Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Pandemic Diary Day 58: Republicans Fear Trump More Than the Coronavirus and That's a Mistake

Dear Diary,

Watching Republicans cower whenever Trump speaks is reminiscent of The Godfather holding court over his minions.

Trump is a thug, a bully, a serial liar, and a world class narcissist, but GOP lawmakers pretend to believe every uninformed word he utters... even in the midst of a pandemic.

The abject fealty he demands from every government head and his cabinet is remarkable. Watching his puppets, like mealy-mouthed Bill Barr, Moscow Mitch, Crying Kevin McCarthy, and Pompous Pig Mike Pompeo deny facts is a daily occurrence.

Those gutless Republicans are making a big mistake going down with the Trump Titanic's unhinged course to chaos. Mass defections from within his own base's elderly ranks is not going to benefit the down ticket in the upcoming national elections. 

Especially because they're (the elderly) dying off in record numbers. Blaming the Democrat's can't conceal the reality of what's happening.

It's Trump's stupidity. His rejection of science. His muffling of healthcare officials leading to over 82,000 deaths and counting because of his attempts to hide the enormity of the coronavirus early on.

Trump is NOT a LEADER. He's a sick individual who by horrible twists of fate happens to be our president during a pandemic.

I suspect voters are going to be looking for a real leader this fall. Not another four years of a crazy man child whose done more harm to our Constitution, and the laws of the land than any of his predecessors.

This should concern those Republican lawmakers who have been enabling his corruption and are running for re-election riding his tattered cap of imperial office.

It may be too late for those feckless followers to cut loose from Trump. It would take an act of defiance - like telling the truth - when asked questions about their role in Trump's swamp. I don't expect that to happen.

History may prove me wrong, but based on the polarization in this country...I don't think so. The rats are all going down together in the Trump titanic this November.

On the Homefront - Medford, Oregon
**Only 3 more cases of coronavirus reported overnight bringing the total confirmed novel coronavirus cases to 3,286. The death toll now stands at 130.

**Interesting study - The Oregon Health and Science University will begin notifying people for a yearlong study to track the spread of coronavirus in the state.

**Scum for the Day - A 42-year old douche bag from Gresham, Matthew Owens, is facing federal charges for smuggling the drug chloroquine (Trump's favorite miracle COVID-19 drug) from China for delivery to others during the pandemic. 

**Milestone violation - Workplace safety regulators have cited an Oregon food processor for unsafe practices after nearly three dozen of its employees contracted the coronavirus.

The $2,000 penalty against National Frozen Foods was the first of its kind since Gov. Kate Brown ordered businesses to ensure space between workers.

Quote for the day; "We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." -Plato 

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Pandemic Diary Day 57: Trump Versus The Supremes: Oral Arguments Today

Dear Diary,

One of the most important cases in the history of our nation is going before the Supreme Court today. You can listen to oral arguments on CNN live stream, and other platforms.

The court will be ruling on whether Trump's accountant and some of his lenders have to turn over financial information to congressional committees. Thus far, Trump has stopped all the efforts to make him reveal them. 

The dispute actually involves two related cases.

The first case asks whether a congressional committee has the constitutional and statutory power to subpoena the accountant for Trump and some of his lenders for his financial records, including his federal income tax records.

The second case asks whether a subpoena issued by a state grand jury to Trump's accountant is subject to precedent regarding political questions.

The judges are expected to have a decision by the end of June. I won't be surprised if the Supremes decide to punt these cases by using a legal escape hatch called the "political question doctrine.

It would give them the opportunity to weasel out of making a tough political decision. It would also mean no one will ever be able to see Trump's financial records. 

Worse still, it would prove that Congress has no power over a wannabe dictator like Trump who managed to silence the highest court in the land!


A reporter asked attorney general Bill Barr how he thinks he'll be remembered in the history books the other day.

Barr's reply was, "It depends on whose in power."

I beg to disagree. There'll always be historians without political motivations who are documenting facts with evidence; recorded speeches, videos, papers written for publications, etc. al.

Among the Trump minions in government who will go down in a Hall of Shame someday, there's none more complicit in enabling Trump's corruption than Barr the Shameless
His latest demonstration of abuse of power (attempting to get Michael Flynn off the hook) has nearly 2000 former justice department officials calling for him to resign.

Historians are going to laugh at Mike Pence. One of many videos of him emulating Trump's every move (the infamous "he put the water bottle on the floor" because Stump did) will be in the introductory part of Pence's official White House bio.

There are too many other Trump minions in the government who'll be remembered for corruption to list here. He's managed to inflict serious damage to our democracy, and it's going to take time to heal. 
On the Homefront - Medford Oregon
**My wife, Shirley, casually mentioned that she had a hair appointment on June 18th, the other day. That, of course made me curious when hair salon's are expected to open up in Oregon.

Turns out that May 15th is the target date for phase one (where hair salons and massage parlors open) of Gov. Brown's reopening plan for the state. 

From what I've read in the local newspapers, and heard on TV, a lot of businesses are afraid to open yet however. Especially the kind that require up close contact. 

Shirley may find out that her hair appointment is going to have to be changed in June if there's not more confidence over safety for business owners and the public alike.

**It's not my imagination - very few people are wearing face masks in Medford. I can't speak for other nearby cities, but Medford seems to be lax about the rule. Yet, most people are still staying-in-place. A lot of very quiet streets.

Quote for the day; "As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." -H.L. Mencken

Monday, May 11, 2020

Pandemic Diary Day 56: Tribe Takes a Stand for Survival During Pandemic

Dear Diary,

Documenting this pandemic is like trying to catch a tornado with a sandwich-sized paper bag.

There's so many stories to report on each day it's hard to select which ones to highlight. Mainstream headlines have been chock full of various segments of society that are harder hit than others.

There's no doubt that the poor and minorities are suffering more than the rest of the country. Casualty counts among Blacks and Latinos are disproportionate to the rest of society.

Today however, I'm highlighting the plight of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe in South Dakota. 

Fighting for the tribe's very survival, tribal chairman Harold Frazier has refused to take down its coronavirus checkpoints despite Gov. Kristi Noem's demands to do so.

The main purpose of the checkpoints was to monitor and try to track the coronavirus coming onto the reservation. 

But, because the new Republican playbook is all about reopening states (whether or not it's safe or not), Gov. Noem decided it was okay to risk the lives of 12,000 people who only have an eight-bed hospital.

Frazier pointed out that the lack of resources makes his tribe especially vulnerable to "hot spots." The only critical care available is three hours from the tribal lands. A death sentence for a sudden flood of patients.

By taking down the tribe's frontline of defense against a deadly virus, I'm reminded of the shame of Wounded Knee, where people were massacred by a government that was supposed to be protecting them.

On the Homefront - Medford. Oregon

**As of today there's been 3,228 confirmed cases of coronavirus and 127 people have died from it.

**Today marks the 40th anniversary of Mount St. Helen's eruption.

 (Photo by Don Wilson 1980)
There's an exhibit at the Portland Art Museum "Volcano!" but the museum is closed right now.

In the meantime, the exhibit can be viewed online.

**The Oregon State Penitentiary in Salem is locked down today after a fight broke out among inmates in the yard.

 About 215 inmates from the same cell block went at it until correction officers restored order.

Quote for the day; "Stand up to injustice, even if you stand alone." -Suzy Kassem

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Pandemic Diary Day 55: During America's Chaotic Coronavirus Stars Emerge For the Right and the Left

Dear Diary,

I can't recall exactly when New York's Gov. Andrew Cuomo became a coronavirus star, garnering more hours of prime time TV than anyone, except for Trump's caustic (and hours long) Coronavirus Task Farce briefings.

I understand that New York has the most COVID-19 cases - NYC's led all the way - and deaths, since surpassing Washington in March. That's news. But for how long?

Andrew Cuomo, whose seen more TV air time than his brother Chris (a news broadcaster), has become a Democratic star since he began holding his daily COVID-19 chats (that often meandered into other subjects).

Liberal political insiders have been inspired enough by his performances to look at Andrew for president in 2024. He's so articulate. The opposite of Trump. 

His meteoric rise to fame is just another example of a star being born in our new pandemic universe. 

While Andrew is a good example for the Left, the Right has plenty of candidates for stardom too. But Trump's new PR puppet, Kayleigh McEnany, is clearly the breakout star from the swamp in Washington DC.

I was in awe of her Trumpian qualities, and how quickly she let the press know she had no intention of telling the truth about anything - unless it benefited Stump.

McEnany fits the role of a Conservative star; a blond, blue-eyed bimbo with a brain the size of a shriveled kumquat, but loyal unto The Donald

After going for over a year without a press secretary, it appears Trump picked the right bimbo for the job. Her star is on the rise.

On the Homefront - Medford, Oregon
**The Oregon Health Authority reported three new deaths from COVID-19, bringing the state total to 124. Cases of the virus have climbed to 3,068 statewide.

**Great Q and A coming up!
(Photo by Dave Killen)

Oregonians get to ask Rep. Earl Blumenauer (right) questions about Cannabis and COVID-19 at an upcoming May 13th webcast - "Where Does America Go From Here?"

The host for the webinar is NJ Cannabis Insider and Advance 360. The two-hour program begins 10 a.m. PST (1 p.m. EST).

Rep. Earl Blumenauer, who recently introduced legislation that would make cannabis businesses eligible for Small Business Administration COVID-19 relief programs, will be the keynote speaker.

Quote for the day; "When you become famous, being famous becomes your profession." James Carville

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Pandemic Diary Day 54: 'I Should Write a Book About This Novel Coronavirus'


Dear Diary,

I'm beginning to think I should be writing a book instead of keeping notes in this diary.

The shit that's happening daily has all the makings of a thriller. I know there's been other virus outbreak movies and stories in the past, but nothing to compare with what we're all living through right now.

The book would go something like this:

The most corrupt president in American history is faced with a massive pandemic. When intelligence reports start filtering in about a growing pandemic coming from China, the president does everything he can to deny it'll be a problem for the United States because he doesn't want the economy to be hurt.

Months later, with over a million cases in the country and an increasing death toll at 80,000, chaos reigns. Meanwhile the president is stopping scientific recommendations coming from the CDC on how to safely re-open the country because he wants people back to work now - safe or not - because he's worrying about being re-elected.

The press is exposing the president and his puppets corruption, but nothing seems to stop them. The president's attorney general, and cabinet members have sworn fealty to the president who would be king.

I could describe how the courts fought constant battles in the defense of the Constitution that the president was hellbent on destroying. Vignettes of some of the real dastardly White House staff and other politically appointed goons, would flesh out the storyline.

I would have to end it with the evil president and his cronies being overthrown in a general election by a country that had enough of their crap.

But, for now, I'll keep making my daily entries with observations and opinions, hoping that we'll all have a storybook ending this year.

On the Homefront-Medford, Oregon
**Beery sad - Brian Whitehead, owner of Rusty Truck Brewing didn't want to throw away the beer he couldn't sell (before it went bad) so he gave it away. That's right free growlers as long as they lasted!

Yesterday, when I Googled to see how far away Lincoln City (where the brewery is at) was from where I live in Medford, it was a four-and-a-half hour drive away. No beer is - in my humble opinion - worth that long of a trip. Even for free. So I passed.

**I watched a flotilla of helicopters circling around in the valley yesterday, and found out there were going over hospitals in a salute to nurses. How nice.

Meanwhile, those same nurses, hailed as heroes, are now facing a new reality in Oregon. Cash-strapped hospitals are cutting their pay and their hours.  

**Wines for the Front Lines
(Photo by Michael Alberty-For The Oregonian) 
Gotta love this! 154 wineries donated wine as part of the Willamette Valley Wineries Association project to hand out wine to hospital employees at the end of their shifts!

What was described as a "little snowball" of an idea placed a million dollars worth of wine in the hands of health care workers from Eugene to Portland.

Quote for the day; "A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading." - William Styron 

Friday, May 8, 2020

Pandemic Diary Day 53: Pandemic Dominates News Cycles No Matter What Stories Come Out

Dear Diary,

In another time, the news about the government admitting there's UFO's and even releasing videos shot by stunned American pilots, would DOMINATE the headlines for days (at the very least).

Not now.

Trump sounded a bit in awe when the Pentagon made the startling announcement one month ago yesterday. 

It was a fleeting moment of celebration for UFO hunters who have been marginalized for decades. An episode out of the X-Files where the government comes clean. Alien life enthusiasts were exonerated by fuzzy videos.

But the UFO story wasn't even the lead headline on April 7th. Or, the next day, or the next. It faded away in a spectacularly short time. Buried by Trump's Coronavirus Task Farce's infighting on facts.

No story can compete with a COVID-19 linked report. I get it. On one level. A pandemic of this magnitude only comes around every 100 years or so. On another lever, I don't see anything wrong with reporting ALL THE NEWS.

I wonder how many people are aware that the Senate Intelligence Committee finally released it's report on Russia's interference with the 2016 election? The committee concluded Russia not only interfered but that Trump and minions welcomed the help.

Just yesterday the House Intelligence Committee released transcripts from 57 of the committee's closed door hearings from the panel's two-year investigation.

There were revealing interviews with key members of the Trump team and the President's family, including Donald Trump Jr.; Jared Kushner, Corey Lewandowski, Hope Hicks, Brad Parsacle and Carter Page.

So why aren't the talking heads running with this big news? Instead, the Russia investigation results are playing second fiddle to Trump getting rid of the healthcare experts on his Coronavirus Task Farce.

All I'm saying is there's a lot of shit happening every day, both nationally and internationally, that needs a lot more exposure and attention by the mainstream media and cable news.
On the Homefront - Medford, Oregon
**The big news - Gov. Brown is opening up the state May 15th under a new coronavirus plan. That should be interesting as we've only done a minimum of testing.

**The mask controversy goes on - Gov. Brown says to wear a mask when we go out if we want to be considerate of others. Forgive my jocularity at this "suggestion" which most people will ignore.

Some businesses will be required to have employees wear face masks to reopen. Not all though. From Trump on down the vaguely enforced mask rules have been a mockery of safety.

**In related news Oregon health officials are saying the coronavirus antibody tests are too unreliable to analyze for public health purposes. In other words state officials are taking test results by not examining them! Truly pathetic.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Pandemic Diary Day 52: Chasing Away the Blues and a Treatment for COVID-19 - Llama's to the Rescue!

Dear Diary,

In my entry yesterday I mentioned a special Llama who cheers old folks and shut-ins up during the pandemic.

 His name is Caesar the No Drama Llama.

A lot of viewers thought Caesar was pretty cool. In case you missed the video on him here it is

To my delight, I read another story about a Llama yesterday whose helping out during these hard times. His name is Winter, and he could turn out to be an unlikely savior against COVID-19.

The global search for a novel coronavirus treatment has led to a cocoa-colored Llama whose blood could hold a weapon to blunt the virus. 

In a paper published Tuesday in the journal Cell, an international team of scientists reported they harvested Winter's petit antibodies to engineer a new antibody that binds to the spiky proteins that stud the surface of the novel coronavirus "neutralizing" its insidious effect.

It's just a preliminary study -albeit positive - so don't think we need to start hoarding Llamas nationally!

More studies are needed, but I think it's damn interesting how scientists are testing animals to cure a pandemic that some believe started with an animal. Bats.

Llamas have a built-in cool factor. Just don't get too close or they may spit at you! Nothing personal. It's just one of their quirks.

Some people say the spitting is a self-defense measure, but that's not entirely true. Spitting is a gesture for Llamas which they originally use with each other. 

"How you doing, Winter?" SPLAT!

"Just fine, Caesar" SPLAT "...back at ya!"

On the Homefront - Medford Oregon

**COVID-19 stats - 115 new dead, as cases climb to 3,000 confirmed. Thus far, 68,000 Oregonians have been tested for the coronavirus.

**Some good news - 31,000 Oregon businesses got $3B in second round of coronavirus recue loans.

**Hard times - there's still thousands of Oregonians whose jobless claims are still pending because of an ancient computer system. Memo to Gov. Brown: "What do you think? Time for new ones?"

**I voted by mail today. My vote went to Joe Biden in the Democratic primary. The rest of the ballot was full of local elections. Note: Oregon has had voting by mail for 22 years. The rest of the nation needs to do the same this November. Better safe, than sorry.

Quote for the day: "A man without a vote is a man without protection." -Lydon B. Johnson

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Pandemic Diary Day 51: American Masquerade - 'Take That Mask and Shove it!'

Dear Diary,

The latest coronavirus controversy is about wearing face masks.

In the rush to open things up in the country, face masks have become a flash point... to wear, or not to wear? 

The mandate to wear masks is being interrupted as government overreach by Trump supporters, fringe militia's, and some desperate businesses.

The result has been escalating tensions that have turned into protests, rebellions, fights, and even two deaths; one by stabbing, and the other - a security guard in a Michigan Family Dollar Store - was shot point blank in the head over asking someone to obey state orders and to wear a mask in the store!

The rest of America (according to the most recent poll 82% of Americans) are willing to sacrifice and wear face masks as long as it takes for personal and societal safety.

I see a parallel between fact and fiction in Edgar Allen Poe's fictional short story...

"The Masque of the Red Death,"

and how the Trump administration responded to the pandemic.

(Illustration by Harry Clarke. On front cover of Edgar Allen Poe collected works and The Masque of the Red Death)

In a nutshell, the story follows Prince Prospero's attempts to avoid a dangerous plague, known as the Red Death, by hiding in his abbey. 

The prince and other wealthy nobles got bored after a while and decided to have a masquerade ball.

The abbey had seven rooms, each decorated with a different color. In the midst of their revelry, a mysterious figure disguised as a Red Death victim enters and makes his way through each of the rooms.

In the end, Prospero dies after confronting this stranger, whose "costume" proves to contain nothing tangible inside of it. The guests, as one would expect, also died.

On the Homefront - Medford. Oregon
**No new deaths from the coronavirus as of today. The count still stands at 109. No new cases reported in Jackson Country where we live.

**Out of the ordinary visitor - I've been reading (and watching videos) about family members standing outside of nursing homes for the elderly trying to cheer them up and help keep them feeling connected to their world.

How about a Llama visitor? Here's a link to Caesar the No Drama Llama, visiting The Oaks at Sherwood Park care facility in Keizer.

I hope that suddenly seeing a live Llama outside their window doesn't freak out some residents and make them think dementia is knocking at their door!

Quote for the day; "The irony of life is that those who wear masks often tell us more truths than those with open faces." -Salvatore Laccona

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Pandemic Diary Day 50: It Looks Like I May Become a Vegetarian... Whether I Like It, Or Not!

Dear Diary,

When I walked down to the little meat market less than a half a block away from our house a new reality hit me in the gut when the owner said they weren't taking any more orders right now!

The reason?

Apparently there's been a rush on meat because of national headlines reporting a broken supply line in the country's major meat-packing plants.

In response, everyone in the Rogue Valley decided they had to stock up on meat the last few days! Our meat market was no exception. It had to stop taking orders yesterday, the demand was so high.

For six years, Shirley and I have patronized them because we wanted to support a family-owned operation (who were also our neighbors), and they also have the best meat in the county (a secret that seems to have slipped out recently).

Now I don't know when we'll be able to order meat from them again. The meat supply in local supermarkets is also quickly dwindling, and I read that Costco is limiting how much meat a person can buy right now.

To be clear; I'm a meat-eater. 

A proud carnivore.

A man who enjoys bacon, a good steak, or hamburgers.

The idea that no meat may be available - even if for only a brief time - leaves me cold. Frozen with the prospect of being a vegetarian... whether I like it or not!

First it was toilet paper. Now, it's meat. I don't even want to think about what may be the next shortage because of the pandemic.

On a hunch, I may stock up on coffee. If I ever run out of my java fix there's no longer any reason to get out of bed in the morning!
On the Homefront - Medford, Oregon
**COVID-19 hospitalizations have fallen to a new low since the state started reporting them.

There's been a significant drop since April 8th, the first day state officials disclosed active hospitalizations for confirmed cases.

**As of yesterday, the state has identified 2,680 Oregonians who have been infected with the virus and 109 people have died from it. 

**Shirley and I have concluded this pandemic is going to be around for awhile - despite Trump's magical thinking - and have decided to stay-at-home for as long as it takes.

With the exception of a monthly supply run - food and prescriptions - we've settled into what may be the new normal for the rest of the year. We're thankful for a roof over our head, and the fact that we can purchase needed supplies. So many Americans can't these days. 

Quote for the day; "Be thankful for your allotment in an imperfect world. Though better circumstances can be imagined, far worse are nearer misses than you probably care to realize." -Richelle E. Goodrich

Monday, May 4, 2020

Pandemic Diary Day 49: Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy! Trump Saved America...Right?

Dear Diary,

You can be excused for believing the worst of the Pandemic is over and everything will return to normal by Christmas if you watched Fox's Special Town Hall event featuring Trump and a Fox reporter last night sitting in front of the Lincoln Memorial.

In my mind's eye I can still see Dubya (on May 1st, 2003) declaring victory in Iraq aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier with a giant sign behind him that read, "Mission Accomplished."

You may not remember, but Bush became the first sitting President to arrive in an arrested landing in a fixed-wing aircraft on an aircraft carrier. The plane, a Lockheed S-3 Viking, was dubbed Navy One as the aircraft carrier lay just off the San Diego coast.

It was a dramatic entrance that his critics never let him forget. 

As history inconveniently points out the war in Iraq wasn't going so well and that in fact guerrilla warfare in Iraq was increasing. The vast majority of casualties, both military and civilian, happened after Bush's infamous claim.

Which brings me to Trump and last night's Town Hall on Fox. If I drank the same Kool aid that many Fox viewers enjoy, I would have been pumped up and ready to break every safety rule there was to LIBERATE AMERICA!

"USA! USA! We're going to die anyway!" 

It was a moveable feast featuring Trump.

I was disappointed that Trump didn't make some kind of grand entrance - one that would have upstaged Dubya's - but he played his cheerleader role in true Trumpian fashion with a juicy selection of promises and lies designed to gin up his base.

Main talking point
If not for Trump's incredibly rapid response to the oncoming invisible enemy everyone in America would currently be sick, dying, or dead. Period. End of story. 
On the economy
Only Trump can save every business, large and small, in the nation. Only Trump's policies will revive the economy, and by next year America will be richer and more powerful than every before. Period. End of story.

On the Homefront - Medford, Oregon
**Health officials reported 45 more infections yesterday raising the state total to 2,680. Yesterday was the first day since April 22 that the state has not reported any new deaths. The latest death toll is 109.

**Gov. Kate Brown extended the state of emergency stay-at-home order for 60 more days. It does allow her to terminate it earlier if deemed appropriate.

**A couple of hundred supporters protested the stay-at-home order in Salem this past weekend.

(Photo by Beth Nakamura for The Oregonian)

What stood out to me were the Trump supporters, alt-right members like the Proud Boys, and the right-wing militia members strutting around like stupid peacocks looking for trouble.

The protest was a snap shot of where we're at in America during a pandemic that is changing the way we live forever. No unity against a common enemy.

Quote for the day, "The destiny of Man is to unite, not to divide. If you keep on dividing you end up as a collection of monkeys throwing nuts at each other out of separate trees." -T.H. White 

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Pandemic Diary Day 48: Credibility Lost: Biden's Accuser's Multiple Stories Don't Add Up To Truth

Joe Biden and Tara Reade
Dear Diary,

The way I see it, if I were a woman and a man stuck his hand up my dress in public (corridors of the Capital) I would have shouted out in anger!

But I'm a man. So, assuming a woman would let that happen and not report being sexually harassed because she was afraid to - or whatever reason - is a leap of faith. Still, I believe every woman should speak out if she's manhandled by some pig bastard.

The only thing I require, in order to make a reasonable judgement of a "He said, she said," argument is proof. For or against. I realize that's not always possible in situations like this so one has to try to understand the dynamic between the accused, and the accuser.

Going with what's already been reported two years ago (taped AP interviews), and recent reports, it's obvious Tara Reade (Biden's accuser) has changed her story numerous times. Which story should I believe?

It just came to light yesterday (after the AP released the tapes) that she never reported a sexual assault or harassment to anyone - in spite of an earlier report that she claimed to have gone to a Senate personnel office and filed a complaint.

I recall Reade telling the AP last year in an interview that Biden touched her on the shoulder and made her "uncomfortable."

Alright then. That's a long way from being sexually assaulted. Up until this last interview in 2019 there was no mention of being sexually assaulted.

So what happened this year that changed those original charges into a something a hell of a lot more serious?

Is it a coincidence that the Trump campaign and Republican puppets are busy making up lies about Biden, and just happened to seize on this questionable avenue in an effort to discredit Joe?

Here's the thing - we now know that Reade never filed a sexual assault complaint with any government agency. This story/lie was exposed yesterday by her own admission when confronted by an AP reporter. She attributing the latest change in her story to a suddenly faulty memory.

I suspected something was "rotten in Denmark" when the Republicans pounced on Biden for not revealing his records with the University of Delaware. They would not have found a thing about Reade, but they would have gained access to a treasure trove of sensitive notes on conversations with other lawmakers and world leaders that could be used to a political advantage.

Three things to consider 
One - it's common for current Congressional members (and those who have not retired from political life) to have their records (in any university) closed until they retire. Ask Mike Pence who had his records closed in 2016 when he decided to be Trump's stooge.

Two - Universities DO NOT want personnel files. They are only interested in speeches made, and historical documentation on a lawmaker's life. They don't want dirty laundry. I say this because Trump's minions are acting like Biden is hiding something in the university files.

Three - It's a fact that member's personnel files can be found in the Senate and the National Archives files. It's also a fact that Biden asked both to search their records of any complaints made by Tara Reade.

In summary, the aspects of Reade's revolving stories suggest she's never been honest about being sexually assaulted by Biden. Her stories have changed over the years for reasons we may never know.

I think it's a hell of a reach not to suspect Republicans are behind Reade's sudden accusation of being sexually assaulted when Trump is trailing in the polls. 

For the record, I don't believe in coincidences, especially if Trumpies are involved!

Here's an article by Michael. J. Stern, a columnist for USA Today, on the same subject of Reade's credibility. The author's work experience (and research) far exceeds my knowledge on the subject. 
On The Homefront - Medford. Oregon
**Not much to report today.

**COVID states have barely changed since yesterday. I keep telling myself this must be good news. Perhaps Oregon has flattened the curve.

**I'm not sure if it's a good thing, but I've lost my taste for alcoholic beverages. Wine. Irish whiskey. Bourbon. Vodka. Tequila. Beer. 

It's not like I've been a heavy drinker and my kidneys are praising me for suddenly stopping... it's just since I was stricken with loss of balance (3 weeks ago) and weakness all over my body, my taste buds are out of whack.

Now that I'm feeling better, I have no desire for booze. Don't ask me why. It's damn strange. Hopefully this new affliction will go away some day soon!

Quote for the Day; "There are people who have legitimate concerns about false accusations and the impact that can have on a person's life when they have been falsely accused. Kirsten Gillibrand and I are not unaware that it is an issue we need to be concerned about, and that's why we have made changes in the legislation to address not just the rights of the victim, the accuser, but also of the accused." -Former Senator Claire McCaskill

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...