Sunday, September 6, 2020

Trump Victory Boat Parade Defeated By 'Antifa Navy'

Pandemic Diary
Day 174

Dear Diary,

It started out to be a perfect MAGA celebration on Lake Travis in Texas, but ended in a stunning defeat for the Trump Victory Boat Parade.

Horrified onlookers began to notice boats sinking in suddenly choppy water caused by the...
Antifa Navy!
One organizer said it was no accident the boats were sinking everywhere, and suggested terrorists were behind it.

Another organizer came right out and claimed it was the Antifa Navy. Still another said the Antifa Navy was in cahoots with the Antifa Spaceforce to accurately single out specific boaters to sink.

Antifa Navy weighs in on operation Sinking Trumpians
Brave Antifa Navy sailors stand on the deck of the USS BIDEN BLUE WAVE submarine, following their stunning defeat of the Trump Navy in the Battle of Lake Travis yesterday.

TRUMP NAVY responds...

The Antifa Navy, led by Admiral Benbow, Captain Crunch, and Seaman D'Mon launched a nefarious, salacious, and mendacious attack against patriot boaters on Lake Travis.

Suspiciously large Chicken Noodle soup cans were seen floating everywhere.

Alex Jones is going to investigate how the Antifa Navy made the water so choppy. 

Observations from shore side witnesses

Female Observer, "The whole thing was straight out of a comedy. It should be called Dumbkirk," she chuckled.

Onsight Reporter, "It quickly became apparent that most boaters were drunk on their asses and speeding. There was something symbolic about the bigger boats swamping the smaller ones in a mad rush to nowhere."

Male Observer, "I liked the part where the Antifa submarine surfaced after firing Chicken Soup torpedo's."

Quote for the Day: "If you ever find yourself in the wrong story, leave." -Mo Willems

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Labor Day Weekend: Another Super Spreader Holiday

Pandemic Diary
Day 173

Dear Diary,

It's Labor Day weekend and in the age of COVID-19 that means super spreader events will happen from coast-to- coast.

It's a given. Turn the dial back a couple of months and look what happened after the 4th of July weekend - coronavirus cases climbed to record highs.

There's been numerous outdoor events - like the Sturgis Bike Rally, the Trump rally at Mt. Rushmore, the Trump rally in Tulsa, and on-and-on. Each one was a super spreader.

It's no secret that when hundreds of students gather at pool parties, and so-called COVID parties, that the virus is energized and spread very quickly among participants who are ignoring CDC safety measures. 

Healthcare officials have sore throats from constantly warning the public to wear masks and practice safe-distancing... with little effect. Americans want to move on and not dwell in the reality of a pandemic. They're tired of their lives being disrupted.

Trump is not the only person who thinks the coronavirus will magically go away someday. It's sad to say, but from what recent history has shown many Americans don't want to believe that COVID-19 is that big a threat - that it's been exaggerated by political enemies of Trump.

The sad thing about Labor Day this year is medical experts are warning that it's not safe to hold family gatherings. Or, to host social events like parties. There's been thousands of cases reported about family gatherings that have resulted in community virus outbreaks.

Documenting public responses to holidays in 2020 will someday be a essay question in schools. I'm afraid it's going to make us all look like fools.

In our defense, 2020 was the most chaotic year in American history with so many major challenges to our democracy that future chroniclers will record it as a seismic societal revolution.

Regardless of my daily reports, the reader will never fully understand the tension that existed in 2020 as Americans faced fascism, systemic racism, a corrupt president, and the most deadly virus to hit the continent in 100 years.

Quote for the Day: "For now, I just want things all safe and familiar. My life may not be perfect, but it is what I have known." -Ann M. Martin

Friday, September 4, 2020

It's Not About Issues: It's All About Trump

Pandemic Diary
Day 172

Dear Diary,

Trump's racist rhetoric, brazen lies about mail-in voting, and support of extreme right-wingers (QAnon for example) are daily occurrences now.

What started out as a mile-long race in the run for the presidency is coming into the home stretch with 60 days left until Americans can vote. 

The winner is either going to plunge the nation into further chaos and anarchy, or... democracy will prove stronger than an authoritarian government under a demented dictator.

The key to this race is NOT the economy, nor his leadership fighting COVID-19, nor his great track record of uniting the country. Forget about issues. 

Trump is gambling that he's convinced enough people in the last four years to believe every word he utters (with his limited vocabulary) that no amount of facts and evidence of his corruption will stop his followers from drinking toxic orange juice.

Political pundits pointed out that Trump's impeachment by the House, and the failed attempt to bring him to justice in the Senate, was a turning point in his vicious assault on the rule of law. As history will show he went on a revenge tour that continues to this day.

Because we're in the home stretch of this already history-making nasty-ass presidential campaign, the ante is going up with full throttle support coming from Putin to Trump. Russian websites attacking Joe Biden have already been taken down by Facebook, and FBI authorities warn there's more out there. 

Democrats biggest challenge is NOT addressing all the issues important to the majority of Americans - Biden's campaign is doing great with its all inclusive message calling for unity - it's exposing Trump's lies in real time.

His tweets (and retweets) have recently increased to nearly a hundred a day. Each one tells the tale of a desperate narcissist fearful of losing his ill-gained power in November.

The best way to put this presidential election into focus - how important it is - is to look at the real picture... which is Trump versus America.

Quote for the Day: "Within any important issue, there are always aspects no one wishes to discuss." -George Orwell

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Dancing with Racists in Reality Show During Election Season

Pandemic Diary
Day 171

Dear Diary,

I suspect Trump's reality show presidency will define his regime for future generations of historians.

The con man who was boosted by his past Apprentice fans and every racist group in the country in 2016, has succeeded (up to a point) in dismantling our democracy through divisive rhetoric and ignoring laws.

There's a popular show on TV right now called "Dancing With the Stars," that suspends reality with so-called stars (more on that in a moment) dancing their fool heads off in over-the-top routines that bring big ratings to the show.

One of my favorite past competitors was Trump's former Press Secretary, Sean Spicer, who starred in a series of silly outfits last season. 

In the surreal scheme of things during Trump's presidency, Spicer's performances were just a blip on the radar when compared to the BIG LIE he told while still Trump's stooge. 

That was, of course, claiming Trump's inauguration was the biggest crowd ever to attend such an event... despite photos  that proved otherwise.

I don't know what this season's lineup is going to be. Nor do I care. Instead, I'd rather take a look at some Trump minions who should star in the popular show.
Couple Number One: Steven Mnuchin in a little boy's prep school outfit - shorts and monogramed jacket - and Matt Gaetz dressed up as an English Professor with a riding crop.

Couple Number Two: Mike Pence dressed up as a princess - with different veils for every night - and Betsy DeVoss in a black leather suit with openings in awkward places. 

Couple Number Three: Jim Jordan in brightly colored diapers and a pacifier necklace, doing the tango with Mitch McConnell in a roman toga that doesn't close in the back.

Couple Number Four: Stephen Miller wearing full Nazi regalia doing the foxtrot with Lindsey Graham in a German peasant girl's outfit with a braided blond wig.

Couple Number Five: Louis DeJoy as "Adam"  with only a different colored fig leaf on every night doing "The Twist"  with Ted Cruz in a red-white-and-blue sequined tutu.   

The reader will note I didn't add Trump to the list because he can barely walk upright like a human, let alone dance.

Quote for the Day: "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." -Albert Einstein

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Warning! Watch For Dangerous Caravans In America

Pandemic Diary
Day 170

Dear Diary,

In 2018, Trump warned his base that South American and Mexican "caravans of terrorists" were on the way to invade America.

Looking back, it was a lie based on racial fear and promoted by Trump who was seeking votes from suburban women. It didn't work. A blue wave swept the suburbs and the Democrats regained control of the House.

Emerging as open allies of Trump are conspiracy groups like QAnon, far-right militias, and white supremacist's. In a desperate bid to retain his power Trump is embracing anyone who supports him.

For example, he's suddenly a backer of caravans. Now caravans are good because they're carrying his cult followers.

When a caravan of his loyal minions invaded Portland during a protest with paint ball guns and noxious sprays, he applauded them.

When one of the invaders, a right wing militia group member (Patriot Prayer) was killed during the deadly drive through downtown Portland, Trump sent coded messages to militias around the country that he supported them. Especially since so many of his followers belong to militia groups.

Will there be more Trump caravans invading other cities? It seems likely based upon the chaos Trump is causing during his American carnage campaign to get re-elected. 

The symbiotic relationship between right wing militias and Trump supporters has never been so clearly defined until now. Their supreme leader has called for chaos, and they're more than happy to comply.

Americans have good reason to be concerned about dangerous caravans this election cycle. This time it's not about immigrants illegally crossing the border. It's about Trump caravans rolling into a city near you and causing chaos! 

Quote for the Day: "How do you defeat terrorism? Don't be terrorized." -Salman Rushdie

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

As November Draws Near Trump's Campaign Turning Out Lies With Warp Speed

Pandemic Diary
Day 169

Dear Diary,

Trump Campaign signals full speed ahead for Captain Donny's false claims! 

New alt-right PAC's bulging with dark money have geared up their operations to tell more lies, and faster than ever before in Operation Warp Speed Part Two. Bigly lies.

One of the Pac's - Preserve America - is being run by the same SOB (Chris LaCivita) who orchestrated the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth takedown of John Kerry in the 2004 presidential race.

Despite exposing their false claims, Kerry's campaign was never able to recover from the brazen barrage of lies.

Some of the most vile Republican operatives from the past have crawled out from beneath their rocks in this last-ditch effort to salvage Trump's campaign, which has been steadily losing ground to Biden.
Lies and Dirty Tricks

Last week, Michigan's state officials announced they were investigating a widely inaccurate robocall that targeted Black voters in the crucial swing state with threatening and incorrect information about voting by mail.

This last weekend, a member of the Republican House leadership shared a doctored video of a disabled activist talking to Joe Biden. After manipulating the video to make it appear the activist was attacking Biden.

Twitter labeled the video "manipulated media," and it disappeared, but not before getting millions of views.

On Sunday, Trump had a tweet removed after sharing false information about coronavirus statistics from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Twitter took the inaccurate tweet down and posted that its "no longer available because it violated the Twitter Rules by endangering peoples lives.

There's such an abundance of disinformation coming from Trump and his minions it's impossible to keep up with them daily. That's why I only gave a few examples here today.

Quote for the Day: "There are few reasons for telling the truth, but for lying the number is infinite." -Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Monday, August 31, 2020

No Politics on this Day: Celebrating 46 Years of Marriage

Pandemic Diary
Day 168

Dear Diary,

No politics today.

It's my wife, Shirley and I's, forty-sixth Wedding Anniversary. We were married on this day in 1974.

We're going out on a picnic, and if we're lucky, we might find some agates. To ensure a peaceful outing we'll be unconnected from the world for the day.

Our marriage has been a long and twisting journey with it's shares of highs, and lows. One of the reasons we've managed to work things out is that we're best friends.

The challenges we faced would test any marriage, but we've come out stronger, and even more in love after each one. One key to our happiness is communication. I know. It sounds droll. But it's true.

Never go to bed angry at one another.
Don't be afraid to tell the truth, and never lie to one another.
Listening, really listening, to each other.
Saying "I love you" should be said daily anywhere, anytime.

One of greatest joys in life is our children, and our grandchildren. We are so proud of our three grown sons, and our five wonderful grandchildren. 

Life is too short.
I'll be 70 in a couple of months with the realization that it's important to live for each day... not to worry about yesterday, and not to worry about tomorrow. 

Quote for the Day: "It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages." -Friedrich Nietzsche

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Why is John 'The Rat' Ratcliffe Cutting Back on Election Security Briefings?

Pandemic Diary
Day 167

Dear Diary,

Here's what we know so far...

Trump is busy downplaying Russia's involvement in this year's elections and that means suppressing any intel about Putin efforts to keep Trump in office.

John "The Rat" Ratcliffe, Director of National Intelligence, is scaling back election security briefings with 64 days to go before the election.

Why? Because "The Rat"  is another Trump toadie who has no problem getting help from Putin. That's it in a nutshell.

Drilling down deeper, this latest information suppression move is part of Trump's overall plan to rig the election. His attacks against the Post Office and the validity of our mail system is sowing seeds of uncertainty in our 245 year-old institution.

In addition, Trump is counting on conspiracy theories popping up as an October surprise. In particular, he has traitor Sen. Ron Johnson "investigating" Biden and his son Hunter, in a conspiracy theory put forward by Russian intelligence that has been repeatedly debunked by our own intelligence community.

It doesn't matter however. Fact-checking doesn't slow down the flood of lies from Trump and his campaign minions. Adding to the chaos, Trump is causing concern in the healthcare community and his own Coronavirus Task force.

The fact that Trump has denied the science behind the pandemic has caused others to follow his ignorant lead which has led to COVID-19 super spreader events and 183,000 dead Americans... and still counting.

For good measure, Trump is doing his best to ignore the reasons for riots in various cities (systemic racism), and to use them as dystopian backdrops for his hypocritical "Law and Order" campaign to save suburban housewives. 

The Rat's  latest move to stop oral briefings (which the Senate and the House prefer so they can ask questions) isn't going to end his interference against facts that Trump doesn't want exposed. Expect more jaw-dropping moves downplaying Russia's ongoing efforts to re-elect Trump.

The overall plan - if can call it that - is to spread fear, confusion, and chaos in the nation; ultimately discouraging people to vote. 

Quote for the Day: "Fear of something is at the root of hate for others, and hate within will eventually destroy the hater." -George Washington Carver 

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Two America's On Display 66 Days Before Election Day

Pandemic Diary
Day 166

Dear Diary,

The contrast between the two Americas we live in has never been so stark. 

Trump's Speech on Thursday at the RNC, and the 57th Anniversary of Martin Luther King's famous speech at the National Mall on Friday.

About 2,000 people attended Trump's speech - without face masks - and heard Trump's racist rhetoric and outright lies about how great he's been for the country.

Tens of thousands of people - most with masks on - showed up Friday for the March On Washington at the National Mall, an event planned months ago to call for justice for African-Americans - especially men.

The four day freak show that was the RNC, sowed seeds of fear and hated. The overall grim message they painted was one of pure anarchy if Biden wins the election in November.

Contrast that with the DNC, and Biden's message of hope and equality for all. They spent four days highlighting Americans from every spectrum of society and the need for unity. The overall message was there was hope for our democracy and that things like science will no longer be ignored.

Every day the contrast between the Party of Trump and the Democrats grows starker. Trump aka, Doctor Doom, versus Biden, aka Captain America. Hans Solo versus Darth Vader. Good versus evil. Light versus the darkness.

The weeks ahead will be filled with new attacks against the very fabric of our society, truth, equality, and justice. Trump will leave no stone unturned to retain his power.

This election features a factor never before experienced: the possibility of the fall of our republic if Trump is re-elected. 

His distain of the Constitution and Congress, is well known. Trump has broken laws and tossed out traditions with authoritarian impunity since seizing the White House with the help of his buddy Putin.

Hope for America's redemption comes on Nov. 3rd when people turn out to vote in record numbers for Biden/Harris. 

Quote for the Day: "What the people want is very simple - they want an America as good as its promise." -Barbara Jordan

Friday, August 28, 2020

Trump's Final Coronation Ceremony Was A Bummer

Pandemic Diary
Day 165

Dear Diary,

When Trump waddled up to the podium set up at the South Lawn of the White House yesterday to give his bigly speech, The Washington Post was probably on his pea brain.

As he ranted about demonic democrats before a crowd of 2,000 people without face masks, a bombshell story broke that really chaffed his fat ass! 

New Federal spending documents obtained by the Post via a public-records lawsuit give more detail how how the Trump Organization charged the Secret Service - a kind of captive customer, required to follow Trump everywhere.

In addition, campaign finance records have provided new details about the payments the Trump Organization received from GOP groups, as a result of the 37 instances in which Trump headlined a political event at one of his own properties. Those visits brought the company at least $3,8 million in fees, according to the Post.

As Trump babbled about personal freedoms his minions were already compiling a "very large dossier" on Pulitzer Prize-winning WP writer, David Fahrenthold, in anticipation of harassing him and other WP reporters. 

Trump's litany of lies hung in the humid air as he portrayed Biden as a Godless man, and an instrument of the far left. It was a surreal evening with Trump claiming to be a "Law and Order" president even as he was under investigation in several corruption lawsuits along with the newly released investigation by the Post.

As a backdrop to Trump's angry dystopian rant there were thousands of protestors making a lot of noise. They're discordant voices rose to the skies as fireworks went off at The National Mall celebrating the Emperor with no clothes.

Quote of the Day: "Corrupt politicians make the other ten percent look bad." Henry Kissinger

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Trump's Coronation: The Pandemic Has Passed and Other Bigly Lies

Pandemic Diary
Day 164

Dear Diary,
Before commenting on the latest Trump coronation abominations, I want to point out something the Trump regime didn't want Americans to know about:

This story broke yesterday
Multiple US troops were injured in a collision with a Russian military convoy in eastern Syria on Tuesday, according to several US officials who reported the incident to CNN.

Despite Trump and military leadership at the highest levels being aware of the incident within a short time of it occurring, the Pentagon has still not publicly acknowledged that Americans were injured. 

The reason why is simple and sinister; Trump doesn't want anything to detract from his coronation ceremonies. US soldiers being wounded by Russians in Syria may spoil the spell he's weaving at his coronation.

What Happened at the Coronation
Viewers were led through an alternate universe where the pandemic has passed, and a sitting secretary of state mixed diplomacy and politics in a speech from Jerusalem, effectively violating state department rules that he had signed on to.

The tsunami of lies throughout the performance swamped any attempts to unite - or recognize - the pain Americans are currently experiencing. 

With one exception. Former pole dancer and porn star, First Lady Melania made an attempt at sounding compassionate and even recognizing people were suffering outside her elite circles.

Her mockery of a WWII uniform was a bit over the top, but then so were many other things that night. 

The coronation was a celebration of cultural wars, rebukes of liberal ideology and stories of Americans who say they have benefited from Trump's policies.

I'm not sure where they found the dairy farmer/Trump minion, but her praise (supposedly on behalf of all diary farmers) rang pretty hollow when you look at the damage Trump's trade wars have done to farmers across the country.
They have to be bailed out annually now thanks to Trump's American First policy.

Then there was Trump's nightly appearance where he pardoned a bank robber in the White House, and also swore in five new Americans in a clumsy ceremony that was supposed to show he loved immigrants. 

Trump lackey Sen. Rand Paul pained a picture of Trump as a philanthropic president. I noticed he forgot to mention Trump's family-run phony charity that was shut down for ripping-off veterans and other Americans.

Listening to another Trump lackey Larry "Shameless" Kudlow promise that Trump will be able to turn around the economy again (it was growing when Trump slithered into office) was enough to make most pundits puke.

But when Kudlow told everyone that they were better off now than they were under the Obama administration, I expected to see lighting strike the building. As he droned on about Trump's victory over the coronavirus, I had to drink a Pepto Bismal cocktail to stomach it.

Also hard to stomach was super hypocrite, Cissie Graham Lynch, American evangelist Billy Graham's granddaughter. She ranted on about being obedient to God or to Caesar, and how the radical left would force people of faith to violate their deeply held beliefs.

Again, it was hard not to lose my lunch when she actually claimed Trump was a fierce advocate for God. Still no lightning strike, but I bet her grandfather turned over in his grave.

There were other sickening sideshows featuring a wealthy brat, Nicholas Sandmann, defending Trump against the anti-Christian, anti-conservative, media outlets...
Abby Johnson, founder of the ant-abortion group "And There Were None," who made explosive claims (actually lies) about her time working for Planned Parenthood.

She earned her Trump credentials by tweeting that she had a hard time understanding how people can't see the connection between abortion and the Jewish holocaust.

There were other cult supporters during the chaotic program to celebrate an alternate reality TV president that I'm not even going to mention here. I understand the reader can only take so much!

Quote for the Day: "And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed-if all records told the same tale-then the lie passed into history and became truth. 'Who controls the past' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past." -George Orwell, 1984

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...