifts into semi-panic mode: BEWARE! West Nile Virus carriers at twelve o’clock high! Thankfully, as far as I know there’s been no cases reported in Humboldt County, but when I was down in San Bernardino recently there were documented cases showing up in nearby Fontana.

I don’t know where you are while you’re reading this, but if you even suspect there’s mosquitos nearby don’t take any chances. Defend yourself:

                                          Threat Level Keeps Rising for West Nile Infection

A glorious summer day is an invitation to be outside for hours on end -- but constant swatting, slapping, and scratching from a mosquito attack can ruin even the best days -- not to mention mosquitoes can also carry dangerous diseases like West Nile Virus. Studies have shown certain factors make some people more prone to bites than others, including being pregnant, having an elevated body temperature, or having Type O blood, but just about everyone suffers a bite now and then. If you're convinced that you just have sweeter blood than everyone else, follow these simple rules to keep mosquitoes from bugging you.

         Why Mosquitos Bite You More Than Your Friends

               Choose Chemical-Free Repellents

The easiest way to banish bugs is with repellent, but you don't want to douse yourself with DEET every day, do you? Safer alternatives include oil of lemon eucalyptus, a major mosquito enemy. Try the brand "Repel," which uses the fragrant oil to ward off bites.

                    Natural Chemical-Free Repellants

                                                                 Time Your Outings

Stay indoors during dusk and dawn -- that's when many breeds of mosquito are at their peak biting time. You can see the sunrise just fine from your window.

                            Toss the Kiddie Pool

Mosquitoes love to breed in standing water, so make sure to clean out the pool often. And watch your back (and front, and sides) near any ponds or lakes.

                               How Safe Is Your Backyard?

                                         Wear White

Dark colors attract the bugs like no other -- supposedly because they look like the dark fur of animals they normally prey on. Wear light, bright colors to make yourself less attractive to feeders.

                                       Avoid Flowery Perfumes

Sure, it's nice to smell like a rosebush, but at the price of dozens of bites? Mosquitoes love nectar from flowers almost as much as they do humans, so stick with a less floral fragrance for the summer.

                               How Odors Affect Your Health

                                     Steer Clear of Beer

Mosquitoes have been shown to prefer beer drinkers over those who drink water. It's not confirmed if the extra biting also happens with other alcohols -- but just to be safe, keep the bottles indoors. Via Healthy Living

Time for me to walk on down the road…

1 comment: said...

Doesn't mean that I appreciate it any less but sometimes I think it'll look cool if it's a dark brown, currently it's red. There have been other bloggers who have gone into this in more detail and much more eloquently.

Blog Beak Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...