Saturday, August 9, 2008

The rise and fall of a politician

Greetings to you all! Have you heard the latest? Once presidential candidate John Edwards has been a bad boy! The National Enquirer has been dogging him for a year now ever since they got a hot tip that he was cheating on his wife who is battling cancer. In a scene right out of the movies, Edwards ran from the reporter from the National Enquirer when he was caught trying to slip out of the motel where his girlfriend (and possibly new daughter) were staying at 2 a.m. in the morning.
He ran right into a men's bathroom and blocked the door! Can you imagine what a scene that was?
So, the next day he had to fess up to the mainstream press (who by the way felt sheepish about getting scooped on such a big story by a "rag" publication) and tell them he had an affair (as in past tense). The problem with that is why was he visiting her then at that time of night? There's something rotten (and not in Denmark) about his claims that the baby girl is not his.
If Obama had him down as a possible veep, that thought has vanished with all of Edward's credability with voters. Just last year some national organization gave him the Daddy-of-the-Year award! Talk about irony. The guy even admitted that he was in love with himself!
Why is it that so many politicians cheat on their spouses?

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Blog Beak Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...