Saturday, March 3, 2018

What Are You Doing This Saturday?

Good Day World!

My plans for today are remarkably simple. 

Read. Write. And, watch The Lakers play the Spurs.

How about you?

I wonder what Jared Kushner and wifey Ivanka are doing today? It's looking a lot like the Fall of the House of Kushner with the scandals surrounding that crooked couple.

I'm sure Trump will be tweeting like a big blue, angry bird, about something today. He's always looking for a fight.

His clever move to slap tariffs on aluminum and steel - without consulting ANYONE - sent the stock market spiraling downward. 

I bet Republican lawmakers are having meltdowns today after trying to keep up with Trump's waffling on gun control. I wouldn't be surprised if some stayed in bed most of the day.

Of course, we have to remember that a lot of people work on Saturday. It's not a guaranteed day of rest in our society.

Whatever you're doing today - make it a good one!

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Friday, March 2, 2018

Trump Laments, 'I Could Have Been A Peace Prize Recepient'

Donald Trump Nominated for Nobel Peace his head!

                                        Good Day World!

The remaining White House staffers (after the latest purge) are saying Trump is broken-hearted that his nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize was invalidated yesterday.

This year's committee in Norway announced that a forged nomination had been received for Donald Trump. Police in Oslo were contacted, and are currently investigating the case.

Does this sound vaguely familiar? Who would do such a thing?

Anyone with knowledge of Donny's past adventures, and his ego-driven need to be in the spotlight, may recall when he use to call up newspapers and pretend to be his own publicist.

It became a joke in newsrooms when one reporter figured out it was actually Donny calling to sing his own praises! Lol!

Shameless promotion. All the great con men have that trait. No doubt Trump needed some good news. As usual, the White House is in chaos, and Trump's enemies are closing in on him.

Trump aimed too high for a diversion to the negative narratives yapping at his heels like rabid dogs.

He thought he could fool the he's managed to do with millions of people who believe he's looking out for America's interests.

Foiled again.

He also better hope the Oslo police don't have enough resources to trace him down!

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Thursday, March 1, 2018

I'm Shocked: Trump Sounded 'Almost' Presidential at Gun Control Meeting

See the source image
                              Good Day World!

I'm about to eat crow.

Anyone who has ever visited this blog knows that I loath Trump. That hasn't changed.

But, I saw something yesterday that stunned me...Trump was actually acting presidential (he does after all belong to the actor's guild) before a bipartisan gathering on gun safety with Congressional lawmakers at the White House.

His stunning ignorance on the subject wasn't nearly as surprising as the stand he was taking about having to do something...anything to pass gun safety measures.

As hard as it is for me to believe, Trump may become the first president to enact gun safety laws since the early eighties!

You could have pushed me over with a feather when Trump said this about the NRA;

"They have great power over you people (referring to Congress). They have less power over me."
Some lawmakers are "petrified of the NRA. You can't be petrified..."
Mind you, this is coming from the guy who got $30 million in donations from the NRA during his presidential campaign.
Trump praised the NRA, but said that he doesn't always agree with them.
When I got up from the floor, I steadied myself with one hand on the TV, and asked out loud...who is this guy?
Trump gave an academy award presentation on why gun safety laws have to be enacted now...not later. It gave me goose bumps.
I'm actually considering looking up old Apprentice shows to see if he's ever demonstrated the same capacity to sound...dare I say it?
Sane! Or, at least Oscar worthy.
When Trump warned the Republicans, "If you add concealed carry (reciprocity) to this, you'll never get it passed. We want to get something done," I almost swooned!
He also said he wanted it all done in one bill. Who would of guessed? 
You know what? It's five o'clock somewhere, and I need a drink.
Stay tuned.
Time for me to walk on down the road...

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Story Time: The Meat Ball Bandit and My Fiction Gets A Voice

Good Day World!

The Meat Ball Bandit didn't get very far. 

A Pennsylvania man called the police when someone stole a pot of meatballs out of his garage.

The caller was able to identify the thief, whose face and clothes were stained with spaghetti sauce, when he saw him standing in his front yard.

Apparently the Meat Ball Bandit was a neighbor. Not a very good one at that. He was held on a $25,000 dollar bail.

I have another blog
Return To As It Stands - that features flash fiction. My original stories aren't long, but they're memorable. Or, so I've been told.

I got a surprise request yesterday from Otis Jiry, who asked if he could narrate a recent story I wrote - Meth Man and The Serial Killer.

I was thrilled to give my okay. I've never heard someone narrate a story I wrote. My fiction now has a voice. Here it is.

Meanwhile, about Otis Jiry: You'll find him on YouTube - The Otis Jiry Channel

You'll also find him at this website - Scary Stories Told in the Dark.

The show features master storyteller Otis Jiry, often whimsically referred to by his fans as "The White Morgan Freeman," and the work of dozens of independent and previously-published contributing authors.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

It's Tuesday: Make Fun of #RhetoricDay

Good Day World!

I'm glad you stopped by today, as I unfold the latest hot hashtag #RhetoricDay.

It's easy and anyone can play.

Just go through the news and find a politician whose spewing rhetoric like a raccoon with rabies!

I'll get it started for you. 

On the Parkland shooting Trump told a gathering of state governors, "You don't know until your tested but I think I really believe I'd run in there even if I didn't have a weapon and I think most of the people in this room would have done that too." 

Oh, where to start after hearing this bullshit? First off, Cadet Bonespurs was afraid to go into the Army, and got five deferments. 

What makes him think he has the balls now at 72 years-old, that he didn't have back in his youthful days? Trump would have run when he heard a shooting all right...but in the opposite direction!

As for a roomful of lifer politicians, whose main goal is to stay in office, can anyone really imagine one of those governors racing into an active shooter situation? Oh, hell no!

If humans could lay eggs like chickens, that group of political stalwarts would have laid enough eggs to make an enormous omelette the minute shots rang out!

How about the NRA?

The political arm of the NRA claims banning assault weapons is like racial discrimination!

If there was ever a worse apples-to-apples comparison given, I never heard it. Really? Getting rid of assault weapons is racial discrimination?

It doesn't even have the thinnest thread of truth to the claim, or make any sense at all.

By now, I'm sure you have the idea. Let's have fun with it, and share your rhetorical quote that begs to be laughed at.

Use the hashtag - #RhetoricDay 

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Monday, February 26, 2018

Horse Not Cited For DUI, Toy Makers Gamble With Potty Playtime Products, Putrid Politics

Good Day World!

Here we's a new week.

I'm curious to see what will happen to Louis Perez of Placentia, California, this week.

He was cited for being drunk while riding a horse on the 91 Freeway yesterday.

The good news was the horse wasn't cited, or impounded, and was allowed to go back to his stable while his master languished in jail.

Did you happen to hear about some of the latest hot toys in America? Bathroom humor currently reigns. That's right. Toy makers are counting on kids who want to play with #2!

Several quick examples:

One product, Flush Force comes with plastic toilets big enough to fit a whole line of poop monsters (with names).

Then there's Sticky The Poo, a delightful slime-like product that looks like crap and sticks to walls like the real thing when you throw it.

Does anyone remember the Garbage Pail Kids cards? How gross they were?

The 21st century version is Flush Frenzy, where players flush toilets and watch them explode with disgusting results.

Speaking of disgusting results...

The GOP response to the Parkland shootings qualifies as both disgusting and loathsome. Right-wingers have gone after the teenagers for daring to speak out, calling them "crisis actors."

Trump's stupid son, Don. Jr., "Liked" that fake story from The Gateway Pundit - a right-wing website devoted to conspiracies and fake news stories about liberals.

Have you noticed that Sarah Sanders has only conducted one White House Press briefing in the last ten days? There's been a couple of appearances from White House stooges taking limited questions. But Sarah has been MIA.

Did her conscience finally get the best of her? Is she done lying for Trump? Did a vision from God give her fair warning about going to the OTHER PLACE where most Republicans go?

Stay tuned. See you tomorrow.

Time for me to walk on down the road...


Sunday, February 25, 2018

Sunday Cleanup: Getting Rid Of Last Weeks Trash

Good Day World!

The first piece of trash that needs to go to the dump today is (R) Rep. Claudia Tenney, whose vile rhetoric reached a new low when she claimed Democrats are more prone to be mass murderers.

Tenney is up for re-election. Let's hope the voters send her to the nearest landfill where she belongs.

When it comes to being trashy, Donald Trump Jr., is following closely in Daddy's footsteps. Here's what one Parkland survivor tweeted to Melania Trump:

"Hey @FLOTUS you say that your mission as First Lady is to stop cyber bullying," 14-year-old Lauren Hogg tweeted Friday.

"Well then, don't you think it would have been smart to have a convo with your step-son @DonaldJTrumpJr before he liked a post about a false conspiracy theory which in turn put a target on my back."

This latest stupid and insensitive tweet by our dictator's son earns him the biggest piece of trash-for-the-week award as we toss him into the nearest landfill.

I would have thrown Donny's chief-of-staff Kelly to the trash heap months ago, but the competition has just been too stiff.

It's his turn today however, as he waffles about giving Jared Kushner access to sensitive information without a full security clearance.

The hypocrite, and onetime general, issued orders to ALL White House Staff last Friday, regarding a security clearance crackdown.

But all the signs are pointing to Kelly ignoring his own order and making some kind of exception for Kushner. His praise for Kushner was vomit-worthy, when you consider how much he hates Jared and his wife Ivanka.

Trump told reporters Friday that it was Kelly's decision on what to do with Kushner. Then Trump praised Kushner's work.

That's enough for me. To the landfill with Donny's general!

I would add the NRA to today's dump run, but they're already at the landfill recruiting members with dog whistles like "They're going to take our guns away!" every time a gun safety law surfaces.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Saturday, February 24, 2018

About The Dopey Olympics, Poor Sportsmanship, and Americans Hating On Americans

Good Day World!

“Sickened & disgusted once again by the lack of humanity that engulfs our country. Lindsey Vonn just raced her damn heart out & Trump supporters gloat/cheer/celebrate her inability to medal. Is this what we've become?” - Julie Foudy
(Swedish Hockey Team Gets Silver. Captain throws it to crowd. Not good enough!)

Yes Julie, Americans were rooting for fellow Americans to fail at the Olympic Games, and it's a damn shame.

First it was Adam Rippon, then Lindsey Vonn, then Gus Kenworthy.

All three dared to speak out critically against the leaders in our country. As we all know, that is about as American as apple pie. Then there's the First Amendment.

Lindsay Vonn got hate-tweets after not medaling in the Super-G. 


Because while training for Pyeongchang in St. Moritz, Switzerland, in early December, Vonn said she would not accept an invitation to the White House following the Winter Games. That drew social-media outrage from Trump supporters.

Then there's more doping scandals at this year's Winter Olympics. At this rate maybe they should be called the "Dopey Olympics."

This time, it's (surprise!!) a Russian athlete, bobsledder Nadezhda Sergeeva. What makes this more surprising is two weeks before the Olympics she was seen wearing a shirt that read, " I don't do doping." 

Since this is there second Russian athlete who got caught, it is possible that "Olympic Athletes from Russia," won't be allowed to participate in the closing ceremony. 

Russian curler Alexander Krushelnitsky was stripped of his bronze medal Thursday after testing positive for the banned substance meldonium.

Slovenian hockey player Ziga Jeglic and Japanese speedskater Kei Saito also left the games after testing positive.

Olympic freeskier Gus Kenworthy kissed his boyfriend, Matt Wilkas, a quick kiss at the bottom of the hill.

The embrace was caught live on TV by NBC as part of their Olympic footage, quickly went viral. Social media followed that moment with vile posts about gay Americans - and Gus in particular.
When coming in second is not an honor...
Team Captain Lias Andersson was so frustrated with Sweden’s second-place finish at the world junior hockey championship that he threw his silver medal into the crowd.

I don't know about you, but the luster of the Olympic Games has worn off for me. It's just a sad reflection of the world and not the Olympic spirit I grew up with.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Friday, February 23, 2018

Here's Three Common Sense Questions for the NRA That All Americans Should Ask

Good Day World!

Few things stir up Americans more than gun rights. 


There's 325.72 million Americans according to the 2017 census.

The National Rifle Association has five million members. That's a total of 12.4 percent of all Americans.

According to the latest polls 75 percent of all Americans want more gun safety laws.

The NRA is one of the biggest spenders in elections, ranking 9th among all outside groups, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

A Quinnipiac poll released Tuesday found 97 percent support for universal background checks, while 67 percent backed a ban on the sale of assault weapons.

Questions for the NRA :

1. How is it that such a small percentage of Americans - spearheaded by your organization - can control Congress and stop any gun legislation from being enacted?

2. Why does the NRA refuse to budge, or compromise, with the majority of Americans who are calling for sensible gun safety laws?

3. Why did you give Trump $30 million dollars? Quid pro quo? The other question is, what did YOU get in return for those millions of dollars?

To The Reader:

If you're interested in learning more about the NRA's current lobbying dollars, which congressional candidates got money from the NRA, and more, click here.

Related story:

Trump Praises NRA As It Mount's Offensive Against Gun Measures

Final comment:

The NRA tries to mislead people with deceiving statistical figures  like "Forty percent of  Americans live in gun-owning households."

On the surface, that's probably right. Does that mean everyone in those households approve of having guns? Common sense tells us NO.

Many people don't have a choice. They live with other people who have guns because they're minors (with no voice), or out of financial necessity.

Think about it. Because there's one gun owner in a household, it doesn't mean the others approve and count themselves NRA supporters.

Yet, the NRA casually throws out deceiving statistics as cited above, all the time.

The truth is the NRA represents a small (but vocal)percentage of Americans, yet the political power they exert on Congress is overwhelmingly complete.

When was the last time you read about any gun law being passed without the blessing of the NRA? That in itself, is proof of the power this small organization wields.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Why I Believe This Current Student Protest Movement Can Make A Difference

Good Day World!

I was a teenager in the 60s, full of passion and distrust of our government.

I recall my peers who were already protesting against the "illegal war" in Vietnam, when I graduated from high school in 1968.

Politically, I was clueless. I didn't even understand what was really happening in Vietnam when I voluntarily joined the Army.

Why did I join? Friends and family still ask me that. I can only say that I wanted a change in my life and going into the Army seemed like an interesting adventure at the time.

I never seriously thought about having to go to Vietnam. I wasn't exactly a deep thinker in those days. I shouldn't have been surprised when I got orders to go to Vietnam in the fall of 1969. I was 19-years old.

After serving my time in Vietnam and Cambodia in 1970, as a combat engineer, I came home to a rude greeting. No one liked Vietnam veterans. At least, it felt that way.

My time in Vietnam taught me many lessons. Perhaps the most important one was that we - America - were the "bad guys" invading their homeland.

I felt like I'd been duped by the government after what I saw in Vietnam. The corruption and senseless slaughter of civilians singed my soul. I felt dirty and betrayed.

 When I returned to the United States a powerful youth movement against the war was underway in colleges across the nation.

The passionate protests coming from the country's youth made a difference. We got out of Vietnam.

When I look at the survivors of the recent school slaughter in Florida, I see the youth from my days. Anger. Resolve. Persistence. Bucking the system to stop the madness.

This time it isn't college students leading the way for change. It's high school students. Survivors with a message for our polarized politicians.

"We want to feel safe when we go to school!"

The NRA and right-wing nuts are trying to delegitimize these brave teenagers by claiming some are hired actors paid by left-wing forces.

That's bullshit ,and the world knows it.

I stand in solidarity with teenagers nationwide who are trying to make a positive difference, and save future lives.

Right on!

Time for me to walk on down the road.... 

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

WH Spin Department Has A Communication Problem

Good Day World!

The White House apologizers, aka the Communications/PR Department, is functioning like a ship lost at sea.

At the helm of the tempest-tossed ship is chief WH house apologizer, Sarah Sanders.

After no communications for a week with the mainstream press, Sanders slithered out of her hiding place yesterday to spew a few lies and dodge facts.

In other words, a normal WH Press Conference filled with so many falsehoods reporters are still floundering to make sense of them.

The press conference was an hour late, and Sanders took limited questions, before retreating back to the bowels of the White House.

Obviously, the inhabitants of the West Wing are becoming camera shy. But they do have one friend in the WH Press Corp...

The Gateway Pundit web site, where conspiracies crop up daily, and truth is lost in the shuffle of sensational headlines and claims.

The Trump spin room likes the Gateway Pundit because the publication and it's WH correspondent Lucian Wintrich, love Trump.

Wintrich's hit piece criticizing Florida shooting survivor David Hogg is a fabrication of his fevered mind, and nothing more than another crazy conspiracy story to deflect attention away from the Do-Nothing About Gun Safety White House minions and master.

Trump's announcement yesterday that he's instructing his puppet Jeff Sessions to propose changes that would ban so-called Bump Stocks, which make it easier for a weapon to fire rounds faster, is another delaying tactic.

Remember Las Vegas?

I wonder how long Sessions (an NRA darling) is going to take coming up with an answer for Donny?

It's was a good soundbite in a week of negative news for the minions of Trump, and the Liar-In-Chief himself.

As for today's planned "Listening Session" with students, teachers, and local lawmakers, you can expect some theatre from reality actor Trump.

Don't expect answers. Expect Trump to make it all about himself somehow. That's the way he operates.

It's about Donny trying to look like he cares. He needs good vibes coming from somewhere. His fantasy presidency is being pushed to the limit by unpleasant realities.

Among them, is the forthcoming truth that the Trump Campaign did collude with Russia in the 2016 election, and Donny knew what was going on.

The WH spin machine is malfunctioning worse than a year ago. Most of the original parts, like Sean Spicer, etc., have been kicked out and replaced with the likes of lying Sarah Sanders, who has no reservations about protecting her master. 

Until the spin factory flunkies start using verifiable facts, which is about as likely as an honest politician, we have to accept the fact this will be the norm as long as Donny sits his fat ass in the Oval Office!

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Blog Beak Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...