Wednesday, November 8, 2017

The Great White Dope: 'I'm The Only One Who Matters'

Good Day World!

Hey! What happened? 

I thought America came first?

Isn't that what America's Great White Dope was preaching throughout his campaign, and now during his presidency?

It sure doesn't sound like that to me. He recently told reporters, "My attitude is the only one that matters," when it comes to dealing with North Korea.

Fox News recently hired a new Trump minion, Laura Ingraham, who recently asked Trump when he planned to fill appointments at the State department?

Here's what he said:

"Let me tell you, the one that matters is me. I'm the only one that matters, because when it comes to it, that's what the policy is going to be."

I think that's pretty clear. Democracy shudders every time Trump speaks, or tweets. 

Trump may actually believe he has the unilateral power to lift any regulation he wants to, and he unquestionably wishes that were true.

If it wasn't for the checks and balances in our government, Trump would have already achieved his dream of being a dictator, and openly hobnobbing around with his hero Putin.

To sum up our Liar-In-Chief, he has no respect for the laws of the land. He's doing his best to insert far right lunatics and cronies into key government positions.

His pretense of representing struggling middle class Americans in the hinterlands, has dropped and now he's busy taking away people's health care, and putting together a Tax bill that will benefit the wealthiest of Americans.

There's only one thing that has been consistent in Trump's life; that's his love for himself.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Americans Can't Live Without Guns, Even Though Gun Deaths Are Increasing

Good Day World!

Just because there's been two massacres using guns in the last 35 days, don't think that's going to move the cowards in Congressman to enact any gun laws.

It was too soon to take about gun laws after the Las Vegas massacre according to the spineless legislators and Trump.

Before anyone even said anything about gun control after the church shooting massacre in Texas, Trump was doing the NRA's job and calling for more help for mentally ill people.

That doesn't help the fact that when the Air Force dishonorably discharged the Texas shooter for assaulting his wife and child, they didn't call civilian authorities and make sure he was put on a no-gun buy list.

When a man walked into a Colorado Walmart and killed three people recently there were several people in the store packing weapons. They pulled them out when they heard gunfire.

Not one of them shot at the shooter, who just calmly walked out the front door. Then, when the police got there the investigation was hampered by the fact the police had to spend time checking out all the gun-toting shoppers. 

Meanwhile the shooter drove away.

Please note this you ass-holes that keep saying the only thing that can stop a bad guy, is a good guy with a gun. Obviously that's bullshit.

Things are just getting worse as the mental cripples in Congress continue to crawl for the NRA lobby. 

The U.S. rate for gun deaths has increased for the second straight year, following 15 years of no real change, a government report shows.

Overall, there were more than 38,000 gun deaths last year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Legislators aren't kicking the can down the street, they picked it up and put it in the trash heap while Americans are dying in record numbers.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Monday, November 6, 2017

Democratic Party Unity Is Nothing More Than a Liberal Wet Dream

Good Day World!

News alert...

The Democratic Party stands a good chance of not even winning one of the eight state elections being held tomorrow.
I sure hope I'm wrong, however.

My concern is the Dems have no core message. Hating Trump is not going to get them votes. Pretending their unified is a farce everyone can see through.

Watching the latest fireworks in the Democratic Party after former Party Chairman, Donna Brazile, accused the Clinton campaign of collusion with the DNC, reinforced how rudderless the party is. 

That was like tearing off a scab for the Bernie Sanders supporters who are still feeling like he was robbed by the DNC's corrupt politics.

Tom Perez, current DNC party chairman, is living in a bubble when he claims the Dems are appealing to populist voters who want jobs and better working conditions.

It's just the opposite. In reality, the Dems have no strong leaders sending out a core message of unity and progressive agendas.

The Republicans have gotten a lot of negative press, and rightly so, about being a fractured party. Especially since they're in power and haven't passed any major legislation.

But the Democrats haven't begun to take advantage of the "do-nothing" Congress or a nationally unpopular president.

It's like watching a close baseball game. The team behind by one run in the 9th inning strands two men on base after three strikeouts.

As long as there's a "Berniecrat" and Clinton wing in the DNC, the Democratic Party will flounder around in it's own shit.

The Republicans,even though they're divided, are still in the "cat bird" seat.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Who Cares If There's Less News and More Trash in the Media?

                                     Good Day World!

Who cares if Sarah Hyland's character on Modern Family is bisexual? 

Who cares if a mother goes from size 22 to 2 to inspire her daughter?

Who cares if Luke revisits the Millennium Falcon in a Star Wars ad?

Who cares if when Pope Francis prays he sometimes falls asleep?

Someone must, or the media wouldn't run these stupid stories. That, or they're just page fillers designed for millennials whose famous lack of focus and love of graphics is well known.

It's bad enough that we are in the age of fake stories, but watching the growing emergence of nonsensical stories in the mainstream media that should only be run in rags like The National Inquirer, is like witnessing the execution of good journalism.

I don't go to The Washington Post political section to read about what Oprah Winfrey's latest good deed was. Yet, there it is, sharing stories like, Republicans manage to make the tax code more complicated.

The publishers answer to the decline in readership in newspapers is to run less actual news stories, and more pablum for the masses.

I guess retired old newspapermen, like myself, are the only one's who give a damn these days. It's not easy watching an American institution sink into the swamp without a whimper.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Trump Appointees and Nominees Smell Like Week-Old Dead Fish

Good Day World!

Frances Langum has Trump's modus operandi down when it came to how he picks government department heads;

"If you want to destroy a department, you head it up with someone who is stupid."

Making Rick Perry the Secretary of Energy, and Betsy (I don't know why everyone doesn't like me) DeVoss, Education Secretary are perfect examples.

They're both pathetically stupid, and under-qualified.

Perry didn't even know there was a Department of Energy when Trump appointed him to head it up.

And DeVoss, who is against public schools and thinks charter schools are the way to go, is getting zero respect from school administrators and teachers. No wonder. She has absolutely no experience in school administration or teaching.

You can see the trend.

Trump's nominee for the Agricultural post, Sam Clovis, had to withdraw recently, not because he had absolutely no credentials in science or agriculture, but because he got caught up in the Trump election campaign investigation.

Otherwise, for the first time, instead of a top scientist in the field for the job, we would have had another idiot embedded in our government.
None of Trump's appointees, or nominees, will ever pass the smell test, but that doesn't matter. They don't have to. 

As the backlog of nominees by Trump continues to grow, we can be sure his loyal minions are waiting for their big payoff. And, they all smell like week-old dead fish.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Friday, November 3, 2017

Do 'Minions' Know They're 'Minions?'

Good Day World!

As I watch our democracy being systematically dismantled by Trump's minions a pressing question comes to mind; do minions know they're minions?

Don't laugh. I'm serious. 

San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz was supposed to testify Wednesday before the House Committee on Homeland Security, but the hearing was abruptly canceled.

Trump minions thought nothing about stopping someone critical of Trump from testifying to how bad things still were in Puerto Rico.

Cruz was right, when after she found out that her testimony had been abruptly cancelled she said, "Trump can't handle the truth" to reporters in the Capital hallway.

The minions know what's really happening however. It's their job to make Trump look good regardless of the dastardly things he does that affects millions of lives.

Have these minions sold their souls to follow Donny Little-Hands to hell?

What if they don't know their minions? Now there's a thought. They're blindly following a maniac just because they love him.

I think this conversation needs to go to another level.

Say Voodoo.

You've heard of zombies haven't you?

Time for me to walk on down the road... 

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Fox News and Friends Are Trump's Main Advisors

Good Day World!

Fox News and our Liar-in-Chief are partners in crime.

They meet every morning.

Afterwards, Donny gets on his golden shitter and starts tweeting.

By the time his advisors show up with the official intelligence briefings they're too late to correct his errors and personal attacks.

The attack in Manhattan by a radicalized Muslim is just another example of the collusion between Fox and their Trump boy.

Instead of tweets of condolences to the eight murdered people's families, Donny turned it into a partisan attack against top Democrat Chuck Schumer for his part in passing immigration laws.

Unlike the shootings in Las Vegas where Trump declined to talk politics right after it, he immediately launched into a political rant after watching Fox and Friends.

When press secretary Sarah (I lie easily) Huckabee Sanders was confronted with what was different between the two shootings, she came up with a word salad that meant exactly nothing.

In summary, she deflected the question and said there was no difference.

It's disheartening to have a president who embraces lies and the vehicles that spawn them like Fox, or Brietbart. 

No doubt the producers of Fox and Friends are enjoying this opportunity to guide the president and influence laws. It's a once-in-a-lifetime gig.

Time for me to walk on down the road....

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

New Board Game: Clue 2.0 - Trapping Trump and His Minions

Good Day World!

It's been like playing a real life game of Clue.

Since Trump came into office it's been one big who done it?

Did he collude with the Ruskies? Did his son? Did AG Sessions?

Who was in the room at Trump Tower?

Who said what in a cozy chat that started off as a way to shovel dirt on Hillary Clinton?

Who changed the Republican platform at the last minute to favor Russia? The Republican National Committee adopted language favoring Russia. Why?

Col. Mustard is a Russian no-good-nic ambassador named Sergey Ivanovich Kislyak.

Trump staffers have tried to deny talking with him, then lied about the content of the their conversations when they were caught.

Unlike the actual board game of Clue, it's not about trying to find out who murdered Mr. Boddy.

Instead, the object is to discover how many of Trump's staff and campaign team members worked with Russia to steal the election.

Win the game when Trump is impeached, and tried for obstruction of justice.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Monday, October 30, 2017

Trump in Fantasyland

Good Day World!

Since Trump slunk into office, the White House has taken on a new name; Fantasyland.

It's inhabitants use magical thinking when it comes to real world problems.

For example;

 When Trump directed his administration to declare America’s opioid overdose crisis a public health emergency, Republicans swiftly praised his “bold national leadership.

But with no new funding, many public health experts and state officials said it was “magical thinking” to imagine that the declaration would stem the tide of opioid overdoses that has already killed 183,000.

Having perfected the art of the con, Trump has managed to infect the Republican party with puppets who believe he's a magician that will "Make America Great Again." 

It's almost entertaining watching Trump trod over every law that inhibits his billionaire friends. When he waves his wand of bullshit his supporters say it smells like flowers.

When Trump pulls a tweet out of his hat you can be sure it's a lie. If Trump gets caught lying he doesn't hesitate to double down on the lie by digging into his bag of magic tricks.

Now, you see it. Now, you don't. 

Washington DC has become Trump's playground and stage. He signs meaningless executive orders while grandstanding in the Rose Garden.

Trump has always lived in a world of money and privilege - his personal fantasyland. Unfortunately, the rest of the country is now caught up in his charade of life.

Sadly, Trump has always stayed one step ahead of the law. His bag of tricks have served him well thus far. In his world, he's popular and loved.

In reality, he still faces an investigation over collusion with the Russians, obstruction of justice, and the lowest favorability rating of any president in history.

He's going to have to dig deeper into his bag of tricks when the investigation is over and the truth comes out.

Let's hope the bag is finally empty when that happens.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Trumpies in Trouble: The Begininng of the End of the Trump Era

Good Day World!

I'm eagerly awaiting to see which Trumpie(s) is going to be indicted by the Robert S. Mueller III-led investigation into Russia’s meddling into the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Monday, could be the day that one of the shoes - and possibly more - of the centipede, aka Trump campaign (per Sen. McCain) are going to drop. 

There’s a list of Trump's top 2016 campaign aides, current and former White House aides and longtime confidants who could be rounded up by Mueller’s team early next week.

A desperate Trump has been trying all last week to divert the investigation with recent demands to investigate Hillary Clinton's emails, and allegedly corrupt uranium sale to Russia. 

It might be Tuesday, or even later, before people start getting arrested. A report by Roll Call suggests it could be as early as Monday morning.

I'm just guessing here, but I think Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn will be wearing handcuffs next week.

It's entirely possible however, they could be joined by Carter Page, Jared Kushner, and Donald Trump Jr.

I'll take one more guess about the ramifications of these arrests; Trump is going to call them fake news.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Blog Beak Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...