Monday, October 11, 2010

Some returning veterans get pink slips instead of their jobs back

Image: Veahey returns from duty

Prolonged wars, poor economy create tough situation for returning soldiers

“Last year Mike Vahey returned from a four-year enlistment, including duty in Iraq and Kuwait, where he was a sergeant on an Army diving team inspecting ports for bombs. When he returned home he expected his job as an engineer at a General Motors plant in Newport, Del., would be waiting for him.

“There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that my job would be there when I got back,” said Vahey, 40, who had worked for GM since 1997, most recently as a quality launch engineer. “I didn’t give much thought to it. I felt I was protected and had nothing to worry about.”

Unfortunately, instead of getting tickertape for serving his country Vahey got a pink slip. Soon after he got back, the plant where he worked was shuttered, leaving Vahey and hundreds of other civilian autoworkers jobless.” Read the rest here.

PHOTO: Soon after returning from service, a GM plant closure left Mike Vahey jobless.

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