Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Day Two of Trump's Coronation: Fear and Loathing is Central Theme

Pandemic Diary
Day 163

Dear Diary,

I knew what trolls would be trotted out during yesterday's continued coronation ceremonies, but I was surprised to see such a grim overall apocalyptic message. 

Apparently it's the Trumpian version of an upbeat coronation which he told the media to expect to see during his four-day freak fest.

But it quickly turned into a program of fear and loathing by featuring two Trumpies facing felonies for threatening people with their weapons. 

The alt-right lionized the two idiots who sat in their mansion last night and told Americans to be afraid...very afraid of black rioters coming to their neighborhoods. 

Trump's eldest offspring Don Jr. painted scary suburban scenarios where housewives were fearful for their lives over the possibility of minorities moving into their neighborhoods.

Trump pulled out his favorite conspiracies' and warned that if Biden were elected American cities would all be set on fire by roving gangs of Blacks and Latinos. That our democracy was at stake and only the Chosen One knew what to do. He congratulated himself on his rapid response to the coronavirus.

It was one of many lies Trump repeated about the pandemic's history, and his supposedly life-saving response to the deadly virus.

Overall, Trump's lies were so numerous that fact-checkers had a hard time documenting them all by this morning.

It's official; the Republican Party is dead. After last night everyone realizes the MAGA-verse, or cult of Trump, dismantled the GOP and replaced it with a King. No platform for this new party. Instead, it adopted continuing Trump's America First policy which is basically what Trump wants, Trump gets.

There were no former Republican luminaires (presidents and such) to lend some credibility to the coronation. Most had already appeared at the DNC and vowed to vote for Biden.

What a stark contrast to the first two days at the DNC which promoted unity and equality for all. 

After tonight's performances, and tomorrow's finale featuring a long rant by the most malicious narcissist in the world, Donald J. Trump, the comparison between the two events will be sharply delineated for voters to consider in November.

Quote for the Day: "Don't give in to your fears. If you do, you won't be able to talk to your heart." -Paulo Coelho

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Day One of Trump's Coronation Was Full of Newsworthy Stories

Pandemic Diary
Day 162

Dear Diary,

What a day of infamy for the RNC yesterday after crowning Trump King and the Chosen One.

There were other newsworthy stories that broke yesterday too. Here's some examples:

**New York's attorney general is investigating whether Trump's company inflated the value of his assets to secure favorable loans and insurance tax benefits.

Eric Trump, whose currently the president of the Trump Organization, is being deposed by the New York State Attorney General in an investigation of the Trump Organization. Thus far, Eric has avoided requests to appear pursuant to a subpoena.

If the NY State AG's request from the court is successful, Eric will have to testify. Just a thought; think how terrifying that must be for daddy Trump who knows he's an idiot!

Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow

**A bombshell dropped on Trump yesterday when his most loyal, and longtime subject, Kellyanne Conway announced she was leaving the White House to devote more time to her four children.

Even hubby George Conway had a big announcement... he was stepping away from The Lincoln Project to also spend more time with his kids.

Kellyanne's swansong will be today as she appears as a guest speaker for Trump's coronation ceremonies.

Postmaster DeJoy Grilled by Congress 
**Highlights include Rep. Carolyn Maloney, the chair of the House Oversight Committee telling Louis DeJoy if he doesn't turn USPS documents over to the committee he can expect to be subpoenaed.

The hearing was basically reality versus an alternate reality pursued by Republican minions. Democrats produced documents and other evidence, and Republicans continued to stonewall with conspiracy theories. 

My concern is that nothing much will come from the revelations of corruption as the Trump regime continues to muddy up reality with his bully pulpit.

Family Skeletons Rattling in Trump Family Closet
After Trump's niece, Mary, wrote a scathing book about Trump's upbringing last week, his sister Maryanne Trump Barry made news when a secret audio of her disparaging her brother was reported by the press yesterday. She made it clear that he was a serial liar.

I could mention other newsworthy events that overshadowed Day One of Trump's coronation, but I'll spare the reader. I believe the point was made.

Quote for the Day: "A good newspaper, I suppose, is a nation talking to itself." -Arthur Miller

Monday, August 24, 2020

Day One - Trump's 'Coronation' Ceremonies Begin Today

Pandemic Diary
Day 161

Dear Diary,

The bigly producer for the RNC - recently re-named The Coronation of The Chosen One - Donald Trump, is ready to share an alternate universe tonight.

Trump will appear in all four days of the Coronation's indoctrination propaganda extravaganza.

I wonder if viewers will have to wear rose-colored glasses in order to see the special guests and the Orangeness himself? If so, I won't be able to witness the withering of truth nightly because I'm not a cult follower on Trump's mailing list.

Not that it's a problem. I practice protecting my brain cells and that means not watching or listening to alt right loons; like conspiracy lunatics from QAnon, who Trump embraced at a recent press briefing/mini Trump rally.

The Trump campaign says the whole Coronation will have elements of surprise and will be fun to watch. I have to admit just thinking about guest speakers being rolled out in cages covered with Confederate battle flags sounds like good wholesome entertainment.

One thing Trump made perfectly clear to his minions; he doesn't want his Coronation to be upstaged by the successful Democratic National Convention last week. It's all about ratings in Trump's world so expect a totally different look.

For example; the DNC had former presidents, party leaders, and ordinary people speaking every night. Most of the speakers in Trump's Coronation are family members. However, don't expect his niece, or sister Maryanne, to speak for obvious reasons.
The DNC's central message of unity and empathy is a stark contrast from what Trump has planned; best described as a message of division and a dystopian future unless the Chosen One is re-elected.

Most Americans are going to have a hard time comparing the hopeful message by a little boy who stuttered with the message sent by a man and wife charged with a felony for waving weapons at peaceful protestors going by their house.

Expect the contrasts to be on steroids. Bigly lies versus the truth. Fiction over fact. Fear versus hope. Ideology over science. An alternate universe in contrast to reality.

Quote for the Day: "We live within the reality we create, and we're quite unaware of how we create the reality." -James Turrell

Sunday, August 23, 2020

American Carnage: RNC Set for Four Days of Dystopian Dialogue

Pandemic Diary
Day 160

Dear Diary,

Next week is going to be more surreal than ever as the Republican National Convention gets ready to flood the airways with lies and conspiracies' beginning on Monday.

The first and foremost thing to remember is that every aspect (no matter how small) of the planned four-day alt-right festival will have Trump's tiny hands on it.

The theme for this four-ring circus ought to be "American Carnage." Some may remember Trump's inauguration speech where he laid out a picture of an apocalyptic America waiting to be saved by himself - the chosen one.

He's dusting off that lie and parading it around proudly in the overall message he wants Americans to embrace while drinking Kool aide and watching his TV extravaganza.

Using the White House as a background for his political propaganda is deeply wrong and unethical. But the spineless GOP cowards in the House and Senate have been silent because they sold their souls to Trump.

Here's just two of the caliber of guests who'll be featured during the freak show:

(1) Remember that St. Louis couple who gained national attention after photos and a video showed them brandishing weapons (he with a semi-automatic rifle, and she with a pistol) at peaceful protestors marching by their house?

Their names are Mark and Patricia McCloskey, and they were charged with unlawful use of a weapon. Mark McCloskey is slated to be a special speaker at the RNC.

(2) Another memory lane moron whose invited to speak at the RNC is that grinning little smartass Covington Catholic High School (former student), Nicholas Sandmann.

The viral photo of him smirking in the face of an elderly Native American will always be an example of the Trump Youth Movement that's infected some schools. 

The overall RNC message will clearly lay out a culture war and a case for dividing Americans. In the end the big message is "only Trump can fix it." Whatever "it" is.

What a contrast to the Democratic National Convention last week where the theme was unity.

Quote for the Day: "This battle will not be won with a few of the strong holding against the tide of tyranny, but with fists raised in unity to build an indestructible wall against the tide, forcing it away from our shores." -Starr Z. Davies

Saturday, August 22, 2020

House Passes USPS Legislation: How Will 'Moscow' Mitch Respond?

Pandemic Diary
Day 159

Dear Diary,

UPDATE 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time
House passes legislation to prevent any further changes to USPS and to provide $25 million in funding

Sounds like relief may be in sight. 

But, I wouldn't bet on it. Under Moscow Mitch, the Senate probably won't even look at the proposed legislation that would go a long way in protecting mail-in votes.

Meanwhile Trump is beating on his fraudulent voting drum without any evidence to back it up. His attempts at voter suppression are getting bolder every day. Still, Republicans are turning their heads the other way, because they fear our wannabe dictator.

This is a pretty shitty position for the world's leading democracy to be in. Frankly, it's our own fault. Americans elected the worst enemy of democracy ever to foul the White House. With Russia's help.

The voters who decided not to vote in 2016 now have a good reason to vote; to protect the nation. 

The challenge is clear to everyone except Trump's demented followers who approve of his dismantling everything America has stood for in 245 years.

Quote for the Day: "Human nature is not a problem that can be fixed by rules and regulations. All solutions to the existing problems must be based on how people behave, not on how we think they should behave." -Kirk Chisholm

Friday, August 21, 2020

A New Cult Rises From Anonymity Thanks To Trump

Pandemic Diary
Day 158

Dear Diary,

Trump made it official yesterday; he likes QAnon because the growing cult likes him.

His tacit approval launched QAnon into the mainstream news. A goal the cult has been trying to achieve for three years now. An endorsement from the president of the United States is a recruiting dream for the group.   

It didn't bother Trump when reminded (the asshole already knew despite claiming otherwise) that QAnon was a cult that claims there's a deep state conspiracy, and that Trump has been sent to fight it. He even mentioning liking the idea about him saving the world.

Devotees babble about satanic liberals, pedophiles, and cannibals who must be hunted down to save democracy. Reason is left at the front door for devoted followers.

QAnon is an extreme conspiracy cooked up by one anonymous moron sharing his batshit ideas on 4Chan, a web platform for crazies. The group is on a FBI list that warns Americans QAnon supporters are domestic terrorists.

It's a good thing there was no internet when Jim Jones and David Koresh were around. It would have catapulted the number of followers aka/victims who would eventually die from mass suicide.

But the internet is here, and we have to learn to live with the good, bad, and ugly. Web platforms are trickling into mainstream news outlets, who seem happy to carry their conspiracy theories. That's the world today.

When Trump is run out of office by a landslide, the cult will continue to thrive with the help of alt right idiots. I wouldn't be surprised to see Trump hook up with QAnon and promote them in his own TV show. And Fox News of course, who'll carry every sentence Trump utters for years to come.

This latest outlandish endorsement comes at a time when Trump is melting down while watching the Democratic National Convention every night.

Somewhere in America right now QAnon advocates are packing in preparation of leaving their caves, sewers, and swamps to soil society.

Quote for the Day: "There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.' -Issac Asimov  

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Pandemic Diary Day 157: Today's Tribute to MAGA Morons

Dear Diary,

Memo to Trump and his Minions;


You've managed to turn hats and clothing attire into symbols of hatred and intolerance. Your MAGA hats universally evoke comparisons to Nazi swastikas'. 

You're turning out t-shirts with profanities against minorities, and anyone else you don't like. Your mug with it's bronze make-up on t-shirts and jackets is a sure sign the wearer is an intolerant asshole who doesn't like anyone who doesn't worship you.

Someday MAGA attire will become a regular Halloween costume. For all I know it already is. I quit celebrating Halloween when you were elected Donny... it's been a horror show ever since.

Enjoy it while you can you MAGA morons in Congress, and across the rest across the country. You're all going to just be a bad dream after November 3rd."

Honoring Goodyear Tires
This great American company and industry icon is being attacked from Trump and his cronies because their standing by a corporate policy of banning political messaging.

MAGA morons working at Goodyear are crying foul because they can't wear their favorite symbol of intolerance, the red MAGA hate, or t-shirts with Trump's ugly face and obscene messages.

The typical Trumpian response of calling out to his minions to boycott Goodyear was nothing more than a pissed-off nine-year old acting stupid.

In other words, par for the course for the biggest outright liar and manchild on the planet.

Quote for the Day: "The greatest threat to America is not foreign terrorists, its domestic morons." -John Fugelsang

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Pandemic Diary Day 156: On Miracle Cures and the 'Infection' in the White House

Dear Diary,

Pitchman, Mike Lindell (left) MyPillow creator and mega Trump donor, is offering a miracle cure for COVID-19.

Lindell (whose F credit rating in Minnesota after pushing another fraudulent cure and settling out of court for a million bucks), got a boost yesterday from Trump when he announced his new miracle cure for COVID-19.
                            How did this happen?

Ben Carson, the Housing and Urban Development Secretary, and fellow miracle drug advocate

(He was forced by the FDA to quit promoting a wonder drug before being selected by Trump),
 met with fellow pitchman Lindell - and it was love at first sight.

The meeting between the GOP megadonor and Trump ally resulted in sharing an experimental botanical extract with his Nibs (the greatest of all pitchman), who gleefully endorsed it during one of his briefing/mini rallies, yesterday.

Trump who has been desperately searching for an easy way out of the coronavirus crisis since it started, "expressed enthusiasm," for the new miracle extract called Oleandrin, which is made from the deadly oleander plant. A little bit can kill you.

I should point out that the drug has no peer-reviewed articles or tests regarding its efficiency, or safety. Frankly, this trio of pitchman is the perfect example of one of many infections that permeate the West Wing. Trump. Lindell. Carson. All truth deniers.

The only way to disinfect the White House is coming up in 76 days - voting Trump's ass out of office on November 3rd.

Quote for the Day: "The ignorant hope they never get COVID-19 and the wise prepare for a possible future infection." -Steve Magee

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Pandemic Diary Day 155: Released Today: 'A Warning' We Should All Heed

Dear Diary,

I'm looking forward to reading a new book that's available  today titled, "2020 election edition of A Warning, by Anonymous.

I'll take a moment here to explain who Anonymous is.

The story is there's an unknown Trump administration official whose been leaking out some really bad insider shit on Donny since he waddled into office.

As a matter of fact, this Anonymous insider has already written one book detailing Trump's depredations against democracy - A Warning by Anonymous - which was a 2019 best seller.

That book came on the heels of a bombshell op-ed published by the New York Times in September 2018 by Anonymous.

The author wrote in the preface of the new edition, "A second term for Trump unbound will mean a nation undone." 

Pretty catchy, especially with 80 days to go before the election.

He continued, "Re-electing Trump will result in a continued downward slide into social acrimony, with the United States fading into the background of a world stager it once commanded, to say nothing of the damage done to our democratic institutions."
Back to the timing of the release of this book

Anonymous said last year that they would reveal their identity to Trump before the election, but the person stays nameless in the latest edition, only saying they plan to unveil themselves in "due course."

Interestingly, Trump told reporters in February that he knew the person's true identity but he couldn't say who it is. In response, Anonymous wrote in the preface, "Those eager for the knowledge should ask Trump why he has kept it to himself for so long."

Good question. I wonder when this Washington insider will suddenly step into the limelight? It sounds like it may be soon.

Here's a thought; what greater platform than during the Democratic National Convention this week as a special speaker?

Quote for the Day: "Sadly, how often did mankind heed a warning? Gadflies are often swatted unmercifully." -E.A. Bucchianeri

Monday, August 17, 2020

Pandemic Diary Day 154: How Crazy? Try Trump Campaign vs Cartoon Character

Dear Diary,

It's no wonder 2020 feels surreal. 

The Trump re-election team is bickering with a cartoon character - Marge Simpson
The election is becoming more bizarre by the day. 

I'm almost hesitant to document the ridiculous spat between a top Trump campaign advisor and TV cartoon character, for fear historians will think I'm exaggerating.

However, I feel it's important for future generations to understand how crazy Trump and his minions were. In a nutshell:

The fight began when Trump advisor, Jenna Ellis, sought to mock California senator Kamala Harris after she was picked to become the Democratic party's vice-presidential nominee.

"Kamala sounds like Marge Simpson," Ellis blathered. 

In response, the Simpsons official twitter account stated, "As an ordinary suburban housewife, I'm starting to feel a little disrespected. I teach my children not to name call, Jenna."

You'd think that would end it...but noooooo!

Look at who kept it going... Ellis twitted back, "Marge is probably going to vote mail."

Here's the backdrop for the above insanity:
**We have a sociopathic president intent on getting re-elected by whatever means he can contrive. 

**Life during the Trump regime has been an exercise in hanging on to reality and the truth - which have been under assault since Trump slithered into office.

**America is in the middle of a deadly pandemic with no leadership.

**The economy is shot. Millions of unemployed Americans are desperately trying to keep a roof over their head, and find money for food. Great Depression food lines are everywhere.

Congress has gone on vacation, instead of passing a stimulus relief bill for millions of Americans who are suffering right now.

**America's standing with other countries has been degraded to the point that they're laughing at us.

Quote for the Day: "Some are born mad, some achieve madness, and some have madness thrust upon 'em." -Emilie Autumn

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Pandemic Diary Day 153: Coronavirus Vignettes

Dear Diary,

In order to give a fuller picture of life during this pandemic, I've chosen a series of vignettes to illustrate the many new realities and challenges Americans faced.

Face Masks/Social Distancing
Three women beat up a 17-year old hostess last week at Chili's Restaurant in Louisiana after she attempted to enforce the business' COVID-19 social distancing policies.

Two angry men attacked Trader Joe's employees in a Manhattan store after the customers refused to wear face masks.

An employee at McDonald's was grabbed and assaulted by a customer after she told him he would have to wear a mask in the drive-thru.

A woman traveling to Las Vegas struck an American Airlines employee after she was denied boarding for not wearing a mask.

Going Back to School
Health experts say children make up more than 7 percent of all COVID-19 cases in the US-while comprising about 22 percent of the country's population.
Infection rates are growing steadily as schools attempt to reopen.

A Georgia school district had to quarantine 900 students and staff members because of possible exposure to the coronavirus. 
The hard hit school had a photo (shown here) of students walking in a hallway without face masks that went viral on the net.

Classes were set to start tomorrow in a school district outside Phoenix, Arizona, but were canceled after teachers staged a "sick out" in protest.

Judge sets hearing in Florida School Reopening Lawsuit. This coming Thursday there'll be a hearing about Education Commissioner's mandate that school reopen campuses.

The Florida Education Association teacher's union is challenging the mandate alleging it violates the State Constitution guarding Floridians right to safe and secure public education.

Top News Article 
The postal service inspector general is reviewing recently appointed Postmaster DeJoy's policy changes and ethics violations. 
Lawmakers from both parties and postal union leaders have been sounding the alarm about the major Trump donor's intention to slow down the postal service prior to the November elections, in a blatant effort to help Trump discredit the mail-in process.

Quote for the Day: "Remember: a story is not a vignette. It has a beginning, middle, and end. It is not merely a snapshot in time." -Chuck Wendig

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...