Wednesday, April 26, 2017

What Are The Chances Melania Stays At Trump Tower Throughout Donny's Term?

Good Day World!

"What would happen if the first lady didn't want to live in the White House?" my wife asked one day.

The question set me back for a moment. 

It's not something I previously considered. Was it crazy of her to even suggest such a thing?

"I don't know dear, " I replied, "but I'll look into it."

After researching Melania Trump's background, I have to say it's not such a crazy reach to suggest she might not move into that White House on Pennsylvania Avenue.

I'm not predicting that will happen. Just saying. Here's why:

She's never made it a secret that she's totally dedicated to a lavish lifestyle, and unlike many of her wealthy associates, she's never had a favorite charity.

profile of First Lady Melania Trump in Vanity Fair magazine paints the former model as bored and disinterested with the duties of First Lady and sources close to Mrs. Trump say that she has been dragged along behind her husband’s political ambitions against her will.

The article describes a woman who didn't want her husband to be the next president of the United States. Instead, she wanted to continue her insular lifestyle and not worry about other people.

Fact: Over the course of Trump’s 17-month campaign, she rarely joined her husband at rallies, and the speeches she gave could be counted on one hand.

I was surprised to see her stay at Trump Tower after her hubby became Commander-In-Chief.

The excuse about keeping Barron in school sounded weak, and left a lot of people wondering just how much support Melania is really going to give Chump in the future.

Some feminists are crossing their fingers that Melania decides to dump Trump while he's in office. 

However unlikely that may be, it's one female fantasy circulating the web.

Of course, we're living in strange times.

We have the worst president to ever set foot inside the Oval Office.
His lies and childish temperament are taking us to the brink of war with North Korea.
Rump and his campaign staff are currently being investigated by four committees for colluding with the Russians during the election.

In summary, I wouldn't be shocked if Melania decided to stay at Trump Tower throughout his term. I know one thing, this daughter of a Communist Party Member is not interested in being a traditional First Lady.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

If Our War Tech Is 5 Times Better Than Any Other Country, Why The 'Yuge' Defense Budget Request?

Good Day World!

It was a thrilling moment for five-time draft dodger, Don the Con.

His stubby little fingers fluttered as he watched those picturesque Tomahawk cruise missiles whoosh from the decks of U.S. destroyers in the eastern Mediterranean, towards an airbase in Syria.

It was the most impressive display of fireworks Chump had ever seen, and his excitement was palpable as he told reporters afterward,

“We've just fired 59 missiles,” he said, “all of which hit, by the way, unbelievable, from, you know, hundreds of miles away, all of which hit, amazing... It's so incredible.  It's brilliant.  It's genius.  

Our technology, our equipment, is better than anybody by a factor of five.”

Okay. Let's stop right here.

If our war machine is so much more advanced than the rest of the world, why do we need to spend over half of our nation's budget on it, as per Chump's new budget proposal?

Logically, it looks like someone's preparing for war. Or, wars.
Logically, this growing militarization has a destination. An agenda.

Setting logic aside for a moment, Rump will do anything to change current narratives going against him like the ongoing investigations about Russia and his campaigns connections.

Who knows what will happen when criminal indictments start getting handed down? What canaries will sing? And what would Dump do to take everyone's attention off these damning confessions?

Starting a war to deflect the narrative is not beyond him.

That same six-year old kid clapping his hands at the sight of those pretty Tomahawk cruise missiles would love to see some more "yuge" fireworks going off at his command.

As for his admission that our military is the best in the world, it doesn't detract him from claiming we need to devote a majority of our national budget to further boost it.

The amazing thing is despite flip-flopping more than a fish out of water on hot pavement, Hump manages to get away with it. Just like his lies.

For now.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Monday, April 24, 2017

Washington Swamp Thriving Under Toxic Trump Administration

Good Day World!

The swamp in Washington, that Trump claimed he was going to drain, is crowded with new players.

The waters are murkier - and more dangerous - now than ever before with the new arrivals.

New lobbyists, riding on Trump's coat-tails, are slithering in at an alarming rate. The fetid waters do not bode well for the average American.

A recent analysis by USA Today reported that former campaign aides, fundraisers and others with ties to Chump and Pence, have attracted dozens of new lobbying clients in Washington; raking in more than $2.2 million in lobbying fees in the first months of the new regime.

When questioned about the newly added pollution to the swamp the White House released a statement that said, "There is no legal restriction on former campaign aides having positive relationships inside and outside the White House."

Wow! Some of us knew that payoffs would be coming if Hump got elected. Those that voted for him because they thought that swamp would be drained, are grinding their teeth and trying to smile.   

Avenue Strategies, a lobbying and consulting start up by Corey Lewandowski, who was Dump's first campaign manager, is one example.

Forget about the fact that Strump had to fire Lewandowski because of his connections to Russia were hurting his chances of getting elected.

They stayed buddies.  

Lewandoski recently bragged online about what a good time he had with Rump.

He tweeted a picture from the White House South Lawn and said, "Great time at the WH today with @realDonaldTrump and the Super Bowl Champion New England Patriots."

Perhaps the most sickening aspect to this complete reversal of what he told his followers, is his blatant assault on ethics since Day One of his regime.

His contempt for current laws and attacks against our judiciary system, is helping to stock the swamp with even more dangerous predators of our rights.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Trump Sends Stark Message To Congress and Americans: 'Either I get What I Want, Or Working Poor Pay The Price'

Good Day World!

It's bribery. 

As Americans watch helplessly, their first illegitimate president is threatening to suspend crucial subsidies in Obamacare for the working poor if he doesn't get what he wants.

That means if he can't get the funding for his infamous wall, more immigration officers, and defense, Donny Little Hands will take his ball and go home.

Without those subsidies thousands of families won't be able to see a doctor, fill a prescription, or go to the hospital.

 But that doesn't mean shit to Dump whose motto is, "My way, or the highway."

By taking the cost-sharing subsidies hostage, Chump is threatening millions of Americans to achieve his hateful agenda.

It's simple: either obey the law, or repeal it. 

We saw how the House appeal process went...straight down the toilet. 

So Congress decided to ignore the current law, declining to appropriate money specifically for cost-sharing subsidies.

All of which dovetails nicely into Hump's agenda and threats to get his way. 

We must not lose sight of those Congressman willing to go to the gates of hell with their master. And when the time comes to vote hold them accountable.

This is just another stark message for those who voted for him, and even for those who didn't. Our Narcissistic President is willing to do anything - let me repeat that...anything, to get his way.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Truth and Trump: Like Water and Oil The Two Don't Mix

                                          Good Day World!

If you think President Chump has trouble sleeping because he constantly lies about better think again.

Rump is pushing 71-years old, and there's no way to teach this old dog new tricks. Just follow the dots since his daddy gave him a "small stake" of $1 million dollars to get started in business.

Hump has been caught lying so many times over the years in real estate scams (3500 lawsuits) that there is a mountain of evidence to be found in newspaper and magazine articles over the past five decades.

One of his most famous lies - Obama wasn't born in the US - opened the door to his presidency by getting Obama-haters, and alt-right groups to support him.

In an excellent four-piece series the LA Times looks at the four most serious things to worry about when talking about our Liar-In-Chief.

From the article:

Donald Trump's utter lack of regard for truth. 

"Whether it is the easily disprovable boasts about the size of his inauguration crowd or his unsubstantiated assertion that Barack Obama bugged Trump Tower, the new president regularly muddies the waters of fact and fiction. 

It’s difficult to know whether he actually can’t distinguish the real from the unreal — or whether he intentionally conflates the two to befuddle voters, deflect criticism and undermine the very idea of objective truth. 

Whatever the explanation, he is encouraging Americans to reject facts, to disrespect science, documents, nonpartisanship and the mainstream media — and instead to simply take positions on the basis of ideology and preconceived notions.

 This is a recipe for a divided country in which differences grow deeper and rational compromise becomes impossible."

It's pretty bad when you have to fact-check everything the president of the United States says. But, it's our reality as long as Stump sits in the Oval Office.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Friday, April 21, 2017

Success! Trump's Long Courtship With China's Economy Pays Off

Good Day World!

Trump has cast covetous eyes on China for  a long time.

He's pursued the Chinese economic market like an illicit lover sneaking around trying to meet with a married woman.

If you followed his harsh rhetoric against China during the presidential campaign you may be surprised at just how cozy Chump has really been with Chinese businessmen.

For starters, Dump still owes China hundreds of millions in debt to one massive, state run Chinese Bank. 

Meanwhile he's leasing a floor of Trump Tower office space in Manhattan to another Chinese bank. That lease ends October 2019.

Dump has repeatedly tried to land big real estate deals in China with state-run Chinese companies as partners. 

He's sought access to China's famously tricky business markets - even for his reality show, The Apprentice

In 2015, Hump had to ditch a deal with China when his Beijing real estate partner was probed for corruption. 

It's no secret that China has been producing Stump products for years, from ties to Chinese steel.

The Golden Doors to China's economy opened wide for Lump after he got elected. After years of battles he was suddenly granted 72 Chinese Trademarks.

On the campaign trail Rump accused China of manipulating currencies and stealing American jobs. Now he says China is NOT manipulating currency and is a good trade partner.

Trump's daughter, in keeping with her father's tactics, was granted Trademarks for her fashion lines the day the Chinese president Xi had dinner with the Trump clan at his private property, Mar-A-Lago.

It appears that Bump's hope for a business relationship with Russia has been dashed (at least temporarily) after his bromance with Putin came to an abrupt end due to the firing of 59 Tomahawk missiles at their Syrian allies airbase.

Make no mistake, Donny Little Hands brand comes first. The American people come in a distant second. 

At what point are Republicans going to hold our Orange Mussolini responsible for his corrupt dealings with other countries?

Perhaps when the investigations about his connections to Russian businesses - and election interference - come to light.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Thursday, April 20, 2017

New Energy Secretary Perry Facing Felony Abuse of Power Trial

Good Day World!

This is getting monotonous.

Another Trump appointee in trouble. This time it's Trump's new Energy Secretary, Rick Perry for being a bully.

He's accused of two felonies: Coercion and Threatening to veto funding to the state's public integrity unit.

What is it with Chump's appointees? 

Michael Flynn had to be fired and is under senate investigation for colluding with the Russian government while serving as Trump's advisor during the election.

Hump really scrapped the barrel to get this current collection of corrupt baboons. Perry is a prime example of a morally corrupt and politically entitled conservative willing to kiss Rump's ass for any position of power.

You may recall Perry saying that he wanted to get rid of the Department of Energy when he was a presidential candidate.

You may also remember his famous answer when asked to name three governmental agencies he'd get rid of if elected.

"Commerce, Education, and the … what's the third one there? Let's see."

Then he stumbled. 

He couldn’t recall the third

When coaxed by other candidates and the moderator — did he mean the Environmental Protection Agency, maybe? — he drew a blank. “Sorry,” he said as he grinned sheepishly at the cameras. “Oops.”

Yeah. Oops.

In a stunning display of gall and divorce from reality, Perry is planning on running for the presidency a second time.

After being booked for two felony counts yesterday, Perry left the Travis County Courthouse in Austin, Texas, smiling with confidence. 

When asked by a reporter if he thought this trial would hurt his presidential ambitions Perry laughed, calling it an "outrageous assault on the rule of law" and a "political attack." 

If convicted, Perry faces a 109-year sentence. Judicial experts are divided over the merits of the case. It could go either way.

You know what's really scary?

Right now we have an energy secretary running around the country on behalf of his corrupt oil buddies, and not the American people.

Now, I'm waiting for Trump to tweet about his minion's plight.

Time for me to walk on down the road... 

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Science Takes a Stand Against Trump: Saturday March Set To Save Environment And Refute Lies

                                           Good Day World!

When was the last time you saw a mass gathering of scientists marching against a president's anti-environmental agenda?

The answer is never. Hasn't happened. But it's going to happen on Saturday, which also happens to be Earth Day.
Washington DC’s national mall will be besieged with a collection of marine biologists, birdwatchers, climate researchers and others enraged by what they see as an assault by Chump’s administration upon evidence-based thinking and scientists themselves.

The march is a visceral response to a presidency that has set about the evisceration of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and many of its science-based rules, the dismissal of basic climate change tenets by the president and his appointees and a proposed budget that would remove around $7 billion from science programs, ranging from cancer research to oceanography to Nasa’s monitoring of the Earth.

The organizers know the march won't change Hump's little mind, and he'll undoubtedly send out angry (butt hurt) tweets about it.

The organizers know that by having the march on Earth Day it'll play into conservative and climate skeptic thinking that scientists are just environmentalists.

They don't care. The need to speak up and take a stand is attracting what will likely be the largest protest by scientist advocates in our history.

For the record, the march will dovetail with the People’s Climate March, which will take place a week later.

Science skeptics, and morons like Donny Little Hands, look at how technology has automated some jobs (thus eliminating the need for humans) and the growing mountain of facts that have led to restrictions on polluting industries, with disdain.

What happened is Lump tapped into this simmering distrust and exploited it politically with numerous false narratives. 

The challenge is going to be met by this unique protest march. That will help some people let off steam...but will leave the Trumpazees unfazed.

Facts don't mean squat to them.

The only way scientists are going to change minds is by educating the public on the benefits of their research, instead of listening to political hacks claim the earth is flat.

Academia needs to emerge from the labs and to connect with Americans in a more personal way. Talk shows, social media, and other forms of reaching people need to be targeted.

The only way to change the skeptic narrative is by gaining the trust of concerned Americans by going among them and sharing how they will benefit with sound environmental policies.

It's time to come down from the Ivory Towers of Academia and to engage people at ground level, where they live. Marching is a start.

Time for me to walk on down the road... 

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Tax Day Tribulations: Will Someone Please Level The Playing Field?

Good Day World!

It's that time of year again when we have to appease the God of Taxes.

Remember, by tithing your earnings to the Tax God he will provide you with a lot of basic services.

At least in theory. It really comes down to the minions who are collecting our donations where the money actually goes.

Tax minions have no morals. Let's get that out of the way right now. 

They have a nasty habit of favoring the wealthy and burdening the middle class. Lobbyist parasites bribe the tax minions who take their direction from their masters up the governmental chain.

The wealthy often don't even pay taxes. Like our first illegitimate president Donny Little Hands for example.

We all know the tax code is unfair and far too complicated. There must be a better system where everyone pays their fair share.

Here's two alternatives to consider:

Progressive taxation and a Flat tax

Progressive tax systems have tiered tax rates that charge higher income individuals higher percentages of their income and offer the lowest rates to those with the lowest incomes.
With the Flat tax they generally assign one tax rate to all taxpayers. No one pays more or less than anyone else under a flat tax system.

Both methods have their merits. The current taxation rate we're currently laboring under is not fair to the majority of Americans.

All I'm asking for is a level playing field.

Oh yea! And... I sure would like to see Chump's tax returns.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Monday, April 17, 2017

No Donny...You aren't Immune From The Law, No Matter What You Think

Good Day World!

Apparently when Trump got elected he thought that would give him a free pass on all the lawsuits filed against him.

Imagine his shock when he found out he had to defend himself in a new federal lawsuit for inciting violence. Mind you, there are about 75 other lawsuits that he also has to contend with at some point in his [presidency.

This recent lawsuit is about inciting his supporters to hurt protesters. And as we all know, Chump hates protesters. In his tiny mind there is no legitimate protester - they're all paid flunkies of his opposition.

That point was driven home this last weekend when hundreds of thousands of Americans protested Hump's refusal to share his tax returns, in 150 cities.

His response to this nationwide protest was to call for an investigation of the protesters. 

Typical Lump. And of course he had to tweet his displeasure:

"Someone should look into who paid for the small organized rallies yesterday. The election is over!"

The demonstrations came on the date taxpayers traditionally have to file their returns (April 15th) by, and just days before, this year’s filing deadline tomorrow.

I'm beginning to think someone (Bannon?) convinced Don The Con that if he became president the laws of the country wouldn't apply to him. 

There's always the possibility that the idea of total immunity just sprang forth from his warped vision of reality like an evil epiphany.

The harsh reality is, No Donny, you aren't immune from the law, no matter what you think.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Putter-In-Chief Plays Golf As The Nation Calls For His Tax Returns

Good Day World!

Yesterday the Trump motorcade managed to avoid several hundred protesters (demanding to see his tax returns).

The TrumpMobile had to take a snake route back to his Palm Beach estate, Mar-A-Lago, after a leisure day of golfing at his golf course.

The French Queen Maria Antoinette infamously suggested that the starving public could eat cake if they didn't have any bread. 

Trump's response to releasing his tax returns is similar in that he could care less what the public wants. 

Americans in 150 cities marched in protest because Chump won't share his tax returns. He's claimed that he can't because he's under an audit but the IRS says that's bullshit!

He can share his returns at any time, audit or no audit, the IRS countered. 

Then when he got elected he announced that Americans didn't want to see his tax returns. That they weren't interested in them, just their own.

There was one problem with that statement; over two-thirds of the American public would very much like to see his tax returns.

I think a nationwide protest is a big clue.

The Washington, D.C., march began with a rally at the U.S. Capitol, where Sen. Ron Wyden called on Trump to ‘knock off the secrecy.” 

What is Rump hiding? His minions have managed to block most of the efforts - like getting the Ways and Means Committee involved - to force him to show them.

Thus far Lump has managed to change the dialogue everytime it comes up by telling some sensational lie to divert the public.

Yesterday's Tax March won't be a one-off. Too many people are concerned. There will be more protests. It's just a matter of time before Republicans have to grow a pair and allow an investigation to proceed.

When that day comes, Stump will probably be playing golf and entertaining his billionaire buddies on the taxpayer's dime.

Trump Calls For Investigation Into Tax Day Protesters, Tweets The Election Is Over

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Blog Beak Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...