Saturday, May 11, 2019

There's Hope Yet That Trump Can Be 'Fixed'

Good Day World!

"Oh, what a beautiful morning! Oh, what a beautiful day! I'm drinking this whole pot of coffee. You better stay out of my way!"-Unknown

Hope springs eternal this morning, as I enjoy my coffee fix.

By now everyone in the world (no exaggeration) knows Trump is just not right.

Simply put, everyone knows he's crazy.

When the orange ape first took over (literally with the help of Russia) the Oval Office, traditional GOP lawmakers tried to cover up how crazy he was. 

One of the favorite GOP talking points early on was how he would become "more presidential" after being elected president.

We all know that didn't happen.

It occurred to me, while reading an article in The Guardian newspaper this morning, that there may be a smidgen of hope for Don the Con.

Up to this point Trump's private doctors have detected very little brain activity due to how small it is. Any hopes of brain surgery to make Donny sane were dashed...

… but there's hope now!

In a stunning medical advancement vets in New Zealand have performed world-first brain surgery on a critically endangered New Zealand bird in an effort to save the vulnerable kakapo parrot population.

Before this medical advancement happened, vets avoided brain surgery on avians. Bird brains are, after all, very small.

By now I'm guessing you see the connection.

If doctors can perform surgery on bird brains, then Trump's tiny twisted brain could also be operated on. Even if it's only a lobotomy, it would be an improvement. 

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Friday, May 10, 2019

Trump's Foreign Policy, 'Shock and Bullshit' Not Playing Well

Good Day World!

"I don't have enough coffee or middle fingers for today." -Anonymous

In recognition of the chaos Trump is causing worldwide, I gave the infamous two-bird salute after my first cup of Joe this morning.

How is he doing on the foreign relations front? You tell me. Here's what we know thus far:

1) Trump is really screwing the pooch with China. His threat of increased tariffs against China starting tomorrow is assuring there will be no new trade deal. American's are going to have to brace themselves for rising costs in goods thanks to Trump's stupidity.

2) Look at what's happening in Venezuela. The Trump regime is trying to overthrow the current leader in favor of someone who will favor the U.S. The chance of military intervention looms with American soldiers waiting on Colombia's border for their orders.

3) Trump conspires with Putin again during a recent phone call. First he claimed Putin wasn't interested in gaining control of the Venezuela's government (are you fucking kidding me?), and then he laughed about "the Russian hoax" with Russia's leader, conveniently forgetting to warn Putin from interfering in our elections again.

4) Then there's Iran. Since Trump's first day in office he went after them by violating the treaty agreed upon by the rest of the world. Now, after claiming nebulous threats, an American aircraft group and our biggest bombers are gathering around the Persian gulf.

5) It's Rocket Man time again in North Korea, as the regime rejects Trump, and his puppet Pompeo, after a rendezvous with Putin.

6) On top of the aforementioned chaos, Trump complained yesterday that Bolton's hawkish stance in Venezuela isn't working. I'm sure this had something to do with Trump and Putin last phone conversation.

It's apparent Trump's shock and bullshit approach to diplomacy is a doomed policy.

Remember, I'm just talking about Trump's foreign policies, not the Constitutional crisis he's caused here at home by pitting the executive branch against Congress.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall - Whose the Biggest Loser of All?

"Coffee! Because anger management is too expensive." -Anonymous

Good Day World!

Good coffee and eyes wide open this morning, as I contemplate the collapse of our orange ape in the Oval office.

If there's one thing Trump has always feared it was being exposed as a fraud. A con man. A fake. 

When the New York Times released this story American's got an intimate view of the real Donald Trump, literally destroying all of his claims of being a great businessman.

Trump, it turns out, is one of the biggest business losers in modern times. Ouch!

Citing printouts from Trump's IRS tax transcripts obtained by the paper, he lost approximately $1.17 billion between 1985 and 1994 from his business ventures in casinos, hotels and residential buildings.

In the report: 

Trump appears to have lost more money than nearly any other individual taxpayer in that decade (!!!), according to detailed information from the I.R.S who compile annual sampling of high-income earners.

The mythical Trump, that great deal-maker and world shaker, has been hiding in full view with the help of legions of corrupt lawyers (think Michael Cohen) who were willing to go down his corrupt financial pathways.

Trump is a con man and it's a sorry reflection of our society that he got elected president (even if the Russians did help). But it appears Trump's luck is running out.

Everyone knows the emperor has no clothes.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

It's Been 49 Years, But It Still Hurts

Good Day World!

"Life happens, coffee helps."-Anonymous

My morning coffee is as strong as my memories from Vietnam, and Cambodia.

Especially this week. In May of 1970, I was part of a force of American troops who went into Cambodia chasing our enemy the North Vietnamese.

In my first 10 days there I heard (on Armed Forces radio) that national guard troops killed students at Kent State University (May 4th); and I survived an ambush that took my best friend's life on May 8th. 

It's been 49 years and I still continue to try to process these events. This year, I have an essay and three poems that reflect my tortured feelings on both subjects.

Essay - Coming Home


Poem - Night Firefights

Poem - Last Warning

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Tweet! Tweet! Said The Trump Who Cut Off His Nose To Spite His Face

Good Day World!

"I will start working when my coffee does."-Anonymous

As my morning cup of coffee chased away last nights cobwebs, I was amazed at the power of an Internet tweet.

Even though I was aware of weaponized tweets for years, I never suspected Twitter would end up becoming a platform for Trump to dismantle democracy.

His latest thunderous tweet has knocked the shit out of Wall Street after he announced increased tariffs against China. China's response was to pull out of a scheduled meeting Wednesday to attend trade talks.

Meanwhile, Wall Street reeled yesterday when the Dow opened up losing 450 points and rode in the red the rest of the day.

Think about that for a moment. 

Trump's tweet not only shit on our stock market, but stocks worldwide were affected as other major economies responded to the turmoil he created with his surprise early morning tweet, when he announced increased tariffs on almost all of China's imported goods starting this Friday.

It's ironic that Trump is his own worst enemy. Instead of sticking with positive messages like the healthy economy, he elects to cause chaos in America, and the rest of the world, with a simple-minded approach to negotiating...bully, bully, and bully.

Of course, the orange asshole ignores advice from America's intelligence communities, and even his own advisers (really just puppets in positions of power).

The combination has been disastrous thus far after two years of Trump's regime.

His twitter platform has launched countless lies and conspiracies. He's further divided Americans by attacking the very values we cherish, and the soul of a free nation.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Monday, May 6, 2019

Unfettered By Adults: Baby Trump Tramples on Democracy

Good Day World!

"May your coffee be stronger than your toddler."-Anonymous

The best way to start a Monday is with strong coffee infused with CBD's.

Especially in the age of the towering toddler lurking in the White House with a cell phone in one tiny hand, and the launch button near the other.

When people say Trump is evil, I think they're missing the mark. Trump is a big baby that never had to grow up. Therefore, issues like good and evil are too complex for his limited intellect.

Trump is the ultimate Romper Room nightmare. Over 60 cabinet members and officials in Trump's short two years have fled - or were fired when pushed too far.

When the orange ape was elected there were Republicans who claimed he'd be presidential after the nasty elections were over. Now, they're eating crow and having to stand for the stench of Trump's soiled diapers daily.

I'm lucky there's not a union for babies. They'd be calling me and insisting that they not be compared to our liar-in-chief.

According to Washington watchers, the last adult left the West Wing in 2018, leaving Donny free to throw tantrums daily.

For a brief period of his stolen-presidency, some staffers did give him pacifiers that diverted baby Trump away from some very bad decisions/orders.

Like you'd expect, babies don't know anything about other cultures and countries. Donny is no different.

Babies can't read - There's very little evidence Trump can.

Babies cry a lot - Go to a Trump rally if you want to see someone whine and cry about imagined conspiracies.

Babies like pretty pictures - Trump's daily briefings are full of them as officials try to communicate with him.

Babies babble when trying to communicate -  Again, go to a Trump rally, or listen to him speak at news conferences.

Babies don't worry about the consequences of their actions, they just plow ahead with whatever they want to do - Just look at the last two years to confirm Trump's baby credentials.

Until someone is able to put baby Trump out of business, his tantrums will decide our foreign and domestic policies. 

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Sunday, May 5, 2019

'The Game of Corruption' Starring Trump and Minions

Good Day World!

"Coffee is a hug in a mug."-Anonymous

While hugging my mug and sipping hot coffee - my favorite way to abruptly start a day - I read (and viewed) previews of Game of Thrones

HBO's mega hit is one of the hottest topics on the Internet and the mainstream news. Inspired by these facts, I felt it was my duty to parody America's biggest reality show - the Trump administration - in a new series:

The Game of Corruption

Plot: King Trump has consolidated all the corruption in America - while ruthlessly slaying his competition along the way.

All resistance in the Kingdom of America has crumbled along with it's aging infrastructure to a shocking state of decay. King Trump's private army - The White Walkers - protect him wherever he goes.

The White Walkers - neo Nazis, Klu Klux Klansman, and white supremacists - also have a two regiments deployed on the Kingdom of America's borders with Canada, and Mexico.

Dramatic Conflict:

The majority of Americans hate the corrupt system and it's leader, but are afraid of openly revolting for fear of deadly reprisals from the Trump regime.

There are no longer states, just regions of control on the American continent that have been divided into five sections. Resistance leaders have sprung up in each section.

End Game

The resistance becomes organized enough to face - and defeat - the White Walkers in an epic battle for America's freedom. Trump is frog-walked off of Trump Tower in New York.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Saturday, May 4, 2019

How Long is Trump Going To Get Away With Abusing His Power?

Good Day World!

"My birthstone is a coffee bean." -Anonymous

As usual, the news is as big an eye-opener as a couple cups of good strong coffee this morning.

Americans are faced with a Constitutional crisis over Trump's abuse of power. That's a fact. How we're dealing with the situation is another thing.

Trump and his minions have declared war on democracy by obstructing Congress at every turn. The war against democracy and truth began the day Trump slunk into office with the Russians help.

Related: Trump's Media Attacks Are An Abuse of Power

Related: House Panel Widens Trump Obstruction and Abuse of Power

Related: Trump's Sons Among the 81 Asked For Documents As Abuse of Power Investigation Widens

Related: 'Egregious Abuse of Power': Report Says Trump Offered Pardon to CBP Head If He broke Law and Blocked Asylum-Seekers

It's practically impossible to keep up with Trump's assault against everything this country stands for on a daily basis. His corruption has infected the West Wing and members of the DOJ. Attorney General, William Barr, leads the pack of puppets willing to break laws to protect Trump.

The question becomes, how long will this war go on? 

The answer is murky because most of the abuse issues will end up in courts and could easily drag through 2020...and beyond.

One last thing to keep in mind; GOP senators have been among Trump's many enablers, doing everything they can to parrot Trump's lies and to protect him from true justice.

It's going to make an interesting read someday when historians look back at our how the U.S. Senate was cowed by a con man.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Friday, May 3, 2019

7 Funny Quotes That Your Going To Want To See

Good Day World!

"I have measured out my life in coffee spoons." -T.S. Eliot

While satisfying my addiction to the common coffee bean this morning, I came across the above quote and found myself reflecting on it's meaning.

On the surface it means T.S. Eliot had a cup of coffee every day. But there could be other - shall we say - interpretations. Let's explore some possibilities... 

"I measure my life by telling a lie every day, and I get away with it." -Donald Trump

" I measure each day by kissing a portrait of Trump's ass before putting in my false teeth." -Mitch McConnell

"I've always measured my days with a racist attack against someone." -Stephen Miller

"My metric for measuring each day is to believe anything President Trump has to say." -Mick Mulvaney

"I have measured out my life with a new conspiracy every day." -Mike Hannity 

"I use to shower with teenage boys every day, but now I measure my days chasing male Congressional pages." -Jim Jordan 

"I have measured my days by trying to tell the truth every day; then Trump came along and I said Fuck it! -Lindsey Graham

One last thing...

Today is World Press Freedom Day - here's an excellent article about the meaning behind this day.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Review: Senate Committee Charade 'Good Theatre'

Good Day World!

I'm ready to give a review of yesterday's theatrical performance at the Senate committee hearing.

It featured seasoned political actor, William Barr, masquerading as an unbiased Attorney General.

Meeting Notes:

Committee chairman, Lindsey (I'll kiss Trump's ass anytime) Graham, set the tenor for the charade by steering the investigation off course. 

The plot:

Instead of sticking with the reason why the committee was meeting regarding the Russians interference in the 2016 election, and how the Mueller report was handled, Graham promised to investigate Hillary Clinton and the "Deep State," in his opening statement.

It just went downhill from there, as each Republican puppet played along with that diversion.

Camera Comments:

There were some good shots of Barr sweating bullets while angrily denying facts being served up by Democratic senators. 

But Barr was more versatile than that. He demonstrated his acting chops with false bravado while being presented with evidence he was a lying shit. Some good close-ups of Barr smiling smugly for his daddy Trump were also captured.

Production values:

The setting was what you'd expect - a gaggle of politicians sitting - and coming in-and-out of the hearing constantly. Boring.

I think the setting should have been more dramatic. Maybe hints of the Roman Colosseum and the senators in red and blue togas?


There were some pretty good verbal exchanges where senators left Barr nearly speechless. Barr's performance at hair-splitting realities was worthy of the most devoted Trump puppet's praise.

The lies rolled off of Barr's tongue like honey, as he dodged every question with the tact of a true Trumpie - deny, deny, deny the lie. Even if it's been fact-checked by reputable sources.

The ending:

Got to love the dramatic ending where a Democratic senator had just nailed Barr in a lie and we were waiting for a response, when Lindsey (Trump lackey) Graham grabbed his gavel and bellowed the meeting was over!

I rate the overall performance as "good theatre," with the caveat that the upcoming Senate and House committee hearings maintain at least the same level of drama. 

Curtain down...

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Dirty Tricks, Lies, and Corruption: Another Dysfunctional Day

Good Day World!

I'm starting the first day of May off by thanking the 47,567 visitors who stopped by this blog in April.

I look forward to seeing you again this month, and (hopefully) many new visitors. If you'd like to contact me my email is:

Moving on...

Let's play in the mud for awhile, and look at some of the dirty tricks, lies, and corruption that are an everyday story in the Trump era:

* Two of the most notorious smear merchants in politics tried to frame presidential candidate Mayor Pete Buttigieg, but they failed. Urged on by Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman, a young man initially agreed to make accusations that Buttigieg sexually assaulted him.

Apparently the young man had a conscience, because he not only backed out of the scheme, he confessed on Facebook that he was tricked, enticed, and even intimidated to go along with the conspiracy.

* A combination of corruption, competing ideologies, and a "boycotted" Congress has millions of Americans struggling to meet health care needs. Related story: A dying man told Congress: 'GoFundMe is not a health care plan.'  

* Congratulations go out - from George Conway - to our liar in chief for reaching his 10,000th lie since he took office.

* Hate crimes have gotten worse every year since Trump became president.

Example: Anti-Semitic assaults in the U.S. more than doubled in 2018.

Example: Trump's Record on White Nationalism Under New Scrutiny After Synagogue Shooting

Example: Trump Discounts Threat Posed By White Nationalists: "It's a small group of people."

I think that's enough for today. I don't want to overwhelm you.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Blog Beak Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...